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English-German translation for: (ballistic)
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Dictionary English German: ballistic

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
ADJ   ballistic | more ballistic | most ballistic
ballistic {adj}
2 Words: Verbs
to go ballistic [coll.]explodieren [fig.] [einen Gefühlsausbruch haben]
to go ballistic [coll.]die Wände hochgehen [fig.] [ugs.] [aus der Haut fahren]
to go ballistic [coll.]an die Decke gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to go ballistic [coll.]aus der Haut fahren [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to go ballistic [coll.] [idiom]ausrasten [ugs.]
to go ballistic [coll.] [idiom]in die Luft gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
weapons (ballistic) trajectoryFlugbahn {f} eines Wurfgeschosses [in der Ballistik]
mil. weapons ballistic bombballistische Bombe {f}
weapons ballistic coefficientQuerschnittsbelastung {f}
ballistic databallistische Daten {pl}
weapons ballistic directorFeuerleitgerät {n}
ballistic directorZielrechner {m}
weapons ballistic missileRakete {f}
mil. ballistic missileballistische Rakete {f}
weapons ballistic missileballistischer Flugkörper {m}
ballistic pathballistische Kurve {f}
ballistic pendulumGeschosspendel {n}
phys. ballistic pendulumballistisches Pendel {n}
mil. ballistic shieldballistischer Schutzschild {m}
ballistic tableSchusstafel {f}
tech. weapons ballistic testBeschussversuch {m} [Beschuss eines Materials]
med. ballistic traumaSchusswunde {f}
med. ballistic traumaballistisches Trauma {n}
cloth. ballistic vestballistische Schutzweste {f}
ballistic waveKopfwelle {f}
3 Words: Nouns
mil. anti-ballistic missile <ABM>Anti-Raketen-Rakete {f}
mil. ballistic missile defence <BMD> [Br.]Abwehr {f} ballistischer Flugkörper
mil. ballistic missile defense <BMD> [Am.]Abwehr {f} ballistischer Flugkörper
mil. naut. ballistic missile submarineRaketen-U-Boot {n}
weapons intercontinental ballistic missile <ICBM>Interkontinentalrakete {f}
weapons intercontinental ballistic missile <ICBM>Langstreckenrakete {f}
weapons intercontinental ballistic missile <ICBM>interkontinental ballistischer Flugkörper {m}
4 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty <ABM Treaty, ABMT>ABM-Vertrag {m} [Vertrag über die Begrenzung von antiballistischen Raketenabwehrsystemen]
mil. intermediate-range ballistic missile <IRBM>Mittelstreckenrakete {f}
weapons intermediate-range ballistic missile <IRBM>ballistischer Mittelstreckenflugkörper {m}
mil. long-range ballistic missile <LRBM>(ballistische) Langstreckenrakete {f}
mil. medium-range ballistic missile <MRBM>(ballistische) Mittelstreckenrakete {f}
mil. short-range ballistic missile <SRBM>(ballistische) Kurzstreckenrakete {f}
mil. submarine-launched ballistic missile <SLBM>U-Boot-gestützte ballistische Rakete {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
mil. air-to-surface (ballistic) missileLuft-Boden-Flugkörper {m}
mil. Ballistic Missile Early Warning System <BMEWS>Frühwarnsystem {n} für ballistische Flugkörper
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A 2011-09-15: ballistic point drive pin ??
A 2007-11-26: ballistic projectile testing, good link, thank you Proteus!!
A 2007-03-06: to go ballistic - in die Luft gehen

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