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English-German translation for: [Agatha]
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Dictionary English German: [Agatha]

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

English German
lit. F 4.50 from Paddington [Agatha Christie]16 Uhr 50 ab Paddington
lit. F A Caribbean Mystery [Agatha Christie]Karibische Affaire / Karibischer Sommer
lit. F A Murder is Announced [Agatha Christie]Ein Mord wird angekündigt
lit. F A Pocket Full of Rye [Agatha Christie]Das Geheimnis der Goldmine
lit. F After the Funeral [Agatha Christie]Der Wachsblumenstrauß
lit. F And Then There Were None [Agatha Christie] [former UK title: Ten Little Niggers, former US title: Ten Little Indians]Und dann gabs keines mehr [frühere Titel: Letztes Weekend / Zehn kleine Negerlein]
lit. F Appointment with Death [Agatha Christie]Der Tod wartet
lit. F Appointment with Death [Agatha Christie]Rendezvous mit einer Leiche
lit. F At Bertram's Hotel [Agatha Christie]Bertrams Hotel
lit. F Black Coffee [Agatha Christie and Charles Osborne]Black Coffee
lit. F By the Pricking of My Thumbs [Agatha Christie]Lauter reizende alte Damen
lit. F Cards on the Table [Agatha Christie]Mit offenen Karten
lit. F Cat Among the Pigeons [Agatha Christie]Die Katze im Taubenschlag
lit. F Crooked House [Agatha Christie]Das krumme Haus
lit. F Curtain [Agatha Christie]Vorhang
lit. F Dead Man's Folly [Agatha Christie]Wiedersehen mit Mrs. Oliver
lit. F Death Comes as the End [Agatha Christie]Rächende Geister
lit. F Death in the Clouds [Agatha Christie]Tod in den Wolken
lit. F Death on the Nile [Agatha Christie]Der Tod auf dem Nil
lit. F Destination Unknown [Agatha Christie]Der unheimliche Weg
lit. F Dumb Witness [Agatha Christie]Der ballspielende Hund
lit. F Elephants Can Remember [Agatha Christie]Elefanten vergessen nicht
lit. F Endless Night [Agatha Christie]Mord nach Maß
lit. F Evil under the Sun [Agatha Christie]Das Böse unter der Sonne
lit. F Evil under the Sun [Agatha Christie]Rätsel um Arlena
lit. F Five Little Pigs [Agatha Christie]Das unvollendete Bildnis
lit. F Hallowe'en Party [Agatha Christie]Schneewittchen-Party
lit. F Hercule Poirot's Christmas [Agatha Christie]Hercule Poirots Weihnachten
lit. F Hickory Dickory Dock [Agatha Christie]Die Kleptomanin
lit. F Lord Edgware Dies [UK] / Thirteen at Dinner [US] [Agatha Christie]Dreizehn bei Tisch
lit. F Mrs. McGinty's Dead [Agatha Christie]Vier Frauen und ein Mord
lit. F Murder for Christmas [Agatha Christie]Hercule Poirots Weihnachten
lit. F Murder in Mesopotamia [Agatha Christie]Mord in Mesopotamien
lit. F Murder Is Easy [Agatha Christie]Das Sterben in Wychwood
film lit. F Murder on the Orient Express [novel: Agatha Christie; various films]Mord im Orientexpress
lit. F Nemesis [Agatha Christie]Das Schicksal in Person
lit. F One, Two, Buckle My Shoe [Agatha Christie]Das Geheimnis der Schnallenschuhe
lit. F Ordeal by Innocence [Agatha Christie]Tödlicher Irrtum
lit. F Partners in Crime [Agatha Christie]Die Büchse der Pandora
lit. F Peril at End House [Agatha Christie]Das Haus an der Düne
lit. F Poirot loses a Client [Agatha Christie]Der ballspielende Hund
lit. F Postern of Fate [Agatha Christie]Alter schützt vor Scharfsinn nicht
lit. F Sad Cypress [Agatha Christie]Morphium
lit. F Sleeping Murder [Agatha Christie]Ruhe unsanft
lit. F Sparkling Cyanide [Agatha Christie]Blausäure
lit. F Spider's Web [Agatha Christie and Charles Osborne]Im Spinnennetz
lit. F Taken at the Flood [Agatha Christie]Todeswirbel
lit. F The A.B.C. Murders [Agatha Christie]Die Morde des Herrn ABC
lit. F The Big Four [Agatha Christie]Die großen Vier
lit. F The Body in the Library [Agatha Christie]Die Tote in der Bibliothek
lit. F The Clocks [Agatha Christie]Auf doppelter Spur
lit. F The Hollow [Agatha Christie]Das Eulenhaus
lit. F The Man in the Brown Suit [Agatha Christie]Der Mann im braunen Anzug
lit. F The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side [Agatha Christie]Mord im Spiegel
lit. F The Moving Finger [Agatha Christie]Die Schattenhand
lit. F The Murder at the Vicarage [Agatha Christie]Mord im Pfarrhaus
lit. F The Murder of Roger Ackroyd [Agatha Christie]Alibi
lit. F The Murder on the Links [Agatha Christie]Mord auf dem Golfplatz
lit. F The Mysterious Affair at Styles [Agatha Christie]Das fehlende Glied in der Kette
film lit. F The Mystery of the Blue Train [novel: Agatha Christie, film: Hettie Macdonald]Der blaue Express [alt (Romantitel): Der blaue Expreß]
lit. F The Pale Horse [Agatha Christie]Das fahle Pferd
lit. F The Secret Adversary [Agatha Christie]Ein gefährlicher Gegner
lit. F The Secret of Chimneys [Agatha Christie]Die Memoiren des Grafen
lit. F The Seven Dials Mystery [Agatha Christie]Der letzte Joker
lit. F The Sittaford Mystery [Agatha Christie]Das Geheimnis von Sittaford
lit. F The Thirteen Problems [Agatha Christie] [US title: The Tuesday Club Murders]Der Dienstagabend-Klub [auch: Der Dienstagabend-Club]
lit. F The Unexpected Guest [Agatha Christie and Charles Osborne]Ein unerwarteter Gast
lit. F They Came to Baghdad [Agatha Christie]Sie kamen nach Bagdad
lit. F They Do It with Mirrors [Agatha Christie]Fata Morgana
lit. F Third Girl [Agatha Christie]Die vergessliche Mörderin
lit. F Towards Zero [Agatha Christie]Kurz vor Mitternacht
lit. F Why Didn't They Ask Evans? [Agatha Christie]Ein Schritt ins Leere
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