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Dictionary English German: [24]

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unit yocto- {prefix} <y> [10 ^ -24]
Yokto- <y>
unit yotta- {prefix} <Y> [10 ^ 24]
Yotta- <Y>
math. septillion [short scale: 10^24]
Quadrillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^24]
mineral. coalingite [Mg10Fe2(CO3)(OH)24·2H2O]Coalingit {m}
mineral. edmonsonite [Fe, 24-37% Ni]Edmonsonit {m}
bibl. geogr. Emmaus [Lk 24:13; 1 Macc 3:40 etc.]Emmaus {n} [Lk 24,13; 1. Makk 3,40 usw.]
mineral. erlianite [(Fe,Fe,Mg)24(Fe,V)6Si36O90(OH,O)48]Erlianit {m}
mineral. griphite [Na4Ca6(Mn,Fe,Mg)19Li2Al8(PO4)24(F,OH)8]Griphit {m}
mineral. hauyne [(Na,Ca)4-8Al6Si6(O,S)24(SO4,Cl)1-2]Hauyn {m}
mineral. haüyne [(Na,Ca)4-8Al6Si6(O,S)24(SO4,Cl)1-2]Haüyn {m}
mineral. hauynite [(Na,Ca)4-8Al6Si6(O,S)24(SO4,Cl)1-2] [also: haüynite]Hauynit {m} [veraltet] [Hauyn, Haüyn]
mineral. huemulite [Na4MgV10O28·24 H2O]Huemulit {m}
mineral. mountkeithite [(Mg,Ni)11(Fe,Cr,Al)3(OH)24(SO4,CO3)3.5·11H2O]Mountkeithit {m}
mineral. pringleite [Ca9 [Cl4|B26O34(OH)24]·13H2O]Pringleit {m}
math. quadrillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^24]Quadrillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^24]
mineral. ruitenbergite [Ca9 [Cl4|B26O34(OH)24]·13H2O]Ruitenbergit {m}
mineral. takeuchiite [(Mg,Mn,Fe)24-25Mn11 [O2|BO3]12] [takéuchiite]Takéuchiit {m}
mineral. tamaite [(Ca,K,Ba,Na)3-4Mn2+24 [(OH)12| {(Si,Al)4(O,OH)10}10]·21H2O]Tamait {m}
mineral. umbozerite [Na3Sr4ThSi8(O,OH)24]Umbozerit {m}
unit yottameter <Ym> [Am.] [10^24 meters]Yottameter {m} {n} <Ym> [10^24 Meter]
unit yottametre <Ym> [Br.] [10^24 metres]Yottameter {m} {n} <Ym> [10^24 Meter]
2 Words: Others
24/7 {adv} [coll.] [twenty-four seven]immerzu [24 Std. am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche]
games en carré {adv} [a bet on the intersection of four numbers in roulette, e.g. 23/24/26/27]en carré [Roulette]
2 Words: Nouns
math. four factorial [4! = 4x3x2x1 = 24]vier Fakultät {f}
med. MedTech. VetMed. Holter ECGLangzeit-EKG {n} <LZ-EKG> [i. d. R. 24 Stunden]
MedTech. ionization currentIonisationsstrom {m} [IEV 394-38-24]
Midsummer day [June 24]Mittsommertag {m}
mil. military time[im 24-Stunden-Schema angegebene Zeit]
3 Words: Nouns
electr. tech. 24 V technology [also: 24 volt technology]24V-Technologie {f} [auch: 24-Volt-Technologie]
acc. related party disclosuresAngaben {pl} über Beziehungen zu nahestehenden Personen [IAS 24]
relig. St John's Day [June 24]Johannestag {m} [seltener für: Johannistag]
relig. St John's Day [June 24]Johanni {n}
relig. St John's Day [June 24]Johannistag {m} [24. Juni]
med. timed urine sample [urine collected over a specified period of time, usually over 24 hours]Sammelurin {m} [normalerweise der 24-Stunden-Sammelurin]
4 Words: Others
naut. It is eight bells. [End of a watch: 04.00. 08.00, 12.00, 16.00, 20.00, 24.00]Es ist acht Glas.
4 Words: Nouns
med. 24-hour urine collection <24-h urine collection>24-Stunden-Urinsammelmenge {f} <24-Std.-Urinsammelmenge> [24-Std.-Sammelurin]
hist. Free State of Fiume [1920 - 24]Freistaat {m} Fiume
bibl. parable of the tares [also of the weeds, or wheat and tares] [Mt 13:24-30, 36-43]Gleichnis {n} vom Unkraut unter dem Weizen [Mt 13,24-30.36-43]
5+ Words: Others
bibl. quote Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. [Lk 24:29; King James Bible]Bleibe bei uns; denn es will Abend werden, und der Tag hat sich geneiget. [Lk 24,29; Luther 1545]
bibl. quote Blind guides, who strain out the gnat and swallow the camel! [Mt 23:24; NABRE]Blinde Führer seid ihr: Ihr siebt die Mücke aus und verschluckt das Kamel. [Mt 23,24; 2016]
bibl. quote Blind guides, who strain out the gnat and swallow the camel! [Mt 23:24; NABRE]Blinde Führer seid ihr: Ihr siebt Mücken aus und verschluckt Kamele. [Mt 23,24; 1980]
relig. The Lord bless you and keep you. [Num 6:24]Der Herr segne und behüte dich. [4. Mose 6,24]
bibl. The path of life leads upward for the wise, to keep him from going downward to Sheol. [Prov 15:24; World English Bible]Der Weg des Lebens geht überwärts für den Klugen, auf daß er meide die Hölle unterwärts. [Sprüche 15,24; Luther 1912]
5+ Words: Nouns
cloth. bust, waist, and hip measurement <BWH> [e.g. 36-24-36]Brust-, Taillen-, Hüftumfang [z. B. 90-60-90]
bibl. parable of the (budding) fig tree [Mt 24:32-35; Mk 13:28-31; Lk 21:29-33]Gleichnis {n} vom Feigenbaum [als Sommerbote] [Mt 24,32-35; Mk 13,28-31; Lk 21,29-33]
bibl. parable of the wheat and weeds [also wheat and tares] [Mt 13:24-30, 36-43]Gleichnis {n} vom Unkraut im Weizen [Mt 13,24-30.36-43]
biol. parable of the wise and the foolish builders [Mt 7:24-27; Lk 6:47-49]Gleichnis {n} vom Haus auf Felsen und auf Sand gebaut [Mt 7,24-27; Lk 6,47-49]
acc. presentation of budget information in financial statements [IPSAS 24]Darstellung {f} von Haushaltsinformationen in Jahresabschlüssen [IPSAS 24]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F An unstained mind [also: An unstained character / An open mind / An undisguised intention; literally: An undyed mind]Ein ungefärbt Gemüte [J. S. Bach, BWV 24]
mus. F Each morning I get up and ask [also: Mornings I get up and ask]Morgens steh' ich auf und frage [R. Schumann, Liederkreis, Op. 24]
mus. F I am driven to and fro [also: It drives me here, it drives me there!]Es treibt mich hin, es treibt mich her! [R. Schumann, Liederkreis, Op. 24]
mus. F Pretty cradle of my sorrowsSchöne Wiege meiner Leiden [R. Schumann, Liederkreis, Op. 24]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
entom. T
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