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English-German translation for: [521-01-10]
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Dictionary English German: [521 01 10]

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Partial Matches
phys. spin (quantum number)Spinquantenzahl {f} [IEV 521-01-10]
phys. acceleration of free fall [IEV 113-01-39]Beschleunigung {f} des freien Falls [IEV 113-01-39]
chervonet [Russian gold-ruble = 10 rubles]Tscherwonez {m} [russischer Goldrubel = 10 Rubel]
curr. hist. [German 10 Pfennig coin, worth 1/10 Deutsche Mark]Groschen {m} [ugs.] [Zehnpfennigstück]
curr. hist. [German 10 Pfennig coins, worth 1/10 Deutsche Mark]Groschen {pl} [ugs.] [Zehnpfennigstücke]
mineral. chessexite [Na4Ca2(Mg,Zn)3Al8(SiO4)2(SO4)10(OH)10·40H2O]Chessexit {m}
gastr. market. a ... food (and drink) coupon [e.g. $10]ein Verzehrcoupon {m} über ... [z. B. €10]
math. billiard [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^15]Billiarde {f} <Brd.> [lange Leiter: 10^15]
math. thousand decillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^63]Dezilliarde {f} [lange Leiter: 10^63]
math. thousand undecillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^69]Undezilliarde {f} [lange Leiter: 10^69]
med. clubbing of fingers [Digiti hippocratici] [ICD-10]Trommelschlegelfinger {pl} <TSF> [ICD-10] [alt] [Trommelschlägelfinger]
med. pneumoconiosis due to dust-containing silica [ICD-10]Pneumokoniose {f} durch Quarzstaub [ICD-10]
med. pneumoconiosis due to talc dust [ICD-10]Pneumokoniose {f} durch Talkum-Staub [ICD-10]
med. wrist or foot drop (acquired) [ICD-10]Fallhand oder Hängefuß (erworben) [ICD-10]
math. milliard [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^9]Milliarde {f} <Mrd., Mia.> [lange Leiter: 10^9]
med. residual haemorrhoidal skin tags [Br.] [ICD-10]Marisken {pl} als Folgezustand von Hämorrhoiden [ICD-10]
med. functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils [ICD-10]funktionelle Störungen {pl} der neutrophilen Granulozyten [ICD-10]
med. intestinal adhesions (bands) with obstruction [ICD-10]intestinale Adhäsionen (Briden) {pl} mit Obstruktion [ICD-10]
math. billion <bn> [short scale: 10^9]Milliarde {f} <Mrd.> [lange Leiter: 10^9]
math. centillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^600]Zentillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^600]
math. decillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^60]Dezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^60]
math. duodecillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^72]Duodezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^72]
math. novemdecillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^114]Novemdezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^114]
math. octillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^48]Oktillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^48]
math. octodecillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^108]Oktodezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^108]
math. quattuordecillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^84]Quattuordezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^84]
math. quindecillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^90]Quindezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^90]
math. quintillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^30]Quinquillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^30]
math. septdecillion [rare] [septendecillion] [short scale: 10^54]Nonillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^54]
math. septendecillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^102]Septendezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^102]
math. sexdecillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^96]Sexdezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^96]
math. tredecillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^78]Tredezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^78]
math. undecillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^66]Undezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^66]
med. mild cognitive impairment <MCI> [ICD-10]leichte kognitive Störung {f} <LKS> [ICD-10]
med. seborrhoeic infantile dermatitis [Br.] [ICD-10]seborrhoisches Ekzem {n} der Kinder [ICD-10]
med. chronic passive congestion of (the) liver [ICD-10]chronische Stauungsleber {f} [ICD-10]
audio med. noise effects on inner ear [ICD-10]Lärmschädigungen {pl} des Innenohres [ICD-10]
math. quadrillion [short scale: 10^15]Billiarde {f} <Brd.> [lange Leiter: 10^15]
math. trillion <tn> [short scale: 10^12]Billion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^12]
med. unattended death [ICD-10]Tod {m} ohne Anwesenheit anderer Personen [ICD-10]
med. psych. acute stress reaction <ASR> [ICD-10]akute Belastungsreaktion {f} <ABR> [ICD-10]
med. listerial foodborne infection [ICD-10]nahrungsmittelbedingte Infektion {f} durch Listerien [ICD-10]
med. nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] [ICD-10]Nichtvereinigung {f} der Frakturenden [ICD-10]
audio med. noise-induced hearing loss <NIHL> [ICD-10]Lärmschwerhörigkeit {f} <LSH> [ICD-10]
MedTech. bias lightVorlicht {n} [IEC / IEV 808-05-01]
MedTech. medical radiologymedizinische Radiologie {f} [IEV # 881-01-08]
math. centillion [short scale: 10^303]Quinquagintilliarde {f} [lange Leiter: 10^303]
math. decillion [short scale: 10^33]Quintilliarde {f} [lange Leiter: 10^33]
math. ducentillion [short scale: 10^603]Zentilliarde {f} [lange Leiter: 10^603]
math. duodecillion [short scale: 10^39]Sextilliarde {f} [lange Leiter: 10^39]
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