| English | German | |
| agr. [to work during the summer on a seasonal Alpine pasture] | sennen [bayer.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [als Senn / Sennin arbeiten] | |
Nouns |
| [Alpine herdsman and dairyman] | 11 Senner {m} [bayer.] [österr.] | |
| agr. jobs [Alpine herdswoman and dairymaid] | 11 Sennerin {f} | |
| geol. conglomerate [in the northern Alpine foothills] | 8 Nagelfluh {f} [im nördlichen Alpenvorland] | |
| gastr. [Alpine dish of bovine testicles] | 6 Alpeneier {pl} [bes. schweiz.] [auch «Glocken der Heimat» oder «spanische Nierli» genannt] [Rinderhoden] | |
| agr. [driving up of cattle to Alpine pastures in spring] | 6 Auftrieb {m} [Almauftrieb] | |
| agr. [agricultural cooperative in alpine Switzerland] | Alpgenossenschaft {f} [schweiz.] | |
| agr. for. [agricultural support payments to prevent forestation of traditional alpine pastures] | Kulturlandschaftsbeiträge {pl} [Schweiz] | |
| [Alpine farm producing and selling home-made snacks (esp. cheese, milk)] | Almausschank {m} | |
| [Alpine herdsman and dairyman] | Senn {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [schweiz.] | |
| [Alpine herdsman and dairyman] | Senne {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [schweiz.] | |
| agr. [alpine pasture used in spring and autumn] | Niederalm {f} | |
| zool. [alpine-style enclosure in a zoo] | Alpen-Gehege {n} | |
| cloth. [buckskin lederhosen, esp. of Alpine costumes for men] | Bückerne {f} [regional] [Hose aus Bocksleder] | |
| climbing [hike up to an alpine hut] | Hüttenzustieg {m} | |
| agr. jobs [manager of local alpine pastures and grazing animals] | Alpmeister {m} | |
| bot. T | | |
| [spring processions to the sound of cow bells and cracking whips when the cattle are driven up to the alpine pastures] | Grasausläuten {n} [österr. Brauchtum zur Zeit des Viehauftriebs / Weidebeginns] | |
| geogr. pol. [the collective inhabitants of an Alpine valley in Switzerland or western Austria] | Talschaft {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] | |
| mus. kratzzither [Alpine zither] | Raffele {n} [selten {f}, Scherrzither] | |
| ethn. hist. Vindelici [Celtic tribe living in the Alpine foreland] | Vindeliker {pl} [keltische Stammesgruppe im Alpenvorland] | |
2 Words: Others |
| geol. Alpine / alpine {adj} | alpidisch | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| geogr. Alpine canton [also: alpine canton] | Alpenkanton {m} | |
| Alpine glow [in the Alps] [or: alpine glow [elsewhere]] | Alpenglühen {n} | |
| geogr. geol. alpine mountains {pl} [never: Alpine ...] [rare] | Hochgebirge {n} | |
| geogr. Alpine river [also: alpine river] | Alpenfluss {m} | |
| sports alpine style [type of mountaineering] [also: Alpine style] | Alpinstil {m} [Variante des Höhenbergsteigens] | |
| cloth. calf warmers [short Alpine leg warmers] | Loferl {pl} [auch: Loiferl] [regional, bes. Bayern, Österreich] [kurze Trachtenstutzen („Stutzn, Beinhösl“)] | |
| agr. cattle drive [up to alpine pastures] | Almauftrieb {m} | |
| cattle drive [up to alpine pastures] | Alpaufzug {m} [schweiz.] [Almauftrieb] | |
| sports downhill (event) [alpine ski racing] | Abfahrt {f} | |
| geogr. traffic Fuorn Pass [Swiss alpine pass] | Ofenpass {m} | |
| agr. goat alp [alpine pasture] | Ziegenalp {f} [bes. schweiz.] | |
| sports Unverified leader's chair [alpine ski racing] | Leadersessel {m} [ugs.] [Sportjargon] [selten] | |
| sports practice run [alpine skiing] | Übungsfahrt {f} | |
| geol. pre-Würm [in the Alpine region] | Präwürm {n} [Fachjargon] | |
| cloth. short lederhosen {pl} [of Alpine costumes for men] | Wichs {f} [bayer.] [kurze Lederhose alpenländischer Männertrachten] | |
| sports snow control [alpine ski racing] | Schneekontrolle {f} | |
| sports speed weekend [weekend of downhill and super GS alpine racing] | Speed-Wochenende {n} | |
| sports super combined [an event in alpine ski racing] | Super-Kombination {f} | |
| sports training run [alpine skiing] | Übungsfahrt {f} [Ski Alpin] | |
| cloth. Tyrolean jacket [traditional Alpine jacket] | Janker {m} [südd.] [österr.] [Trachtenjacke] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| geol. last glacial period [in the Alpine region] | Würm-Kaltzeit {f} [auch: Würm, Würmzeit, Würmeiszeit] | |
| cloth. lederhosen (with embroidery) [of Alpine costumes for men] | Trachtenlederhose {f} | |
| sports overall World Cup [alpine skiing] | Gesamtweltcup {m} | |
| geol. Würm glacial stage [in the Alpine region] | Würm-Kaltzeit {f} | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
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More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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