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English-German translation for: 's-Hertogenbosch
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Dictionary English German: 's Hertogenbosch

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geogr. 's-HertogenboschHerzogenbusch {n}
Partial Matches
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]auf sein Auftreten achten
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]sichAkk. anständig benehmen
idiom That's what it's all about.Darum geht's.
It's a no-win situation.Wie man's macht, ists / ist's falsch. [ugs.]
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom]pingelig genau auf die Formen achten
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom] [while speaking]auf seine Sprache achten
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]sichAkk. sehr in Acht nehmen [Redewendung]
idiom Let's get the / this show on the road. [sl.]Pack mer's. [südd.] / Pack ma's. [österr.] [ugs.]
film quote S-Mart's top of the line. [Army of Darkness]Das beste Modell im S-Markt. [Armee der Finsternis]
to dot the / one's i's and cross the / one's t's [coll.] [idiom](äußerst) pingelig sein [ugs.] [alles bis aufs i-Tüpfelchen genau machen]
bot. T
bot. T
quality and safety <Q&S>Qualität und Sicherheit <Q&S, Q & S>
We could stop off at the King's Head, that's a halfway house.Wir können im "King's Head" einkehren, das liegt auf halbem Wege.
quote Oh, well - all right! Let's just all sell our souls and work for Satan 'cause it's more convenient that way! [American Beauty]Verkaufen wir doch alle unsere Seele und arbeiten für den Teufel, weil's bequemer ist!
sb.'s father's {adj} [house, business]väterlich [Haus, Geschäft]
unit second <s, sec.>Sekunde {f} <s, Sek.> [Sek. ist veraltet]
Let's rumble! [coll.]Auf / Los geht's! [ugs.]
That's impossible!Das gibt's doch nicht! [ugs.]
What's up? [Am.] [coll.]Wie geht's? [ugs.]
It's Hobson's choice.Dies oder gar nichts.
idiom It's Hobson's choice.Vogel, friss oder stirb!
games It's white's move. [chess]Weiß zieht. [Schach]
film That's a wrap!Wir haben's im Kasten!
That's anyone's guess.Das ist reine Vermutung.
That's the spirit.So ist's recht. [ugs.]
That's the stuff! [coll.]Das bringt's! [ugs.]
gastr. What's for lunch?Was gibt's zu Mittag?
What's the point? [coll.]Was bringt's? [ugs.]
He's got the bug.Ihn hat's gepackt.
Here's how it works.Und so funktioniert's.
to one's heart's content {adv} [idiom]nach Herzenslust [Redewendung]
sports men's and women's doublesHerren- und Damendoppel {pl}
proverb There's no accounting for taste.Geschmäcker gibt's!
dent. Hertwig's / Huxley's (epithelial root) sheath(epitheliale) Wurzelscheide {f}
mosaic of ones's / sb.'s lifejds. Lebensmosaik {n}
RadioTV F The Emperor's New SchoolDisneys Kuzco's Königsklasse
bot. T
bot. T
fish T
bot. T
orn. T
How's things? [coll.]Wie steht's? [ugs.]
Let's roll! [coll.]Auf geht's! [ugs.]
tools S-wrench [S-shaped wrench]S-förmiger Schlüssel {m}
How's it hangin'? [sl.]Wie geht's?
It's Hobson's choice.Friss oder stirb!
Let's get started!Packen wir's an!
That's women's business.Das ist Frauensache.
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