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English-German translation for: [Austro-Hungarian]
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Dictionary English German: [Austro Hungarian]

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hist. pol. provincial government [Austro-Hungarian Empire]Gubernium {n}
hist. Old Austrian [descendant from historical Austro-Hungarian Empire]Altösterreicher {m}
mil. naut. [member of the Austro-Hungarian naval forces]Marineur {m} [österr.] [veraltet]
hist. Danube Monarchy [coll.] [Austro-Hungarian Monarchy]Donaumonarchie {f} [ugs.] [Monarchie Österreich-Ungarn]
hist. Danubian Monarchy [coll.] [Austro-Hungarian Monarchy]Donaumonarchie {f} [ugs.] [Monarchie Österreich-Ungarn]
hist. mil. private first class [Austro-Hungarian Army]Patrouilleführer {m} [Dienstgrad der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee]
hist. Archduke Francis Ferdinand [rare] [heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne]Erzherzog {m} Franz Ferdinand [österreich-ungarischer Thronfolger]
mil. one-year volunteer [German Imperial Forces, Austro-Hungarian Forces, Austrian Armed Forces]Einjährig-Freiwilliger {m}
Francis Joseph [Austro-Hungarian emperor, 1830-1916]Franz Josef / Franz-Josef {m} [veraltet: Joseph]
hist. Archduke Franz Ferdinand [heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne]Erzherzog {m} Franz Ferdinand [österreich-ungarischer Thronfolger]
hist. Kuruc [Hungarian rebels]Kuruzen {pl}
bogracs [Hungarian goulash kettle](ungarischer) Gulaschkessel {m}
hist. Kuruc [Hungarian rebels]Kuruzzen {pl} [auch: Kurutzen]
geogr. Devín Gate [also: Hainburger Gate or Hungarian Gates]Ungarische Pforte {f} [heute: Hainburger Pforte]
gastr. Barack [Hungarian apricot brandy]Barack {m} [Barackpálinka]
bogracs [Hungarian goulash kettle]Bogrács {m}
armour mil. lobster-tail helmet [also capeline, Hungarian helmet or harquebusier's pot]Zischägge {f} [auch Husarische Haube, Ungarische Sturmhaube oder Pappenheimer-Helm]
hist. Francis II Rákóczi [Hungarian: II. Rákóczi Ferenc]Franz II. Rákóczi {m}
hist. mil. [light infantry troops in the Austrian-Hungarian Army] [1808 - 1918]k. u. k. Feldjäger {pl} [Bez. der österr.-ungarischen Jägertruppe 1808 - 1918]
hist. Southeast Wall [fortification of the Hungarian western border at the end of World War II]Südostwall {m} [gegen Ende des 2. Weltkriegs begonnene Befestigungsanlage an der Westgrenze Ungarns]
hist. [organized colonisation of depopulated areas in the Hungarian part of the Habsburg empire in the 18th century]Schwabenzug {m}
hist. Seven Weeks' War [Austro-Prussian War] [1866]Preußisch-Österreichischer Krieg {m}
hist. Seven Weeks' War [Austro-Prussian War] [1866]Deutscher Krieg {m} [auch: Preußisch-Deutscher Krieg]
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