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English-German translation for: [Bacon]
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Dictionary English German: [Bacon]

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
gastr. rindless {adj} [bacon]ohne Schwarte
gastr. to derind sth. [bacon etc.]etw.Akk. abschwarten [Speck, Fleisch]
gastr. rind [of bacon]
Schwarte {f}
gastr. [fried potatoes with scrambled egg and bacon]
Bauernfrühstück {n}
gastr. gammon [Br.] [ham cured like bacon]
Räucherschinken {m}
gastr. [smoked sausage from bacon, groats and spices]
Pinkel {f} [nordd. Spezialität]
gastr. bard [slice of bacon]
Barde {f}
gastr. [diced bacon and onion omelet]
Bauernomelett {n}
gastr. [a type of bacon associated with south Tyrolean cuisine]Südtiroler Speck {m}
gastr. [cheese-stuffed bacon-wrapped cervelat / bockwurst]Arbeiter-Cordon-bleu {n} [hum.] [bes. schweiz.]
gastr. [grieves, bacon, pork belly or a dish made thereof]Spirkel {m} [nordd.] [auch: Spirgel] [ostpreußischer Name für Griebe, Speck, Schweinebauch od. für ein einfaches Gericht daraus]
gastr. [slices of bread piled with thinly sliced smoked bacon]Speckbrote {pl}
hist. philos. Baconism [Francis Bacon]Baconismus {m}
gastr. flitches [flitches of bacon]Bauchscheiben {pl} [vom Schwein]
gastr. gammon [esp. Br.] [ham smoked like bacon]geräucherter Vorderschinken {m} [Schweinsschulter]
2 Words
gastr. (Italian) guanciale [similar to the jowl bacon]Guanciale {m} [auch: Gota Stagionata] [Schweinebackenspeck]
FoodInd. gastr. Unverified bacon lardons [diced bacon]Speckwürfel {pl}
gastr. BELT sandwich [Am.] [B.E.L.T. sandwich] [bacon, lettuce, tomato, scrambled eggs][Sandwich mit Streifen von gegrilltem Speck, Salat, Tomate, Rührei]
gastr. BLAT sandwich [Am.] [B.L.A.T. sandwich] [bacon, lettuce, avocado, tomato][Sandwich mit Streifen von gegrilltem Speck, Salat, Avocado, Tomate]
gastr. BLT (sandwich) [with bacon, lettuce, tomato]Sandwich {n} {m} [mit Schinken, Salat, Tomate]
4 Words
gastr. minced smoked bacon spread [bacon jam]Sasaka {n} [österr.] [regional] [Brotaufstrich]
5+ Words
quote For knowledge, too, itself is power. [Francis Bacon]Denn auch das Wissen selbst ist eine Macht.
quote Truth is the daughter of time. [Francis Bacon]Die Wahrheit ist eine Tochter der Zeit.
gastr. to fry the fat out of sth. [e.g. bacon]etw.Akk. ausbraten [z. B. Speck]
ling. spec. idols of the market place [idola fori: Francis Bacon; errors of reasoning caused by language]Idole {pl} des Marktes
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F 42nd Street [Lloyd Bacon]Die 42. Straße
film F The Oklahoma Kid [Lloyd Bacon]Oklahoma Kid
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