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Partial Matches |
| climbing geogr. four-thousand footers <4ks> [New Hampshire mountains at or above this height] | 4000-Footers {pl} [Gruppe von Bergen in New Hampshire, USA, von ≥ 4.000 ft (1.219 m)] | |
| math. 10 to the power (of) 9 <10⁹> [1,000,000,000] | 10 hoch 9 <10⁹> [1 000 000 000] | |
| fin. unit 20 grand {pl} [coll.] [e.g. $20,000, £20,000] | 20 Riesen {pl} [ugs.] [z. B. 20.000 €] | |
| micropolis | Kleinstadt {f} [mit ca. 10.000-50.000 Einwohnern] | |
| urban micropolitan area [Am.] | [kleines Ballungsgebiet mit ca. 10.000-50.000 Einwohnern] | |
| games F Dark Heresy [Warhammer 40,000™] | Schattenjäger [Warhammer 40.000™] | |
| unit [10,000 m²] | Hektar {m} {n} <ha> | |
| unit kilofoot <kft> [1,000 feet] | 1.000 Fuß {pl} | |
| naut. container ship [with more than 10,000 containers] | Containerriese {m} | |
| climbing death zone [over 8000 m. / 26,000 ft altitude] | Todeszone {f} | |
| unit metric ton [Am.] <mt> [1,000 kg] | Tonne {f} <t> | |
| biol. geogr. mesopelagic {adj} | mesopelagisch [Wasserschicht von 200 bis 1.000 Metern Tiefe] | |
| hist. Parsley Massacre | [Ermordung von bis zu 30.000 Haitianern in der Dominikanischen Republik, 1937] | |
| zool. T | | |
| at a height of sth. {adv} [e.g. 36,000 km.] | in einer Höhe von etw.Dat. [+ Maßangabe] | |
| unit kip [Am.] <kip, klb> [unit of weight equal to 1,000 lb, kilopound] | [Gewichtseinheit von 1000 Pounds (453,6 kg)] | |
| geogr. Land of 10,000 Lakes [also: Land of Lakes] [nickname] [State of Minnesota] | Land {n} der zehntausend Seen [auch: Land der 10.000 Seen, Land der Seen] [Spitzname für Minnesota, USA] | |
| mineral. cassagnaite [(Ca,Mn)4(Fe,Mn,Al)4(OH)4(V,Mg,Al)2(O,OH)4(Si3O10)(SiO4)2] | Cassagnait {m} | |
| mineral. bertossaite [(Li,Na)2CaAl4(PO4)4(OH,F)4] | Bertossait {m} | |
| mineral. clinophosinaite [Na12(Ca,Sr)4(PO4)4(Si4O12)] | Klinophosinait {m} | |
| mineral. angarfite [NaFe5(PO4)4(OH)4·4H2O] | Angarfit {m} | |
| mineral. arsenuranospathite [HAl(UO2)4(AsO4)4·40H2O] | Arsenuranospathit {m} | |
| mineral. sabugalite [HAl(UO2)4(PO4)4·16H2O] | Sabugalit {m} | |
| mineral. strashimirite [Cu8(AsO4)4(OH)4·5H2O] | Strashimirit {m} | |
| mineral. uranospathite [HAl(UO2)4(PO4)4·40H2O] | Uranospathit {m} | |
| chem. levulinic acid [4-oxopentanoic acid] | Lävulinsäure [4-Oxopentansäure] {f} | |
| mineral. arsenuranylite [Ca(UO2)4(AsO4)2(OH)4·6H2O] | Arsenuranylit {m} | |
| mineral. juabite [CaCu10(TeO3)4(AsO4)4(OH)2·4H2O] | Juabit {m} | |
| mineral. renardite [Pb(UO2)4(PO4)2(OH)4·7H2O] | Renardit {m} | |
| mineral. triangulite [Al3(UO2)4(PO4)4(OH)5·5H2O] | Triangulit {m} | |
| mineral. calcioferrite [Ca4Fe(Fe,Al)4(PO4)6(OH)4·12H2O] | Calcioferrit {m} | |
| mineral. palermoite [(Sr,Ca)(Li,Na)2Al4(PO4)4(OH)4] | Palermoit {m} | |
| bibl. wild animals / flies [4. Biblical Plague] | Ungeziefer {n} [Luther] / Stechfliegen {pl} [4. Landplage] | |
| relig. Saint / St. Barbara's feast day [4 December] | Barbaratag {m} [4. Dezember] | |
| mineral. guanacoite [Cu2Mg2(Mg0.5Cu0.5)(OH)4(H2O)4(AsO4)2] | Guanacoit {m} | |
| mineral. nickenichite [Na0.8Ca0.4(Mg,Fe,Al)3Cu0.4 [AsO4]3] | Nickenichit {m} | |
| electr. wire technique [e.g. 4-wire technique] | Leitertechnik {f} [z. B. 4-Leitertechnik] | |
| mineral. henwoodite [Cu(Al,Fe)6(PO 4 )4(OH)8·5H2O] | Henwoodit {m} [Rashleighit] | |
| mineral. attakolite [(Ca,Sr)Mn(Al,Fe)4 [(Si,P)O4]H(PO4)3(OH)4] | Attakolith {m} | |
| mineral. yuksporite [Na4(K,Ba)4Ca8(Si2O7)2(Si,Ti)12O30(F,OH)4·4 H2O] | Yuksporit {m} [Juxporit] | |
| lit. F Rake's Progress [A House for the Season #4] [Marion Chesney] | Herzenspoker [Ein Haus für die Saison 4] | |
| mineral. kingsmountite [(Ca,Mn)4(Fe,Mn)Al4(PO4)6(OH)4·12H2O] | Kingsmountit {m} | |
| mineral. souzalite [(Mg,Fe)3(Al,Fe)4(PO4)4(OH)6·2H2O] | Souzalith {m} | |
| mineral. bijvoetite-(Y) [(Y,Dy)2(UO2)4(CO3)4(OH)6·11H2O] | Bijvoetit-(Y) {m} | |
| mineral. gjerdingenite-Ca [K2Ca(Nb,Ti)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·6H2O] | Gjerdingenit-Ca {m} | |
| mineral. lepkhenelmite-Zn [Ba2Zn(Ti,Nb)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·7H2O] | Lepkhenelmit-Zn {m} | |
| mineral. cerchiaraite [Ba4(Mn3+,Fe3+,Al)4 [Cl|O3|(OH)3|Si2O3(OH)4|Si4O12]] | Cerchiarait {m} | |
| mineral. alfredstelznerite [Ca4(H2O)4 [B4O4(OH)6]4(H2O)15] | Alfredstelznerit {m} | |
| mineral. melanocerite-(Ce) [(Ca,Na)7(Ce,Y,Zr)3 [(F,OH)4|BO3|(SiO4)4]] | Melanocerit-(Ce) {m} | |
| naut. middle watch [watch aboard ship, 0 to 4 a.m.] | Hundewache {f} [Wache auf Schiffen, 0 bis 4 Uhr] | |
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