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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: (too) wide-awake
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Dictionary English German: too wide awake

Translation 1 - 50 of 967  >>

(too) wide-awake {adj} [sleep deprivation]überwach [Schlafmangel]
Partial Matches
wide awake {adj}ganz wach
wide awake {adj}glockenwach [regional]
wide awake {adj}hellwach
wide awake {adj}völlig wach
wide-awake {adj}ganz wach
wide-awake {adj}gewitzt
wide-awake {adj}hellwach
wide-awake {adj}putzmunter [ugs.] [wach]
wide-awake {adj}schlau
wide-awake {adj}umsichtig
wide-awake {adj} [fig.]wachsam
to be wide awakeganz wach sein
to be wide awakehellwach sein
to be wide-awakehellwach sein
cloth. wide-awake (hat)Schlapphut {m}
He's wide awake.Er ist hellwach.
to become suddenly wide awakeschlagartig wach werden
orn. T
a world too wideviel zu weit
too wide a subjectein zu weites Feld {n}
too-too {adj} [coll.] [affectedly elegant or refined in manners]affig [ugs.] [pej.]
awake {adj}munter [wach]
to awakeaufwachen
to awakeerwachen
awake {adj} [pred.]wach
to awake sb.jdn. aufwecken
been awake {past-p}gewacht
broad awake {adj}hellwach
completely awake {adj}völlig wach
half awake {adj}halb wach
more awake {adj}munterer
most awake {adj}munterste
shaken awake {past-p}wachgerüttelt
while awake {adv}im Wachzustand
to awake againwieder erwecken
to awake againwiedererwecken
to awake enthusiasmBegeisterung entfachen
to awake memoriesErinnerungen wecken
to awake suddenlyplötzlich erwachen
to be awakewach sein
to be awakewachen [geh. wach sein]
to jump awakeaus dem Schlaf auffahren
to lie awakewach liegen
med. awake craniotomyWachkraniotomie {f}
to awake sb. [literary]jdn. wecken
to jolt sb. awakejdn. wachrütteln
Are you awake?Bist du wach?
to keep oneself awakesich wach halten
film F Awake [Joby Harold]Awake
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