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Dictionary English German: social

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ADJ   social | more social | most social
NOUN   a social | socials
SYNO   social | societal | mixer | sociable ... 
social {adj}
social {adj} [esp. if regarding public welfare or societal structure]
social {adj} [evening, person]
admin. pol. sociol. social {adj}
social {adj}
zool. social {adj}in Gruppen lebend
zool. social {adj}in Herden lebend
social {adj}in einer Gemeinschaft lebend
social [gathering]
Anlass {m} [gesellschaftlich]
social [gathering]geselliges Beisammensein {n}
2 Words: Others
anti-social {adj}asi [ugs.] [asozial] [pej.]
anti-social {adj}asozial
sociol. anti-social {adj}gesellschaftsfeindlich
anti-social {adj}sozialschmarotzend [ugs.] [pej.]
anti-social {adj}unsozial
anti-social {adj}gefährlich für die Gesellschaft
ecol. econ. eco-social {adj}öko-sozial
macro-social {adj}makrosozial
micro-social {adj}mikrosozial
more social {adj}geselliger
more social {adj}sozialer
most social {adj}geselligste
pol. sociol. politico-social {adj}politisch-sozial
pre-social {adj}vorsozial
psych. sociol. psycho-social {adj}psychosozial
psycho-social {adj}psycho-sozial
social conservative {adj}wertkonservativ
biol. pol. sociol. social Darwinist {adj}sozialdarwinistisch
pol. social democratic {adj}sozialdemokratisch
med. sociol. social epidemiological {adj}sozialepidemiologisch
pol. social liberal {adj}gesellschaftsliberal [sozialliberal]
med. psych. social psychiatric {adj}sozialpsychiatrisch
sociol. social-anthropological {adj}sozialanthropologisch
social-cognitive {adj}sozial-kognitiv
social-historical {adj}sozial-historisch
pol. social-liberal {adj}sozialliberal
med. psych. social-psychiatric {adj}sozialpsychiatrisch
social-psychological {adj}sozialpsychologisch
social-revolutionary {adj}sozialrevolutionär
acad. sociol. social-science {adj} [attr.]sozialwissenschaftlich
acad. sociol. social-scientific {adj}sozialwissenschaftlich
sociol. social-utopian {adj}sozialutopisch
2 Words: Verbs
to social distance [esp. physically]Abstand halten
2 Words: Nouns
sociol. (social) classSchicht {f}
sociol. (social) dislocations(soziale) Verwerfungen {pl}
(social) evilÜbelstand {m} [veraltend]
sociol. (social) exclusionExklusion {f}
(social) illÜbelstand {m} [veraltend]
(social) interactionUmgang {m} [(gesellschaftliche) Beziehung]
(social) wrongsMissstände {pl}
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Q 2024-03-30: to fail math and social studies
A 2024-01-05: when dealing with / handling youths / young people (of sb. of a differen...
A 2022-12-08: complex social interaction(s)
A 2022-03-22: (social) media abstinence
A 2021-12-27: Contact the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and ask them
A 2021-09-14: Subtle meanings require knowledge of the social fabric, in such case dicti...
A 2021-08-16: Social-Media-Präsentation
Q 2021-08-16: Social Media als Deutsch
A 2021-07-10: EU official trans: social facility
A 2021-07-09: community care? social welfare?
Q 2021-01-06: The most important of these channels were the social actions secretaries...
Q 2020-10-14: social promoter
A 2020-09-01: Social Media, aber Social-Media-.... (siehe ...-Kanal, -Manager, -Marketin...
Q 2020-05-14: social shock absorbers
A 2020-05-01: The nobility had lost their privileges rather than their social pre-eminence
A 2020-03-26: ? "Social distancing" ist ein neuer feststehender Begriff.
A 2020-03-26: Es ist +physical distancing+, nicht +social distancing+
Q 2020-03-25: social cohort
A 2019-10-21: social worker (higher education) ?
A 2019-08-29: Looks like +social / subsidized housing+

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