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English-German translation for: [App-Store]
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Dictionary English German: [App Store]

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comp. app storeAppstore {m} [Rsv.] [auch App-Store oder ugs. App Store]
comp. app storeApp-Store {m} [auch Appstore oder ugs. App Store]
to garner [to store]speichern
to preserve [store]aufbewahren
comm. pharm. pharmacy [store]Apotheke {f}
comm. emporium [department store]Warenhaus {n}
comm. haberdashery [Am.] [store]Herrenartikelgeschäft {n}
comm. store [branch store]Filiale {f}
comm. [German department store chain]Karstadt {m}
commissary [rare] [provisions store]Verpflegungsstelle {f}
comm. stationery [shop or store]Schreibwarenhandlung {f}
comm. store [Br.] [department store]Kaufhaus {n}
comm. RealEst. walk-down [Am.] [store]Souterrainladen {m}
comm. depanneur [Can.] [convenience store]Greißlerei {f} [österr.]
comm. store [Br.] [department store, emporium]Warenhaus {n}
comm. co-op [cooperative store]Konsumgeschäft {n} [Konsumladen]
comm. [German department store business]Kaufhof {m} [Galeria Kaufhof]
comm. gastr. dairy case [in a grocery store]Kühlregal {n}
comm. jewelry department [Am.] [in a store]Schmuckabteilung {f}
to lodge sth. [store, deposit]etw. in Verwahrung geben
city branch [of a business or store]Stadtgeschäft {n}
comm. sales gondola [shelving in a retail store]Verkaufsgondel {f}
comm. to carry sth. [item in shop/store]etw. führen [Waren]
to restore [store in a different place]umlagern [anderswo lagern]
to store sth. in [put on store, stock]etw. lagern
comm. chemist's (shop) [Br.] [non-dispensing chain store]Drogeriemarkt {m}
comm. food hall [in a department store]Lebensmittelabteilung {f} [im Kaufhaus]
comm. jobs shopman [esp. Br.] [clerk in a retail store]Ladendiener {m} [veraltet]
cloth. comm. women's wear [in a department store]Damenoberbekleidung {f} [im Kaufhaus]
to coffer sth. [store]etw.Akk. einschließen [in einer Kasse, Truhe etc.]
comm. [little shop / store, grocery]Fragnerei {f} [österr.] [bayer.] [veraltet] [kleiner Laden, Krämerei]
appy [Am.] [coll.] [appetizing store, N.Y. usage]Delikatessengeschäft {n} [Fisch- und Milchprodukte]
comm. gastr. service counter [in a grocery store or fast food restaurant]Bedientheke {f}
comm. village shop [Br.] [general store]Tante-Emma-Laden {m} [auf dem Land]
comm. hist. [Army surplus store]STEG-Waren-Geschäft {n} [Staatliche Erfassungs-Gesellschaft für öffentliches Gut]
to keep sth. dry [store in a dry place]etw.Akk. trocken aufbewahren
ecol. hydro. ice stupa [conical ice heap used to store water]Eisstupa {m} [auch: Eis-Stupa]
comm. to be sold over the counter [store / shop item]über den Ladentisch gehen
to appreciate sth. [set great store by sth.]auf etw.Akk. Wert legen [Redewendung]
comm. country store [small store selling a wide variety of goods]Kramladen {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
rural {adj} [e.g. church, community, school, store]Dorf- [z. B. Kirche, Gemeinschaft, Schule, Laden]
spec. to age sth. [to store wet ceramic bodies (raw materials)]etw. mauken [keramische Massen (Rohmaterialien) feucht lagern]
comm. to shutter sth. [Am.] [fig.] [close a business, store etc.]etw.Akk. schließen [den Geschäftsbetrieb einstellen]
brew to lager sth. [to store beer during a period of aging]etw.Akk. lagern [bes. in Lagerkellern, Bierkellern]
comm. to put sth. on / to one side (for sb.) [article in a store](für jdn.) etw. zurücklegen
comm. shopper [in a store]Kunde {m} [in einem Laden]
to pack sth. away [put away, store away]etw.Akk. wegpacken
to bin sth. [store in a bin]etw. lagern [in einem Behälter]
to lay down sth. [stock sth., store sth. for the future]etw. (als Vorrat) lagern
comm. to restock sth. [a store, the fridge, etc.]etw. (wieder) auffüllen [ein Lager, den Kühlschrank etc.]
comm. general store [small store selling wide variety of goods, usu. in a rural or small town]Kramladen {m} [ugs.] [heute meist pej.]
to be in store for sb. [e.g. "A big surprise is in store for Jim."]jdm. winken [fig.] [z. B.: "Jim winkt eine große Überraschung."]
Internet Tinder® (app) [online dating app]Tinder® {n} [kommerzielle Dating-App]
comp. native appnative App {f} [selten auch {n}] [für ein bestimmtes Betriebssystem entwickelte App]
TrVocab. CouchSurfing® [global homestay and social networking service accessible via a website and mobile app.]Couchsurfing® {n} [kostenloses Übernachten in Wohnungen anderer Mitglieder eines gleichnamigen Netzwerks im Internet]
hist. sports dead-ball era [also: deadball era] [Am.] [history of Major League Baseball, app. 1901-1919]Deadball-Ära {f} [US-amerik. Baseball-Liga, 1901 bis 1919]
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