| English | German | |
| percent {adj} <%> [Am.] [e.g. five percent, 5 percent, or 5%] | -prozentig <%ig> [z. B. fünfprozentig, 5-prozentig oder 5%ig] | |
| gastr. [dark chocolate with 50 to 70% of cocoa] {adj} | feinherb [Schokolade] | |
| 100% {adj} | 100%ig | |
Nouns |
| percent <%, p/c, pc., p.c.> [Am.] | Prozent {n} <%> | |
| gastr. [German malt beer with <0.1% alcohol] | Vitamalz® {n} | |
| gastr. [German malt beer with 0.2% alcohol] | Karamalz® {n} | |
| FoodInd. gastr. [German wheat-rye bread, usually white; percentage of rye approx. 20-30%; "Feinbrot" not laid down officially for bread products] | Feinbrot {n} [Weizenmischbrot, meistens hell] [Deutschland] | |
| material [silver having a gold content of less than 10%] | güldisches Silber {n} [veraltet] | |
| pol. [support of more than 50 % of all Bundestag members for the chancellor] | Kanzlermehrheit {f} | |
| gastr. [whippable cream with a fat content of at least 25%] | Halbrahm {m} [schweiz.] [Rahm mit mind. 25 % Fett] | |
| material britannium [approx. 93% tin, 5% antimony, and 2% copper] | Britannium {n} [Hartzinnlegierung] | |
| mineral. edmonsonite [Fe, 24-37% Ni] | Edmonsonit {m} | |
| meteo. haze [WMO code 05] | trockener Dunst {m} [relative Feuchte < 80 %] | |
| mineral. juddite [arfvedsonite with up to 7.7 % MnO] | Juddit {m} [ein Klinoamphibol, Arfvedsonit mit bis zu 7,7 % MnO] | |
| mineral. kongsbergite | Kongsbergit {m} [Silber mit ca. 5 % Quecksilberanteil] | |
| mineral. landsbergite | Landsbergit {m} [Quecksilber mit 26 bis 27 % Silber] | |
| meteo. mist [WMO code 10] | feuchter Dunst {m} [relative Feuchte ≥ 80 %] | |
| mineral. nevjanskite [Ir 50 %, Os 50 %] | Newjanskit {m} | |
| mineral. porpezite | Porpezit {m} [Gold mit 5-10 % Palladium] | |
2 Words: Others |
| 100 percent {adj} {adv} [Am.] [completely, entirely] | 100prozentig [alt] [100-prozentig, 100%ig] | |
| 100 percent [Am.] [completely, entirely] | hundertprozentig <100-prozentig, 100%ig> | |
| sports 100% fit {adj} | zu 100 % fit | |
| 20% off | 20 % Rabatt | |
| comm. 20% off [sign in a shop window] | 20 % [Schild in einem Schaufenster] [20 % Rabatt] | |
| at 100% {adv} | zu 100 % | |
| per cent {adj} <%> [Br.] [e.g. five per cent, 5 per cent, or 5%] | -prozentig <%ig> [z. B. fünfprozentig, 5-prozentig oder 5%ig] | |
| pharm. very often {adj} [adverse effects associated with specific medications] | sehr häufig [Produktinformation, Nebenwirkungen; Häufigkeitsdefinition nach MedDRA: mehr als 1 Behandelter von 10 (>10 %)] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| pol. 5% threshold [German elections] | 5 %-Hürde {f} [ugs.] [als Hürde angesehene Fünfprozentklausel] | |
| gastr. dark chocolate [with 70% of cocoa or more] | Edelbitter {f} [Bitterschokolade] | |
| gastr. dark chocolate [with 70% of cocoa or more] | Edelbitterschokolade {f} [Bitterschokolade] | |
| oenol. unit degree Brix <°Bx> | Grad {n} Brix <°Brix, °Bx, Brix, %Brix> | |
| MedTech. distance factor [%] | Schichtabstand {m} [%] | |
| drugs eighty-four <84> [sl.] [Turkish honey] | [Heroin in Pulverform bis 90 % rein] | |
| fine silver [minimum 99.9% silver] | Feinsilber {n} [99.9% oder 99.99% Silber] | |
| material tech. telecom. five nines [99.999 per-cent] | [Synonym für 99,999 % Verfügbarkeit oder Reinheit] | |
| gastr. grain schnapps [with at least 38 % AbV] | Doppelkorn {m} | |
| gastr. ground chuck [Am.] | Hackfleisch {n} [80 % mageres Rindfleisch, 20 % Fett] | |
| gastr. ground round [Am.] | Hackfleisch {n} [85 % mageres Rindfleisch, 15 % Fett] | |
| gastr. ground sirloin [Am.] | Hackfleisch {n} [90 % mageres Rindfleisch, 10 % Fett] | |
| increase of ... [e.g. 50%] | Mehr {n} von ... [Zuwachs; Plus; z. B. ein Mehr von 50 %] | |
| gastr. juice drink [juice content 25-50 %] | Nektar {m} [Getränk mit höherem Saftanteil als ein "Fruchtsaftgetränk"] | |
| gastr. malt liquor [Am.] | Starkbier {n} [über 4,5 % Vol.] | |
| chem. mass fraction <w, g/g> | Massenprozent {n} <Gew.-%, % (w/w)> [ugs.] [Massenanteil] | |
| mass percentage <% w/w> | Massenanteil {m} in Prozent | |
| gastr. mother juice [100% fruit juice] | Muttersaft {m} | |
| one percent [Am.] <1%> | ein Hundertstel {n} <1/100> | |
| one-percenter <1-percenter> | Einprozenter {m} <1-%er> | |
| per cent <%, p/c, pc., p.c.> [Br.] | Prozent {n} <%> | |
| print percent sign <%> [Am.] | Prozentzeichen {n} <%> | |
| print percent symbol <%> [Am.] | Prozentzeichen {n} <%> | |
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More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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