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English-German translation for: [Austria]
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Dictionary English German: [Austria]

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law pol. national {adj} [dimensioned for or valid in all Austria or Germany]
archi. hist. philos. Josephinian {adj} [pertaining to the era of Joseph II. in Austria]
[acronym for Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH) and South Tyrol (S)]DACHS [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Südtirol]
[Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)]DACH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz]
[Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)]D-A-CH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz]
[to press one's thumbs / thumb (for sb.)] [literally] [hand gesture in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, etc., meaning to keep one's fingers crossed (for sb.)](jdm.) die / den Daumen halten [ugs.] [Redensart]
gastr. [type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland]
Leberkäse {m}
admin. state [in Germany or Austria]
Bundesland {n}
admin. state [in Germany or Austria]
Land {n} [Bundesland]
archi. art Lüftlmalerei [kind of trompe l'oeil on houses in Bavaria, Austria, etc.]
Lüftlmalerei {f} [auch: Lüftelmalerei]
hist. the Compromise [1867 between Greater Austria and Greater Hungary]
Ausgleich {m} [1867 zwischen Österreich und Ungarn]
insur. med. [non SHI-accredited doctor of your choice, whose bill gets fully or in part paid by your health insurance in Austria]
Wahlarzt {m} [österr.]
econ. hist. spec. Methodenstreit [methodological debate in economics in Germany and Austria, 1880-1900]
Methodenstreit {m} [Carl Menger, Gustav von Schmoller]
geogr. oenol. TrVocab. [line of thermal springs in Lower Austria, wine and spa region]
Thermenlinie {f}
admin. law [public ombudsman in Austria]
Volksanwalt {m}
gastr. oenol. [an eighth of a litre of wine, usual order in Austria] [Br.]
Achterl {n} [österr.] [auch: Achtel]
hist. scrip [treated as sg.] [occupation money after WW II in Germany and Austria]
Dollarscrips {pl} [Spezialgeld für die amerik. Besatzungstruppe nach 1945]
educ. [worst mark / grade in Austria]
Fünfer {m} [nicht genügend]
educ. sports ["penguin": early swimmer badge in Austria]Pinguin {m} [Frühschwimmerabzeichen in Österreich]
oenol. [a quarter of a litre of wine, usual order in Austria]Vierterl {n} [österr.] [auch: Viertel]
rail [a type of regional train in Germany (abbrev. RE), Luxembourg (also abbrev. RE) and Austria (abbrev. REX)]Regionalexpress® {m} <RE®>
archi. [architectural style of the era of Joseph II in Austria ]Josephinischer Stil {m}
hist. [Austria after the collapse of the Habsburg empire]Restösterreich {n}
admin. [branch of local police department responsible for food safety in Austria, Switzerland]Lebensmittelpolizei {f} [(amtliche) Lebensmittelüberwachung in Österreich und der Schweiz]
hist. [clause in the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye prohibiting the unification of Austria and Germany]Anschlussverbot {n}
[consumer advocacy group in Austria]Verein {m} für Konsumenteninformation <VKI> [österr.]
ethn. [Croatian minority in Austria]Burgenlandkroaten {pl}
law pol. [decentralising of administrative tasks in Austria from the federal level to state levels]Verländerung {f} [österr.]
educ. [elected representative of all pupils / students in Austria]Bundesschulsprecher {m} [österr.]
hist. [era after the March Revolution of 1848 / 1849 in Germany and Austria]Nachmärz {m}
gastr. [ersatz rum, traditionally produced in Austria]Inländer-Rum {m}
hist. [euphemism for the invasion of Austria by the German army in 1938, literally "flower campaign"]Blumenfeldzug {m} [Euphemismus für den Einmarsch der Wehrmacht in Österreich 1938]
[fraternity type catholic student association in Austria]Österreichischer Cartellverband {m} <ÖCV> [ugs. in Ö: <CV>] [österr.]
theatre [honorary or professional title for actors in Austria]Kammerschauspieler {m} <Ksch.>
mus. [honorary title for a distinguished instrumentalist in Austria and Germany]Kammermusiker {m}
[honorary title for a teacher in Austria]Studienrat {m} <StR> [österr.] [nur Ehrentitel]
mus. [honorary title for female singers in Germany and Austria]Kammersängerin {f} <Ks.>
[honorary title in Austria]Professor {m} [österr.] [Ehrentitel]
educ. [inofficial title and address for a grammar school teacher in Austria]Professor {m} [österr. auch für: Gymnasiallehrer]
pol. [institutionalized co-operation between the representations of employers and labour in Austria]Sozialpartnerschaft {f} [österr.]
cloth. [knee-high stockings, worn with the national / traditional costume, e.g. in Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland]Trachtenstrümpfe {pl}
acad. [law on university organisation in Austria]Universitäts-Organisationsgesetz {n} <UOG>
mus. relig. [Lutheran hymn book for Germany, Alsace-Lorraine, and Austria since 1993/1996]Evangelisches Gesangbuch {n} <EG>
pol. [member of the Government in one of the States of Austria]Landesrat {m} [Österreich]
hist. [Nazi name for Austria]Ostmark {f}
[nickname for Austria]Alpenrepublik {f}
mus. [non-commercial event with folk musicians in Southern Germany and Austria]Hoagascht {m} [südd.] [österr.]
ling. [official dictionary of the German language in Austria]Österreichisches Wörterbuch {n} <ÖWB> [amtlich]
relig. [official name of Jewish religious communities in Austria]Israelitische Kultusgemeinde {f} <IKG> [österr.]
educ. [one week school holidays in February in Austria]Semesterferien {pl} [österr.] [einwöchige Schulhalbjahresferien im Februar]
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