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English-German translation for: (electronic)
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Dictionary English German: electronic

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ADJ   electronic | more electronic [rare] | most electronic [rare]
electronic {adj}
2 Words: Others
all-electronic {adj}vollelektronisch
fully electronic {adj}vollelektronisch
electr. optics opto-electronic {adj}optoelektronisch
2 Words: Nouns
electronic accumulatorAddierwerk {n}
electronic amplifierelektronischer Verstärker {m}
electr. electronic architectureelektronische Architektur {f}
electr. electronic assemblyelektronische Baugruppe {f}
electr. electronic attachmentElektronikanbau {m}
electr. electronic ballastelektronisches Vorschaltgerät {n} <EVG>
comp. electr. phys. electronic beam <EB>Elektronenstrahl {m} <ES>
electr. electronic bookElectronic Book {n}
publ. electronic bookelektronisches Buch {n}
electronic brainElektronengehirn {n}
electronic businessE-Business {n}
educ. fin. spec. electronic businessElectronic Business {n}
electronic businesselektronische Geschäftsabwicklung {f}
comm. Internet QM electronic businesselektronisches Geschäft {n}
electronic calculatorelektronischer Rechner {m}
electronic calendarelektronischer Kalender {m}
tools electronic caliperelektronischer Messschieber {m}
electronic cashelektronisches Zahlungsverfahren {n}
spec. electronic cash <e-cash>Electronic Cash {n} <E-Cash>
tech. electronic cigarette <e-cigarette>elektrische Zigarette {f} <E-Zigarette>
electronic cigarette <e-cigarette>elektronische Zigarette {f} <E-Zigarette>
electr. electronic circuitelektronische Schaltung {f}
econ. Internet electronic commerceElectronic Commerce {m}
comm. Internet QM electronic commerceelektronischer Handel {m}
comm. Internet electronic commerce <e-comm>Internethandel {m}
comm. fin. law electronic commerce <e-commerce>elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr {m} [E-Commerce]
electronic commutatorelektronischer Umschalter {m}
tech. electronic componentElektronikkomponente {f}
electronic componentelektronisches Bauelement {n}
electronic componentelektronisches Bauteil {n}
electronic componentselektronische Bauelemente {pl}
comp. electronic computerelektronischer Rechner {m}
electr. electronic conductor <EC>Elektronenleiter {m}
electronic controlelektronische Steuerung {f}
electronic copierelektronischer Kopierautomat {m}
electronic counterelektronischer Zähler {m}
electr. mil. electronic countermeasure <ECM>elektronische Gegenmaßnahme {f} <EloGM>
electr. mil. electronic countermeasures <ECM>elektronische Gegenmaßnahmen {pl} <EloGM>
med. pharm. electronic CRF <ecrf>elektronische CRF {f} <eCRF>
tools electronic cutterElektronik-Schneider {m}
electronic deviceElektronikgerät {n}
electronic devicesElektronikgeräte {pl}
electronic deviceselektronische Baugruppen {pl}
comp. electronic diskelektronischer Plattenspeicher {m} [RAM-Disk]
audio electronic earselektronische Ohren {pl}
jobs electronic engineerElektroingenieur {m}
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Q 2021-02-01: software for transmitting data and electronic media
A 2019-08-18: electronic message to insurance company
A 2019-08-17: electronic message to insurance company
A 2019-08-17: electronic message to insurance company
A 2019-08-17: electronic message to insurance company
Q 2019-08-17: electronic mesage to insurance company
Q 2019-08-17: electronic message to insurance company
Q 2019-08-17: electronic message to insurance company
A 2018-07-19: EDI = Electronic Data Interchange
Q 2017-12-02: developing electronic mail advertising Campaigns primarily based on reports
A 2017-11-30: provides the facility for two types of electronic transfer
A 2016-10-16: 'electronic medical record' --- ja, die Abk. sollten wir korrigieren
Q 2016-08-04: electronic programming
Q 2016-01-28: which protects sensitive electronic damages; update business to new grounds
A 2015-04-19: Electronic brake control
A 2015-03-09: Paul: http://www.dict.cc/?s=electronic+cigarette+
A 2015-03-09: IMAGES electronic cigarette e cigarette
A 2014-10-23: electronic voting machines
A 2014-10-23: Electronic voting strikes me as a scam the public ought not to put up with
Q 2014-10-23: Electronic voting

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