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English-German translation for: (Island)
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Dictionary English German: Island

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NOUN   an island | islands
NOUN   (das) Island | -
uptown {adv} [Am.] [in northern part of Manhattan Island, New York] [place]im Norden von Manhattan Island [des New Yorker Stadtteils Manhattan Island]
uptown {adv} [Am.] [to northern part of Manhattan Island, New York] [direction]in den Norden von Manhattan Island [des New Yorker Stadtteils Manhattan Island]
Insel {f}
geogr. Iceland <.is>
Island {n}
Eiland {n} [geh.]
mil. naut. island [superstructure of an aircraft carrier]Insel {f} [Aufbauten an Deck eines Flugzeugträgers]
2 Words: Others
desert-island ... {adj}... für die einsame Insel [etwas, das man auf eine "einsame Insel" mitnehmen würde]
Icelandic-born {adj}in Island geboren
Icelandic-born {adj} [German »in / auf« referring rather to the state / island position]in / auf Island geboren
inter-island {adj} [attr.]zwischen den Inseln [nachgestellt]
biol. island endemic {adj}inselendemisch
island-like {adj}inselartig
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Adelaide IslandAdelaide-Insel {f}
geogr. Akimiski IslandAkimiski-Insel {f}
geogr. Anatom (Island) [also Aneityum and Kéamu]Insel Anatom {f} [auch Aneityum oder Keamu]
geogr. Angel Island [San Francisco Bay]Angel Island {n}
geogr. Antillean islandAntilleninsel {f}
artificial islandkünstliche Insel {f}
geogr. Ascension (Island) <.ac>Himmelfahrtsinsel {f}
geogr. Atlantic islandAtlantikinsel {f}
geogr. Baffin IslandBaffininsel {f}
geogr. Baker IslandBakerinsel {f}
geogr. Balearic islandBaleareninsel {f}
geogr. Banks IslandBanksinsel {f}
geogr. barrier islandBarriereinsel {f}
geogr. barrier islandDüneninsel {f}
geogr. Batan Island [main island of Batanes]Batan {n} [Insel Batan; früher: Divatan]
geogr. Bathurst IslandBathurst-Insel {f}
geogr. Bear IslandBäreninsel {f}
beautiful islandTrauminsel {f}
geogr. Belkovsky IslandBelkowski-Insel {f}
med. bone island [enostosis]Enostose {f}
geogr. Borden IslandBorden-Insel {f}
geogr. Bouvet Island <.bv>Bouvet-Insel {f}
geogr. Brock IslandBrock-Insel {f}
geogr. Bylot IslandBylot-Insel {f}
geogr. Cameron IslandCameron-Insel {f}
geogr. Camiguin IslandInsel {f} Camiguin
geogr. Canary Island [referring to any of the individual islands]Kanareninsel {f} [einzelne Insel der Kanaren]
geogr. Captiva IslandCaptiva Island {n} [Insel im Golf von Mexiko]
geogr. Caribbean islandKaribikinsel {f}
central island [Br.]Verkehrsinsel {f}
transp. central island [of a roundabout]Mittelinsel {f} [eines Kreisverkehrs]
traffic channeling island [Am.]Verkehrsinsel {f}
geogr. Christmas Island <.cx> [Australia]Weihnachtsinsel {f} [Australien]
Christmas IslandersBewohner {pl} von Christmas Island
geogr. Clipperton IslandClipperton-Insel {f}
geogr. relig. cloister islandKlosterinsel {f}
geogr. Coburg IslandCoburg-Insel {f}
geogr. Coney IslandConey Island {n}
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Q 2021-10-23: Hard lava rock cakes over Canary Island village
A 2019-01-09: Island sofa
A 2017-10-16: Canvey Island, where the BEAUTIFUL people take time off --- see photo in L...
A 2016-09-24: Perhaps - on the pirate island of Krala...
Q 2015-03-20: Island
A 2012-09-24: on an/the island of Hawaii / Majorca / Corsica .....
A 2012-04-12: I've heard of it being referred to as "Pacific Island method"
A 2012-02-20: +THought you were an island these days+
Q 2012-02-20: "Tought you were an island these days"
Q 2012-02-15: to be an island
Q 2010-10-27: They offered him Rhode Island and a piece of the gross
A 2010-08-23: trash island
A 2010-07-15: +island bed+ ist übrigens auch ein freistehendes Blumenbeet / Inselbeet (b...
A 2010-07-15: island bed < freistehendes Bett
Q 2010-07-15: Master stateroom with queen island bed
A 2010-05-02: Island-hopping between countries - http://www.google.at/search?hl=de&rlz=1...
A 2010-04-01: Hmm... Ich würde "auf Rhode Island" sagen.
A 2010-04-01: Sie wohnte immer hier/Sie wohnte immer in Rhode Island/Sie hat immer hier/...
A 2010-02-02: "κύνθια" is originally an epithet of Artemis's by her sanctuary on mount K...
A 2009-08-21: Monkey Island :D

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