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Promotorregion {f}promotor region
Promotorsequenz {f} promotor sequence
Promovend {m} doctoral candidate
Promovendin {f}doctoral candidate [female]
promovieren to do one's doctorate
promovierento take one's degrees
promovierento take a doctoral degree
promovieren to do one's Ph.D.
promovieren [den Doktortitel / Doktorgrad erwerben] to earn one's PhD
promovieren [die Doktorwürde erlangen] to gain / obtain one's doctorate
promovieren (über etw.) [eine Dissertation schreiben]to do a doctorate (on sth.)
promovieren (zu)to proceed (to)
promovierend graduating
promoviert graduated [PhD]
Promovierte {f} graduate [female]
Promovierter {m}graduate
prompt speedy
prompt prompt
prompt promptly
prompt expeditious
promptright off the bat [Am.] [idiom]
prompt speedily [reply, return]
prompt swiftly [reaction, reply also, revenge]
prompt swift [reaction, reply also, revenge]
prompt with dispatch
prompt unhesitating
Prompt {n} prompt
prompt antwortento answer promptly
prompt entscheidento decide promptly
prompt handeln to act promptly
prompt zahlento pay promptly
Prompt-Befehl {m}prompt command <PMT command>
prompte Anlieferung {f} prompt delivery
prompte Antwort {f} immediate answer
prompte Antwort {f} immediate reply
prompte Antwort {f} prompt reply
prompte Ausführung {f} unseres Auftrags prompt execution of our order
prompte Entscheidung {f} speedy decision
prompte Erledigung {f} prompt settlement
prompte Lieferung {f} prompt delivery
prompte Neutronen {pl}prompt neutrons
prompte und sorgfältige Ausführung {f}prompt and careful execution
prompten Versand ermöglichento enable prompt dispatch
prompter prompter
prompteste promptest
Promptheit {f} promptness
Prömsel {n} [veraltet] [Stadt in Polen] Przemyśl [city in Poland]
Promulgation {f}promulgation
promulgieren to promulgate
promulgiert promulgated
promyeloische Leukämie {f}promyeloid leukemia [Am.]
promyeloische Leukämie {f} promyeloid leukaemia [Br.]
Promyelozyt {m}promyelocyte
Pronaos {m}pronaos
Pronase {f} pronase
Pronation {f}pronation
Pronationsfraktur {f} pronation fracture
Pronationstrauma {n} (des Fußes / Sprunggelenks) pronation injury (of the foot / ankle)
Pronaus {m} prone [vernacular homily and devotions in the Mass]
Pronephros {m}pronephros
Pronephros {m} pronephron
Pronghorn {n}pronghorn [Antilocapra americana]
Pronghorn {n} prong buck [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn]
Pronghorn {n} (pronghorn) antelope [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn]
pronieren to pronate
proniert prone
proniert pronated
Pronken {n} [Antilopenverhalten] stotting [antelope behaviour]
pronograde Haltung {f} [Quadrupedalismus] pronograde posture [quadrupedalism]
Pronomen {n} pronominal (word)
Pronomen {n} <Pr., Pron.> pronoun <pr., pron.>
Pronomen {pl}pronouns
Pronomina {pl}pronouns
pronominal pronominal
Pronominaladverb {n} pronominal adverb
prononciert [geh.]pronounced
Pronormoblast {m} pronormoblast
Pronotalctenidium {n} pronotal ctenidium
Pronotum- pronotal
Pronotum {n} pronotum
Pronucleus {m} pronucleus
Pronukleus {m}pronucleus
Pronymphe {f} pronymph
Pronyscher Zaum {m}de Prony brake
proodont proodont
Proof {m} [auch: {n}] [Prüfdruck] proof [print and desktop publishing]
Proof {n} proof [unit for measuring strength of alcoholic content]
Proof of Concept {m} {n} <PoC> proof of concept <PoC>
Proof-of-Stake {m} <PoS> [Blockchain] proof of stake <PoS> [Blockchain]
Proof-of-Work {m} <PoW> [Blockchain]proof of work <PoW> [Blockchain]
Proömium {n} proem
Proostrakum {n} pro-ostracum
Proöstrus {m}pro-oestrus [Br.]
Proöstrus {m} proestrus [Am.]
Proöstrus {m}proestrum [Am.]
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