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Partial Matches |
| chem. o-phenylenediamine <OPD> [1,2-diaminobenzene] | o-Phenylendiamin {n} <OPD> [1,2-Diaminobenzol] | |
| chem. meta-phenylenediamine <MPD, m-phenylenediamine> [1,3-diaminobenzene] | meta-Phenylendiamin {n} <MPD, m-Phenylendiamin> [1,3-Diaminobenzol] | |
| chem. ortho-phenylenediamine <OPD, o-phenylenediamine> [1,2-diaminobenzene] | ortho-Phenylendiamin {n} <OPD, o-Phenylendiamin> [1,2-Diaminobenzol] | |
| chem. para-phenylenediamine <PPD, p-phenylenediamine> [1,4-diaminobenzene] | para-Phenylendiamin {n} <PPD, p-Phenylendiamin> [1,4-Diaminobenzol] | |
| bibl. He that toucheth pitch shall be defiled therewith. [Ecclesiasticus 13:1] | Wer Pech angreift, der besudelt sich damit. [Sir 13,1] | |
| bibl. column of cloud [Ex 13:21; New American Bible] | Wolkensäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] | |
| bibl. column of fire [Ex 13:21; New American Bible] | Feuersäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] | |
| bibl. pillar of a cloud [Ex 13:21; KJV] | Wolkensäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] | |
| bibl. pillar of fire [Ex 13:21; KJV] | Feuersäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] | |
| biochem. pharm. isotretinoin [C20H28O2] [also: 13-cis-retinoic acid] | Isotretinoin {n} [auch: 13-cis-Retinsäure] | |
| bibl. parable of the pearl (of great price) [Mt 13:45-46] | Gleichnis {n} von der kostbaren Perle [Mt 13,45-46] | |
| meteo. the teens {pl} [range of temperature between 13° and 19° Celsius / Fahrenheit] | [der Temperaturbereich zwischen 13° und 19° Celsius / Fahrenheit] | |
| bibl. parable of (drawing in) the net [Mt 13:47-50] | Gleichnis {n} vom Fischnetz [Mt 13,47-50] | |
| bibl. parable of the (barren) fig tree [Lk 13:6-9] | Gleichnis {n} vom (unfruchtbaren) Feigenbaum [auch: Gleichnis vom Feigenbaum ohne Früchte] [Lk 13,6-9] | |
| meteo. ice saints [usually May 11 to May 13; St. Mamertus, St. Pancras, St. Servatius] | Eisheilige {pl} [11. bis 13. Mai bzw. 15. Mai (kalte Sophie eingeschlossen)] | |
| bibl. parable of the wheat and weeds [also wheat and tares] [Mt 13:24-30, 36-43] | Gleichnis {n} vom Unkraut im Weizen [Mt 13,24-30.36-43] | |
| bibl. Unverified Whoever touches pitch gets dirty, and whoever associates with the proud will become like them. [Sirach 13:1; NRSV] | Wer Pech angreift, der besudelt sich damit; und wer sich gesellt zum Hoffärtigen, der lernt Hoffart. [Sir 13,1; Luther 1912] | |
| bibl. parable of the tares [also of the weeds, or wheat and tares] [Mt 13:24-30, 36-43] | Gleichnis {n} vom Unkraut unter dem Weizen [Mt 13,24-30.36-43] | |
| bibl. geogr. Emmaus [Lk 24:13; 1 Macc 3:40 etc.] | Emmaus {n} [Lk 24,13; 1. Makk 3,40 usw.] | |
| bibl. quote If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. [1 Cor. 13:1; ESV 2001] | Wenn ich mit Menschen- und mit Engelzungen redete, und hätte der Liebe nicht, so wäre ich ein tönend Erz oder eine klingende Schelle. [1. Kor. 13,1; Luther 1912] | |
| bibl. parable of the (budding) fig tree [Mt 24:32-35; Mk 13:28-31; Lk 21:29-33] | Gleichnis {n} vom Feigenbaum [als Sommerbote] [Mt 24,32-35; Mk 13,28-31; Lk 21,29-33] | |
| bibl. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. [Matt 6:13, KJV] | Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung, sondern erlöse uns von dem Übel / Bösen. Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit. Amen. [Mt 6,13; Luther 1912 / 1984] | |
| mineral. ellingsenite [Na5Ca6Si18O38(OH)13·6H2O] | Ellingsenit {m} | |
| mineral. loeweite [Na12Mg7(SO4)13·15H2O] | Löweit {m} | |
| mineral. löweite [Na12Mg7(SO4)13·15H2O] | Löweit {m} | |
| bibl. plague cycle [Exod 3-13] | Plagenzyklus {m} | |
| mineral. brugnatellite [Mg6Fe(CO3)(OH)13·4H2O] | Brugnatellit {m} | |
| mineral. scarbroite [Al5(OH)13(CO3)·5H2O] | Scarbroit {m} | |
| mineral. tucanite [Al5(OH)13(CO3)·5H2O] | Scarbroit {m} | |
| baker's dozen | Bäckerdutzend {n} [regional] [13 Stück] | |
| tech. secondary failure | Folgeausfall {m} [IEV 603-05-13] | |
| MedTech. phys. storage tube | Speicherröhre {f} [IEV 531-33-13] | |
| mineral. ceruleite [Cu2Al7(AsO4)4(OH)13·12H2O] | Coeruleit {m} | |
| foolscap | [britisches Papiermaß, ca 13 mal 17 Zoll] | |
| mineral. garronite [NaCa2.5(Si10Al6)O32·13 H2O] | Garronit {m} | |
| mineral. katoptrite [(Mn,Mg)13(Al,Fe)4Sb2Si2O28] | Katoptrit {m} | |
| teenage | Teenageralter {n} [Alter von 13 bis 19 Jahren] | |
| psych. triskaidekaphobia [irrational fear of the number 13] | Triskaidekaphobie {f} | |
| thirteenth salary | der Dreizehnte {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [13. Monatsgehalt] | |
| one thirty pm | halb zwei [13:30 Uhr] | |
| mineral. hakite [Cu10Hg2(Sb,As)4(Se,S)13] | Hakit {m} | |
| mineral. benstonite [(Ba,Sr)6(Ca,Mn)6Mg(CO3)13] | Benstonit {m} | |
| mineral. krasnoite [Ca3Al7.7Si3P4O22.9(OH)13.3F2·8H2O] [krásnoite] | Krásnoit {m} | |
| mineral. motukoreaite [Na2Mg38Al24(CO3)13(SO4)8(OH)108·56H2O] | Motukoreait {m} | |
| one forty-five pm | drei viertel zwei [13:45 Uhr] | |
| mineral. giraudite [(Cu,Zn,Ag)12(As,Sb)4(Se,S)13] | Giraudit {m} | |
| mineral. hydrombobomkulite [(Ni,Cu)Al4 [(NO3)2,(SO4)](OH)12·13-14H2O] | Hydrombobomkulit {m} | |
| mineral. zussmanite [K(Fe,Mg,Mn)13(Si,Al)18O42(OH)14] | Zussmanit {m} | |
| electr. earthing for work [Br.] [IEV number 604-04-13] | Arbeitserdung {f} [IEC 60050] | |
| electr. grounding for work [Am.] [IEV number 604-04-13] | Arbeitserdung {f} [IEC 60050] | |
| mineral. fluorvesuvianite [Ca19(Al,Mg,Fe)13(SiO4)10(Si2O7)4O(F,OH)9] | Fluorvesuvianit {m} | |
| meteo. lightning visible, no thunder heard [WMO code 13] | sichtbares Wetterleuchten, kein Donner gehört | |
| mus. F My sighs, my tears | Meine Seufzer, meine Tränen [J. S. Bach, BWV 13] | |
| educ. third former [Br.] [dated] | Drittklässler {m} [veraltet] [Schüler der Jahrgangsstufe 7, ungefähr 13 Jahre alt] | |
| electr. (British) three-pin plug [Type G, also known as the 13 amp plug] | Stecker-Typ G {m} | |
| mineral. bechererite [Zn7Cu [(OH)13|SiO(OH)3|SO4]] | Bechererit {m} | |
| mineral. howieite [Na(Fe,Mn)10(Fe,Al)2Si12O31(OH)13] | Howieit {m} | |
| comics F Asterix and the Cauldron | Asterix und der Kupferkessel [Asterix, Ausgabe Nr. 13] | |
| meteo. relig. (St.) Servatius | Servatius {m} [Eisheiliger, 13. Mai] | |
| mineral. tritomite-(Ce) [(Ce,La,Y,Th)5(Si,B)3(O,OH,F)13] | Tritomit-(Ce) {m} | |
| mineral. tritomite-(Y) [(Y,Ca,La,Fe)5(Si,B,Al)3(O,OH,F)13] | Tritomit-(Y) {m} | |
| late thirteenth-century {adj} [also: late 13th-century] [attr.] | aus dem späten 13. Jahrhundert [nachgestellt] <aus dem späten 13. Jh.> | |
| lit. quote Each one lives, each one loves. | Ein jeder lebt, ein jeder liebt. [J. W. v. Goethe, Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, 2. Buch, 13. Kapitel] | |
| mineral. freibergite [(Ag,Cu)6(Cu,Ag)4(Fe,Zn)2Sb4S12-13] | Freibergit {m} | |
| three-by-five card [coll.] | Karteikarte {f} [3" x 5"; ca. 8 cm x 13 cm] | |
| film F Olsen Gang [film 1-13: Erik Balling; film 14: Tom Hedegaard and Morten Arnfred] | Olsenbande [Reihe von vierzehn thematisch verwandten dänischen Kriminalkomödien] | |
| educ. progymnasium [in Germany grammar school without grades 11, 12, and 13] | Progymnasium {n} [in D.] [veraltend] [Gymnasium ohne Oberstufe] | |
| bibl. Honour to whom honour is due. [Br.] | Ehre, dem die Ehre gebührt. [Röm 13,7; Luther 1984] [oft zit. als: Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt.] | |
| RadioTV F Silent Witness [since season 13] | Silent Witness | |
| Saint Lucia's night [also: St. Lucia's night, St Lucia's night] | Luziennacht {f} [auch: Luciennacht] [Nacht des 13. Dezembers] | |
| mus. quote Moaning and pitiable weeping (Does not help worry's sickness.) [aria from the church cantata "My sighs, my tears"] | Ächzen und erbärmlich Weinen (Hilft der Sorgen Krankheit nicht.) [Arie aus der Kirchenkantate „Meine Seufzer, meine Tränen“, BWV 13] | |
| hist. Battle of Điện Biên Phủ [13th March to 7th May 1954] [also: ... Dien Bien Phu] | Schlacht {f} um Điện Biên Phủ [13. März bis 8. Mai 1954] [auch: ... Dien Bien Phu] | |