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English-German translation for: [Austrian]
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Dictionary English German: [Austrian]

Translation 1 - 50 of 109  >>

English German
geogr. [concerning Graz, an Austrian city] {adj}Grätzisch [veraltet für: Grazerisch]
geogr. ling. [concerning the Austrian province of Vorarlberg] {adj} [cf. Vorarlbergian]vorarlbergerisch [neben häufiger: vorarlbergisch]
hist. [Nazi term for Austrian] {adj}ostmärkisch
quote market. [Ö1 deserves to be listened to. - slogan of an Austrian radio programme]Ö1 gehört gehört. [Slogan des Radioprogramms Ö1 des Österreichischen Rundfunks]
pol. [pertaining to the 'Austrian Freedom Party'] {adj}blau [österr.] [ugs.]
pink {adj} [literally the color of an Austrian rose wine]schilcherfarben [österr.]
acc. [Austrian profession offering certified public accountant services]
Wirtschaftstreuhänder {m}
admin. governor [of an Austrian province]
Landeshauptmann {m} [österr.]
cloth. mitre [worn by the traditional German and Austrian Santa Claus]
Nikolausmütze {f}
gastr. Kaiserschmarrn [Austrian dessert]
Kaiserschmarrn {m} [auch: Kaiserschmarren]
jobs pol. burgomaster [title given to chief magistrates in some Dutch, Flemish, German or Austrian towns]
Bürgermeister {m} [einer deutschsprachigen, flämischen oder niederländischen Stadt]
pol. Bundesrat [upper house of the German or Austrian legislative or the chief executive authority of Switzerland]
Bundesrat {m}
geogr. Salzburg [Austrian city and federal state]
Salzburg {n} [Stadt u. Bundesland in Österreich]
educ. [Austrian secondary education school type with emphasis on science]
Realgymnasium {n} <RG> [österr.]
econ. law [corporation owned or controlled by a German or Austrian state]
Landesgesellschaft {f} [landeseigene Betriebe]
curr. hist. schilling [Austrian pre-euro currency]
Schilling {m}
curr. hist. groschen [hundredth of an Austrian schilling]
Groschen {m} [österr.]
geogr. Vorarlberg [Austrian state]
Vorarlberg {n} [österreichisches Bundesland]
hun [coll.] [dated] [pej.] [also: Hun] [German or Austrian, esp. German soldier in World War I or II]
Hunne {m} [pej. für einen Deutschen oder Österreicher, bes. als Soldat im 1. oder 2. Weltkrieg]
gastr. [Austrian cream pastry]
Schaumrolle {f}
educ. [statutory elected panel of teachers, parents and pupils at Austrian secondary schools]
Schulgemeinschaftsausschuss {m} <SGA>
admin. educ. [education authority in an Austrian state]
Landesschulrat {m} [österr.] [in Wien: Stadtschulrat]
oenol. Schilcher [Austrian rose wine]
Schilcher {m} [österr.]
theatre [19th-century Austrian stock comic character]Staberl {m}
[a female Austrian living abroad]Auslandsösterreicherin {f}
gastr. [an Austrian cooked sausage, a kind of kielbasa sausage]Burenheidl {f} [auch: Burnheitl, Burenhäutl] [wienerisch für: Burenwurst]
gastr. [an Austrian cooked sausage, a kind of kielbasa sausage]Burenwurst {f} [grobe österreichische Brühwurst]
gastr. [Austrian and Slovenian sweet bread filled with nuts or poppy seeds]Potitze {f} [österr.] [regional]
mil. [Austrian armed forces]Österreichisches Bundesheer {n}
traffic TrVocab. [Austrian automobile club with roadside assistance service]Österreichischer Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touringclub {m} <ÖAMTC>
pol. [Austrian Federation of Workers and Employees]Österreichischer Arbeiter- und Angestelltenbund {m} <ÖAAB> [früher für: Österreichischer Arbeitnehmerinnen- und Arbeitnehmerbund]
[Austrian honorary title, roughly translatable as 'Councillor of Commerce']Kommerzialrat {m}
[Austrian living abroad]Auslandsösterreicher {m}
journ. [Austrian news agency]Austria Presse Agentur {f} <APA>
[Austrian or former German honorary title awarded to a deserving agriculturist]Ökonomierat {m} [Österr. Titel für einen verdienten Landwirt; bis 1918 auch in Deutschland]
law lit. mus. [Austrian performing rights society]Staatlich genehmigte Gesellschaft {f} der Autoren, Komponisten und Musikverleger <AKM>
curr. hist. [Austrian pfennigs 1457-1460]Schinderling {m} [pej.]
geogr. [Austrian region south-east of the Inn river]Innviertel {n}
educ. [Austrian secondary school with a technical or engineering focus]Höhere Technische Lehranstalt {f} <HTL> [österr.] [schweiz. veraltet]
RadioTV [Austrian TV news, ORF]Zeit im Bild <ZIB>
educ. [Austrian type of grammar school (Br.), 9th - 12th form, with special emphasis on music, sport, science etc.]Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium {n} <BORG>
[brand name of an Austrian sweetened carbonated beverage flavored with herbs]Almdudler® {m}
[derog.: Bavarian, Austrian]Zwockel {m} [Pfälzer Dialekt]
educ. [fifth form of an Austrian Gymnasium]Quinta {f} [österr.] [veraltet]
textil. unit [former Austrian yarn measure; one Wiedel is 240 threads]Wiedel {n} [auch Wiel; in Wien: Windel] [ehemaliges österreichisches Garnmaß]
hist. [German / Austrian youth movement]Wandervogel {m}
mus. relig. [German and Austrian Lutheran hymn book 1950 - 1996]Evangelisches Kirchengesangbuch {n} <EKG>
[German, Austrian and former Italian title, roughly translatable as 'Medical Consultant']Sanitätsrat {m}
[humorous Austrian and Bavarian term for sb.'s brain]Hirnkastl {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [hum.] [Kopf, Verstand]
hist. mil. [light infantry troops in the Austrian-Hungarian Army] [1808 - 1918]k. u. k. Feldjäger {pl} [Bez. der österr.-ungarischen Jägertruppe 1808 - 1918]
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A 2012-11-19: Second Schandor's suggestion: Haubenkoch > award-winning [Austrian] chef.
A 2012-04-02: Tarifpost 1 Rechtsanwaltstarif > Fee schedule 1 of the [Austrian] Lawyers ...

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