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English-German translation for: (curly)
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Dictionary English German: curly

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ADJ   curly | curlier | curliest
NOUN   curly | curlies
curly {adj}
curly {adj}
curly {adj}
geringelt [lockig]
curly {adj}
curly {adj}
gewellt [Blatt]
2 Words: Others
curly-haired {adj}kraushaarig
curly-headed {adj}krausköpfig
curly-headed {adj}lockenköpfig
curly-wurly {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [hair]wuschelig [ugs.] [Haare]
more curly {adj}krauser
most curly {adj}krauseste
2 Words: Verbs
to go curly [hair]sich kringeln [Haar]
2 Words: Nouns
print (curly) braceAkkolade {f}
curly (head)Lockenkopf {m} [Person]
curly braces < { } >geschweifte Klammern {pl} < { } >
print curly bracketAkkolade {f}
print curly bracketNasenklammer {f}
print curly bracketSchweifklammer {f}
print curly bracketgeschweifte Klammer {f}
curly bracketsgeschwungene Klammern {pl}
gastr. curly endive [Cichorium endivia var. crispum]Krause Endivie {f}
gastr. curly fries [Am.]Spiralpommes {pl}
curly hairKraushaar {n}
curly hairLockenhaar {n}
curly hairLockenkopf {m} [Frisur]
curly hairlockiges Haar {n}
curly hair {sg}lockige Haare {pl}
zool. curly tailRingelschwanz {m}
zool. curly tailRingelschwänzchen {n}
curly tongs {pl}Lockenstab {m}
curly-headWuschelkopf {m} [Person]
3 Words: Others
curly black-haired {adj}schwarzlockig
3 Words: Nouns
print closing curly bracketrechte geschweifte Klammer {f}
print closing curly bracketschließende geschweifte Klammer {f}
continuous curly chipLockenspan {m} [Zerspanungstechnik]
curly-leaved pondweed [Potamogeton crispus]Teichampfer {m} [Krauses Laichkraut]
print left curly bracketlinke geschweifte Klammer {f}
print left curly bracketöffnende geschweifte Klammer {f}
print opening curly bracketlinke geschweifte Klammer {f}
print opening curly bracketöffnende geschweifte Klammer {f}
print right curly bracketrechte geschweifte Klammer {f}
print right curly bracketschließende geschweifte Klammer {f}
4 Words: Others
with fair curly hair {adj}blond gelockt
4 Words: Verbs
to have fair curly hairblond gelockt sein
4 Words: Nouns
mane of curly hairLockenmähne {f}
mop of curly hairWuschelhaar {n} [ugs.]
mop of curly hairWuschelkopf {m} [ugs.] [wuscheliger Haarschopf]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold [Paul Weiland]Die goldenen Jungs [auch: City Slickers 2, City Slickers II Die goldenen Jungs]
film F Curly Sue [John Hughes]Curly SueEin Lockenkopf sorgt für Wirbel
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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Q 2024-04-16: curly apostrophe, curly quotes, straight apostrophe, straight quotes
A 2015-03-25: Grünkohl > (curly) kale +green cabbage+ and +kale+ do not seem the be the...
A 2012-07-08: +curly cuddle+ ginge, bezieht sich aber eher auf Kuschelbären
A 2012-07-05: curly ?
Q 2011-05-07: curly bulbs = Energiesparlampen
A 2010-01-18: I prefer {sing.} in curly brackets
A 2009-12-26: No. Curly actually wants to say that he resents the remark, but he uses th...
A 2009-12-07: Or these - { } - which I know as curly brackets.
A 2009-08-21: thx to all. @schwerblech: if i am annoying bout these curls, can i say: It...
A 2009-08-21: AE would more likely have it: "As soon as may hair gets wet it gets / bec...
A 2009-08-21: As soon as/If my hair gets wet/damp, it goes all curly.
A 2007-05-22: no, it simply means curly hair
A 2002-11-27: curly kale

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