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English-German translation for: [1933 1938]
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Dictionary English German: [1933 1938]

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hist. detention campAnhaltelager {n} [Österreich 1933 - 1938]
hist. Economic War [1933-1938]Anglo-Irischer Handelskrieg {m}
hist. Anglo-Irish Trade War [1933-1938]Anglo-Irischer Handelskrieg {m}
hist. pol. Fatherland's Front [also: Patriotic Front] [Austrofascist party]Vaterländische Front {f} <VF> [1933 - 1938]
hist. New Deal [US economic program under Pres. Roosevelt, 1933-1938]New Deal {m}
hist. pol. annexation of Austria [into Nazi Germany in 1938]Anschluss {m} [Annexion Österreichs durch das Deutsche Reich 1938]
hist. pol. mandatory year of service [Germany, 1938-1945]Pflichtjahr {n} [Deutschland, 1938-1945]
hist. pol. Anschluss [annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany in 1938]Anschluss {m} (Österreichs) [an das nationalsozialistische Deutsche Reich 1938]
hist. pol. Oster conspiracy [plan to overthrow Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime in 1938]Septemberverschwörung {f} [Pläne zu einem Staatsstreich gegen Adolf Hitler 1938]
hist. [euphemism for the invasion of Austria by the German army in 1938, literally "flower campaign"]Blumenfeldzug {m} [Euphemismus für den Einmarsch der Wehrmacht in Österreich 1938]
hist. Property Transactions Office [NS-authority for the compulsory acquisition of Jewish properties in Austria 1938-1945]Vermögensverkehrsstelle {f} <VVSt> [NS-Behörde zur Enteignung jüdischen Vermögens in Österreich 1938-1945]
hist. KristallnachtReichskristallnacht {f} [1938]
hist. KristallnachtReichspogromnacht {f} [1938]
hist. Crystal Night [9th-10th November 1938]Kristallnacht {f}
hist. Crystal Night [9th-10th November 1938]Reichskristallnacht {f}
pol. relig. Oxford Group [1928-1938]Oxfordgruppenbewegung {f} [Oxford-Gruppe]
hist. First Vienna Award [1938]Erster Wiener Schiedsspruch {m}
pol. Fourth International [founded 1938 by Trotsky]Vierte Internationale {f}
hist. Pogrom Night [of 1938] [Germany]Reichspogromnacht {f} [heutige Bezeichnung]
hist. [transport of prominent Austrians to Dachau concentration camp, 1938]Prominententransport {m}
geogr. hist. Czech RepublicTschechei {f} [Kurzbezeichnung für Tschechische Republik, 1918 - 1938]
film F The Crowd Roars [Richard Thorpe (1938 film)]Schnelle Fäuste
film F The Sisters [Anatole Litvak (1938 film)]Drei Schwestern aus Montana
hist. [Sudetenland / Sudety from 1938 - 1945]Sudetengau {m} [offiziell: Reichsgau Sudetenland]
hist. Kindertransport [refugee children movement, 1938-40]Kindertransport {m}
hist. Mauthausen concentration campKonzentrationslager {n} Mauthausen <KZ Mauthausen> [1938-1945]
film F The Adventures of Robin Hood [Michael Curtiz] [1938]Robin Hood, König der Vagabunden / Die Abenteuer des Robin Hood
hist. law [the predecessor of the Central Register of Foreign Nationals which was established in 1938 by the Nazi government]Ausländerzentralkartei {f} [veraltet]
hist. pol. ['Jewish fine, penance', a penalty tax levied after the November 1938 Pogrom by the Nazi government on Jews in Germany and the occupied territories]Judenbuße {f}
agr. hist. world agricultural crisis [from 1929 to 1933]Weltagrarkrise {f} [während der Weltwirtschaftskrise, 1929-1933]
hist. pol. the Thousand-Year Reich [Nazi Germany, 1933-45]das Tausendjährige Reich {n} [NS-Staat, 1933-45]
hist. Reichskonkordat [concordat between the Holy See and Germany from July 20, 1933]Reichskonkordat {n} [Konkordat zwischen dem Heiligen Stuhl und dem Deutschen Reich vom 20. Juli 1933]
hist. Prohibition [Am.] [1920-1933]Alkoholprohibition {f}
hist. Prohibition [Am.] [1920-1933]Alkoholverbot {n}
hist. relig. Reich bishopReichsbischof {m} [1933-1945]
hist. pol. Young Egypt Party [1933-1953]Jungägyptische Partei {f}
hist. pol. Free State of PrussiaFreistaat {m} Preußen [1918-1933]
film F Little Women [George Cukor (1933 film)]Vier Schwestern
hist. pol. German State PartyDeutsche Staatspartei {f} <DStP> [1930 - 1933] [davor DDP]
film F The Ghoul [T. Hayes Hunter (1933), Freddie Francis (1975)]Der Ghul
hist. Reich's flagReichsflagge {f} [1871-1919, 1933-1945 offizielle Nationalflagge, Schwarz-Weiß-Rot]
hist. seizure of control [by the Nazi party, 1933]Machtergreifung {f} [der Nationalsozialisten unter Hitler]
film F Morning Glory [Lowell Sherman (1933 film)]Morgenrot des Ruhms [österr. Titel: Das neue Gesicht]
hist. Third Reich [Nazi Germany, 1933-1945]Drittes Reich {n} [NS-Herrschaft]
aviat. hist. [area for the development and testing of liquid fuel rockets in Berlin 1930-1933]Raketenflugplatz {m} in Berlin
hist. Reich Ministry of Aviation [responsible for specification and design] [air force] [Germany 1933 - 1945]Reichsluftfahrtministerium {n} <RLM> [Luftwaffe]
hist. Prohibition [Am.] [1920-1933]die Prohibition {f}
[often pejorative nickname for exceedingly eager and convinced National Socialist young men] [Germany, after 1933]Quex {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
hist. law Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service [1933 - 1945]Gesetz {n} zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums [auch: Berufsbeamtengesetz] <BBG>
geogr. hist. [Czechoslovakia and later the so-called Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia]Tschechei {f} [ugs.] [bes. pej.] [1933 - 1945]
hist. Dachau concentration campKonzentrationslager {n} Dachau <KZ Dachau> [22.03.1933 - 29.04.1945]
hist. pol. travel Thousand Mark Ban [German economic sanction against Austria in order to weaken the Austrian tourism industry, 1933-1936]Tausend-Mark-Sperre {f}
film F King Kong [Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack (1933)]King Kong und die weiße Frau
hist. relig. Kirchenkampf [1933-1945]Kirchenkampf {m}
geogr. Bad CannstattBad Cannstatt {n} [vor 1933: Cannstatt; vor 1900: Kannstadt]
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