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 | unit zepto- {prefix} <z> [10 ^ -21] | 25 Zepto- <z> |  |
 | unit zetta- {prefix} <Z> [10 ^ 21] | 22 Zetta- <Z> |  |
Nouns |
 | law [person between the ages of 18 and 21] | 80 Heranwachsender {m} [18 - 21 Jähriger] |  |
 | math. sextillion [short scale: 10^21] | 21 Trilliarde {f} [lange Leiter: 10^21] |  |
 | curr. guinea [Br.] [21 shillings] | 13 Guinee {f} |  |
 | curr. guinea [Br.] [21 shillings] | 8 Guinea {f} |  |
 | mineral. bannisterite [KCa(Mn,Fe,Zn)21(Si,Al)32O76(OH)16·12H2O] | Bannisterit {m} |  |
 | mineral. carlosturanite [(Mg,Fe,Ti)21(Si,Al)12O28(OH)34·H2O] | Carlosturanit {m} |  |
 | mineral. chabourneite [(Tl,Pb)21(Sb,As)91S147] [chabournéite] | Chabournéit {m} |  |
 | mineral. dalnegroite [Tl5-xPb2x(As,Sb)21-xS34 (x1)] | Dalnegroit {m} |  |
 | chem. dichlorofluoromethane [CHCl2F] [Freon 21] | Difluorchlormethan {n} [CHCl2F] |  |
 | mineral. englishite [K3Na2Ca10Al15(PO4)21(OH)7·26H2O] | Englishit {m} |  |
 | mineral. larosite [(Cu,Ag)21(Pb,Bi)2S13] | Larosit {m} |  |
 | mineral. mcgovernite [(Mn,Mg,Zn)22(AsO3)(AsO4)3(SiO4)3(OH)21] | Mcgovernit {m} |  |
 | bibl. moneychangers [e.g. Mt 21:12; e.g. KJV] | Geldwechsler {pl} [z. B. Mt 21,12; z. B. GNB] |  |
 | mineral. protochabourneite [Tl5-xPb2x(Sb,As)21-xS34(x 1.2-1.5)] [protochabournéite] | Protochabournéit {m} |  |
 | seventies [70-79 degrees Fahrenheit] | [21-26 Grad Celsius] |  |
 | sixties [60-69 degrees Fahrenheit] | [15-21 Grad Celsius] |  |
 | mineral. slavíkite [(H3O)3Mg6Fe15(SO4)21(OH)18·98H2O] | Slavíkit {m} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | tech. both-way {adj} | zweiseitig gerichtet [IEV 701-03-21] |  |
 | tech. two-way {adj} [attr.] | zweiseitig gerichtet [IEV 701-03-21] |  |
 | well into ... [e.g. well into the 21st century] | bis weit in ... hinein [z. B. bis weit in das 21. Jahrhundert hinein] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | astron. Medusa Nebula [Abell 21, YM 29 or Sharpless 2-274] | Medusanebel {m} [Abell 21 oder YM 29] |  |
 | mineral. mendeleevite-(Ce) [Cs6(REE22Ca6)(Si70O175)(OH,F)14(H2O)21] | Mendeleevit-(Ce) {m} |  |
 | bibl. money changers [e.g. Mt 21:12; e.g. NAB] | Geldwechsler {pl} [z. B. Mt 21,12; z. B. Luther 1984] |  |
 | art mus. Monkey Orchestra [21 figurines, Dresden china] | Affenkapelle {f} [Dresdner Porzellan] |  |
 | bibl. no-people [Deut 32:21; NAB] | [ein Volk, das kein Volk ist] [5 Mose 32,21; EÜ 2016] |  |
 | astron. Rosette Nebula [Sh2-275, CTB 21] | Rosettennebel {m} |  |
 | hist. Tan War [coll.] [Irish War of Independence] | Irischer Freiheitskrieg {m} [ugs.] [Irischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg, 1919-21] |  |
 | hist. Vienna Gesera | Wiener Gesera {f} [1420/21] |  |
 | hist. Vienna Gesera | Wiener Geserah {f} [1420/21] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | bibl. column of cloud [Ex 13:21; New American Bible] | Wolkensäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] |  |
 | bibl. column of fire [Ex 13:21; New American Bible] | Feuersäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] |  |
 | med. Down's / Down syndrome <DS> [trisomy 21] | Downsyndrom {n} <DS> [Trisomie 21] |  |
 | mineral. hereroite [[Pb32(O,☐)21](AsO4)2 [(Si,As,V,Mo]O4)2Cl10] | Hereroit {m} |  |
 | hist. Hermann the Cheruscan [around 17 BC – around AD 21] | Hermann {m} der Cherusker [um 17 v. Chr. - um 21 n. Chr.] |  |
 | bibl. pillar of fire [Ex 13:21; KJV] | Feuersäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] |  |
 | law Trademark Reform Act | Markenrechtsreformgesetz {n} [Kurztitel] [Gesetz zur Reform des Markenrechts und zur Umsetzung der Ersten Richtlinie 89/104/EWG des Rates vom 21. Dez. 1988 zur Angleichung d. Rechtsvorschriften ...] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | National Hugging / Hug Day [January 21] | Nationaler Umarmungstag {m} [21. Januar] |  |
 | bibl. pillar of a cloud [Ex 13:21; KJV] | Wolkensäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] |  |
 | constr. Portland fly ash cement <PFAC> [with 10 - 21 % slag] | Portlandflugaschehüttenzement {m} <CEM II/B-SV> |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | bibl. relig. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. [Rom. 12:21; NIV] | Lass dich nicht vom Bösen überwinden, sondern überwinde das Böse durch das Gute! [Röm. 12,21; NL] |  |
 | bibl. Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like ... [Galatians 5:20-21; KJV] | Abgötterei, Zauberei, Feindschaft, Hader, Neid, Zorn, Zank, Zwietracht, Rotten, Haß, Mord, Saufen, Fressen und dergleichen ... [Galater 5,20-21; Luther 1912] |  |
 | bibl. Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised. [Job 1:21; NIV] | Ich bin nackt von meiner Mutter Leibe gekommen, nackt werde ich wieder dahinfahren. Der HERR hat's gegeben, der HERR hat's genommen; der Name des HERRN sei gelobt. [Hiob 1,21; Luther] |  |
 | bibl. quote Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. [1 Thess. 5:21; KJV] | Prüfet aber alles, und das Gute behaltet. [1 Thess 5,21; Luther 1912] |  |
 | bibl. quote Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk. [Exod 23:19 and 34:26, Deut 14:21; KJV] | Du sollst das Böcklein nicht kochen in seiner Mutter Milch / in der Milch seiner Mutter. [2. Mose 23,19 und 34,26, 5. Mose 14:21; Luther 1545] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | bibl. quote a citizen of no mean city [Acts 21:39] | ein Bürger {m} einer namhaften Stadt |  |
 | bibl. parable of the (budding) fig tree [Mt 24:32-35; Mk 13:28-31; Lk 21:29-33] | Gleichnis {n} vom Feigenbaum [als Sommerbote] [Mt 24,32-35; Mk 13,28-31; Lk 21,29-33] |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | comics F Asterix and Caesar's Gift | Das Geschenk Cäsars [Asterix, Ausgabe Nr. 21] |  |
 | mus. F I had much affliction | Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis [J. S. Bach, BWV 21] |  |
 | mus. F Waldstein (Sonata) [Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 21 in C major, Op. 53] | Waldsteinsonate / Waldstein-Sonate {f} [L. v. Beethoven, Klaviersonate Nr. 21 in C-Dur, op. 53] |  |
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