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| hist. ling. German {adj} [1871-1945, used by German speakers outside the territory] | reichsdeutsch | |
Nouns |
| hist. Wehrmacht [1934-1945 name of the armed forces of the Third Reich, founded in 1921 as Reichswehr] | 28 Wehrmacht {f} | |
| hist. mil. Kriegsmarine [German Navy between 1935-1945] | 12 Kriegsmarine {f} | |
| hist. mil. [German army ordnance office 1922 - 1945] | 6 Heereswaffenamt {n} <HWA> | |
| hist. traffic autobahn [built during the Third Reich period] | 6 Reichsautobahn {f} [1934 bis 1945] | |
| hist. scrip [treated as sg.] [occupation money after WW II in Germany and Austria] | 6 Dollarscrips {pl} [Spezialgeld für die amerik. Besatzungstruppe nach 1945] | |
| geogr. hist. [Czechoslovakia and later the so-called Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia] | Tschechei {f} [ugs.] [bes. pej.] [1933 - 1945] | |
| hist. [German 1871-1945, used by German speakers outside the territory] | Reichsdeutscher {m} | |
| hist. mil. [main ordnance department of the German Navy 1939 - 1945] | Marinewaffenhauptamt {n} [Kriegsmarine 1939 - 1945] <MWa> | |
| hist. pol. [speech to the German parliament, until 1945] | Reichstagsrede {f} | |
| hist. [Sudetenland / Sudety from 1938 - 1945] | Sudetengau {m} [offiziell: Reichsgau Sudetenland] | |
| hist. [term for West Germany between 1945-1990] | alte Bundesrepublik {f} | |
| hist. sports [title of German national coach (several sports) from 1918 to 1945] | Reichstrainer {m} [Bezeichnung deutscher Nationaltrainer (verschiedene Sportarten) 1918 bis 1945] | |
| geogr. hist. Chernyshevskoye | Eydtkuhnen {n} [1938–1945: Eydtkau] [veraltet] | |
| geogr. hist. Czechoslovakia | Tschechei {f} [ugs.] [häufige, unpräzise Bezeichnung für Tschechoslowakei, 1945 - 1993] | |
| geogr. Gdynia | Gdingen {n} [1939-1945: Gotenhafen] | |
| geogr. Juodkrantė [Lithuania] | Schwarzort {n} [bis 1945; jetzt Juodkrantė, Litauen] | |
| hist. Kempeitai [also: Kenpeitai] [Japan, 1881-1945, military police] | Kempeitai {f} [Japan, 1881-1945, Militärpolizei] | |
| hist. relig. Kirchenkampf [1933-1945] | Kirchenkampf {m} | |
| hist. pol. minister | Staatssekretär {m} [österr.] [Titel eines Ministers 1918-20, 1945] | |
| geogr. Olkusz [town in Poland] | Ilkenau {n} [1941–1945, sonst Olkusz] [Polnische Stadt] | |
| hist. Trizonesia | Trizonesien {n} [Nachkriegs-Westdeutschland 1945 bis 1949] | |
| geogr. hist. pol. Warthegau | Warthegau {m} [Reichsgau Wartheland] [1939 bis 1945] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mil. armed forces {pl} [esp. of Germany from 1919 to 1945] | Wehrmacht {f} [bes. die deutschen Streitkräfte von 1919 bis 1945] [sonst veraltet für: Streitkräfte eines Landes] | |
| hist. law chief prosecuter [in Germany, 1877 - 1945] | Oberreichsanwalt {m} | |
| hist. journ. Der Stürmer [lit.: The Attacker; a weekly tabloid-format Nazi newspaper] | Der Stürmer {m} [antisemitische Wochenzeitung, 1923-1945] | |
| hist. Dutch resistance [1940-1945] | Niederländischer Widerstand {m} [1940-1945] | |
| hist. pol. Greater Hesse | Groß-Hessen {n} [1945/46] | |
| jerry bag [pej.] [Br.] | Jerry-Bag {f} [Frau v. d. Kanalinseln, die sich während der deutsch. Besetzung 1940-1945 mit deutsch. Soldaten eingelassen hat] | |
| hist. mil. Ludendorff Bridge [1918-1945] | Ludendorff-Brücke {f} | |
| hist. mil. military policeman [Germany, mid 19th century until 1945] | Feldgendarm {m} | |
| hist. relig. Reich bishop | Reichsbischof {m} [1933-1945] | |
| hist. Reich's flag | Reichsflagge {f} [1871-1919, 1933-1945 offizielle Nationalflagge, Schwarz-Weiß-Rot] | |
| hist. pol. Soviet Zone [also Russian Zone] [1945 - 1949; precursor of the GDR] | Sowjetzone {f} [(Russische) Zone] [Vorläufer der DDR] | |
| hist. Third Reich [Nazi Germany, 1933-1945] | Drittes Reich {n} [NS-Herrschaft] | |
| hist. mil. VE Day [also: V-E Day] [Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945] | Tag {m} der Befreiung [Ende des 2. Weltkriegs in Europa, 8. Mai 1945] | |
| hist. Yalta Conference [1945] | Konferenz {f} von Jalta | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. (First) Slovak Republic [1939 - 1945] | (Erste) Slowakische Republik {f} | |
| hist. mil. Battle of Berlin [1945] | Schlacht {f} um Berlin | |
| hist. mil. Battle of Breslau [Siege of Breslau] [1945] | Schlacht {f} um Breslau | |
| hist. mil. Battle of Okinawa [1945] | Schlacht {f} um Okinawa | |
| hist. Buchenwald concentration camp | Konzentrationslager {n} Buchenwald <KZ Buchenwald> [06.1937 - 04.1945: Arbeitslager] | |
| hist. Dachau concentration camp | Konzentrationslager {n} Dachau <KZ Dachau> [22.03.1933 - 29.04.1945] | |
| hist. mil. Day of Liberation [end of World War II on 8 May, or 9 May (the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries only)] | Tag {m} der Befreiung [8. Mai 1945] | |
| hist. rail German State Railroad [Am.] | Deutsche Reichsbahn {f} <DRG> [1920-1945] | |
| hist. rail German State Railways | Deutsche Reichsbahn {f} <DRG> [1920-1945] | |
| hist. Imperial War Flag [Germany, 1867 - 1945] | Reichskriegsflagge {f} | |
| hist. Property Transactions Office [NS-authority for the compulsory acquisition of Jewish properties in Austria 1938-1945] | Vermögensverkehrsstelle {f} <VVSt> [NS-Behörde zur Enteignung jüdischen Vermögens in Österreich 1938-1945] | |
| hist. Sino-Japanese wars [1894-1895, 1937-1945] | chinesisch-japanische Kriege {pl} | |
| hist. law War Criminals Act [Austria] | Kriegsverbrechergesetz {n} <KVG> [Kurzform von: Verfassungsgesetz vom 26. Juni 1945 über Kriegsverbrechen und andere nationalsozialistische Untaten] [Österreich] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| geogr. hist. pol. Independent State of Croatia <NDH> [1941 - 1945] | Unabhängiger Staat {m} Kroatien <USK, NDH> | |
| hist. pol. Leader and Reich Chancellor [Germany 1934 - 1945, head of state and head of government] | Führer und Reichskanzler {m} [Deutschland 1934 - 1945, Staatsoberhaupt und Regierungschef] | |
| hist. pol. mandatory year of service [Germany, 1938-1945] | Pflichtjahr {n} [Deutschland, 1938-1945] | |
| aviat. mil. Rhein-Main Air Base <Rhein-Main AB> [1945 through Dec. 30, 2005] | Rhein-Main Air Base {f} <Rhein-Main AB> | |
| hist. Second Sino-Japanese War [1937-1945] | Zweiter Chinesisch-Japanischer Krieg {m} | |
5+ Words: Others |
| mil. in the general staff service {adv} | im Generalstabsdienst <i. G.> [seit 1945] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. naut. Battle of the Malacca Strait [1945] | Schlacht {f} in der Straße von Malakka | |
| hist. mil. High Command of the Army [Germany from 1936 to 1945] | Oberkommando {n} des Heeres <OKH> | |
| hist. law Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service [1933 - 1945] | Gesetz {n} zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums [auch: Berufsbeamtengesetz] <BBG> | |
| hist. liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp [1945] | Befreiung {f} des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz | |
| hist. Reich Minister of Armaments and War Production [Germany 1943 - 1945] | Reichsministerium {n} für Rüstung und Kriegsproduktion [Deutschland 1943 - 1945] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F Mr. and Mrs. America | [US-Propagandafilm 1945] | |
| lit. pol. F The Road to Serfdom [published 1944] | Der Weg zur Knechtschaft [veröffentlicht 1945] [Friedrich August von Hayek] | |
| film F The Valley of Decision [Tay Garnett] | Die Entscheidung [auch: Das Tal der Entscheidung] [Film von 1945] | |
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