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English-German translation for: [Army]
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Dictionary English German: [Army]

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mil. to conscript [an army]
mil. to frag [Am.] [Army sl.] [to kill, wound, or assault (esp. an unpopular superior) with a fragmentation grenade]
[Am. Armeejargon: einen ungeliebten Vorgesetzten oder eine sonstige Person mit einer Splittergranate töten, verwunden oder angreifen]
to zippo sth. [Am.] [army sl.] [from the brand name Zippo™]
etw. abfackeln [ugs.]
salary [esp. in civil service, army]
Besoldung {f}
mil. host [archaic] [army]
Heerschar {f} [veraltet]
impedimenta {pl} [carried baggage and equipment, esp. by an army]
Ausrüstung {f} [mitgeführte Ausrüstung, besonders die einer Armee]
mil. host [archaic] [army]
Heer {n}
hist. mil. century [in the ancient Roman army]
Zenturie {f}
hist. [territorial army raised at the end of World War 2]
Volkssturm {m}
hist. mil. cantonist [Prussian Army before 1813, Prussian people living in a recruiting district and required to serve in the army]
Kantonist {m}
hist. mil. cohort [division of Roman army]
Kohorte {f}
hist. mil. peloton [Prussian / Imperial German Army, military unit of 80 soldiers]
Peloton {n} [preußisch / kaiserlich deutsches Heer, militärische Einheit von 80 Soldaten]
hist. mil. [German army ordnance office 1922 - 1945]
Heereswaffenamt {n} <HWA>
army [usually: the army] [the military ground forces of a nation]
Landstreitmacht {f} [veraltend] [Landstreitkräfte]
mil. Captain [Army]
Stabshauptmann {m} [Heer]
hist. mil. [uniform jacket of the Prussian Army, later of the Imperial German Forces]
Litewka {f} [Uniformjacke]
century [a company of a hundred men of the ancient Roman army]
Hundertschaft {f} [100 Mann starke Truppe des römischen Reiches]
pol. [1989 referendum proposal to abolish the Swiss army]Armeeabschaffungsinitiative {f} [1989]
hist. [euphemism for the invasion of Austria by the German army in 1938, literally "flower campaign"]Blumenfeldzug {m} [Euphemismus für den Einmarsch der Wehrmacht in Österreich 1938]
med. [highest medical officer in Swiss army]Oberfeldarzt {m} [Schweiz]
hist. mil. [light infantry troops in the Austrian-Hungarian Army] [1808 - 1918]k. u. k. Feldjäger {pl} [Bez. der österr.-ungarischen Jägertruppe 1808 - 1918]
hist. [pejorative nickname for a Russian or Soviet soldier and the Red Army]Iwan {m} [veraltet] [pej.]
hist. mil. Bosniak [lancer, Prussian Army, 18th cent.]Bosniake {m} [Lanzenreiter, preußische Armee, 18. Jh.]
hist. mil. century [in the ancient Roman army]Centurie {f} [Rsv.]
mil. GI [esp. a soldier in the US army]G. I. {m} [ugs.] [(einfacher) amerikanischer Soldat] [auch: GI]
mil. jawan [Ind.] [soldier (of low rank), infantryman, esp. in the Indian Army]Soldat {m} [von niedrigem Rang od. Infanterist, bes. in der indischen Armee]
hist. mil. Krümpersystem [Prussian Army short-term reservist training system during Napoleonic occupation]Krümpersystem {n}
hist. mil. legionary [soldier of the ancient Roman army]Legionar {m} [selten] [neben „Legionär“; zur eindeutigen Bezeichnung eines Soldaten einer Legion im alten Rom]
hist. mil. pol. Makhnovshchina [also: Black Army]Machnowschtschina {f} [auch: Machno-Bewegung]
hist. mil. Reichsarmee [the army of the Holy Roman Empire]Reichsarmee {f}
relig. Salvationists [members of the Salvation Army]Salutisten {pl} [Anhänger der Heilsarmee]
hist. mil. Towarzysz [lancer, Prussian Army, 19th cent.]Towarzysz {m} [Lanzenreiter, preußische Armee, 19. Jh.]
2 Words: Verbs
mil. to desert (from) sth. [army, navy, etc.]von etw. desertieren [Armee, Marine usw.]
to drum out [of army, club]ausstoßen
mil. to move out [army, police, etc.]ausrücken [Heer, Polizei etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. mil. air base [of the German Army Air Forces]Heeresflugplatz {m} [Militärflugplatz der deutschen Heeresflieger]
aviat. mil. air cavalry [esp. US Army][wörtlich: "Luftkavallerie", Luftlandestreitkräfte die insbesondere mit Hubschraubern anlanden]
mil. Alpine Corps [Imperial German Army]Alpenkorps {n}
Amazonian army [army of Amazons]Amazonenheer {n}
cloth. hist. mil. ammo boots [coll. for: ammunition boots] [standard footwear for the British Army][britische Armee-/Kampfstiefel (Standard), ab ca. 1880 bis 1960]
Anzac Day [Aus.] [NZ] [Tonga] [national day of remembrance; 25 April]ANZAC-Tag {m} [Akronym für Australian and New Zealand Army Corps; Feiertag in Aus., NZ, Tonga]
mil. Army Office [German Army]Heeresamt {n} <HA>
hist. mil. army train [army on the march]Heerzug {m} [Kolonne]
mil. aviation brigade [U.S. army]Heeresfliegerbrigade {f}
hist. mil. Bashi-Bazouk [Irregular soliders of the Ottoman Army]Baschi-Bozuks {pl} [irreguläre Truppen des Osmanischen Reiches]
hist. mil. Bosniak Corps [unit of lancers, Prussian Army, 18th cent.]Bosniakenkorps {n} [Lanzenreitereinheit, preußische Armee, 18. Jh.]
hist. mil. combat command <CC> [combined-arms organization of armored forces of the U.S. Army 1942–1963]Kampfgruppe {f} <KG> [Organisationsform der gepanzerten Streitkräfte der US Army 1942–1963]
med. mil. combat medics {pl} [U.S. Army][Sanitäter auf Einheitsebene]
hist. mil. Dismounted Artillery [Imperial German Army]Fußartillerie {f}
mil. First Sergeant [Am.] <1SG> [Army/USMC/Air Force]Stabsfeldwebel {m}
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