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English-German translation for: [Block]
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Dictionary English German: [Block]

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pol. psych. sociol. power {adj} [attr.] [e.g. base, bloc, elite, game, struggle]
Macht- [z. B. Basis, Block, Elite, Spiel, Kampf]
engine {adj} [attr.] [e.g. block, compartment, drive, failure, oil]
Motor- [z. B. Block, Raum, Antrieb, Schaden, Öl]
geol. granitic {adj} [e.g. boulder, layer, rocks]Granit- [z. B. Block, Schicht, Gestein]
handprinted {adj} [in block letters]in Blockschrift [nachgestellt]
RealEst. portered {adj} [apartment block]mit Hausmeisterservice [nachgestellt] [Wohnblock]
to blight sth. [frustrate, block]
etw. vereiteln
to jam sth. [block, crowd]
etw. verstopfen
comp. to outdent [word processing]
ausrücken [Block-Textverarbeitung]
to jam sth. [block]
etw. versperren [einen Weg]
mil. to interdict [to block, seal off]
abriegeln [das Vordringen / den Rückzug blockieren etc.]
to block sth. [form into a block]etw. zu einem Block formen
comp. to dedent sth.etw.Akk. ausrücken [Block-Textverarbeitung]
to occult [to block from view]verdunkeln [verdecken]
to occult sth. [selten] [block from view]etw.Akk. verbergen [verdecken]
to occult sth. [selten] [to block from view]etw.Akk. verdecken
RealEst. tenant [in a block of flats]
Partei {f} [in Mietshaus]
obstacle [stumbling block]
Stolperstein {m} [fig.]
tenants [in a block of flats]
Hausparteien {pl}
constr. shake [a wooden shingle made from split logs]
Schindel {f} [Holzschindel; durch Spalten aus einem Block hergestellt]
block [chopping block]
Hackblock {m}
[wooden block or beam with square or rectangular cross section]Kantel {f}
briquette [block of compressed coal dust]Pressling {m} [Brikett]
material ebauchon [block of briar from which a tobacco pipe is carved]Ebauchon {n} [Block des Bruyère-Holzes, zum Tabakpfeifenbau verwendet]
2 Words: Others
block lettering {pres-p} [printing in block letters]in Blockschrift schreibend
2 Words: Nouns
archi. RealEst. (housing) terrace {sg} [Br.] [row of houses built in one block in a uniform style]Reihenhäuser {pl}
archi. access gallery [Br.] [of an apartment block]Laubengang {m} [eines Wohnblocks]
beech log [block of wood]Buchenklotz {m}
comp. block chainBlockchain {f} [auch: Block Chain]
archaeo. ling. Cascajal Block [also: Cascajal block]Cascajal-Stein {m}
change column [in title block of a drawing]Änderungsfeld {n} [im Schriftfeld einer Zeichnung]
chopping block [splitting block]Scheitstock {m} [schweiz.] [Holzklotz zum Holzspalten]
math. Dienes (block) [multi-base arithmetic block]Steckwürfel {m}
geol. fault wedge [wedge-shaped block of rock between two faults]Pultscholle {f}
front door [block of flats etc.]Haustor {n} [österr.]
zool. ice treat [ice block filled with food for animals]Eisbombe {f} [Tierfutter]
math. Jordan block [also: Jordan's block]Jordan-Block {m} [auch: Jordanblock]
math. linking cube [multi-base arithmetic block]Steckwürfel {m} [Verbindungswürfel]
archi. urban mansion block [Br.] [large block of flats]Mietshaus {n}
comp. parameter block <PB>Parameterblock {m} [auch: Parameter-Block]
salt lick [block of salt]Leckstein {m}
tech. slip gage [spv.] [gage block]Endmaß {n}
tech. slip gauge [gauge block]Endmaß {n}
rail unit train [block train, trainload service]Ganzzug {m} [Blockzug]
3 Words: Others
block by block {adv}blockweise
3 Words: Nouns
math. base ten block <base 10 block> [multi-base arithmetic block]Steckwürfel {m}
hist. sociol. one-kitchen house [block of flats, apartment house with central kitchen] [also called: service house]Einküchenhaus {n}
stuff-block test [also: stuff block test][Schnee- und Lawinenkunde: Test zur Abschätzung der Gefahr von Schneebrettlawinen]
4 Words: Verbs
to tear a page from sth.ein Blatt von etw. abreißen [Heft, Block, Kalender etc.]
4 Words: Nouns
constr. aerated autoclaved (concrete) block [AAC block]Porenbetonstein {m}
block by block operationblockweises Abarbeiten {n} [ugs.]
block by block operationAbarbeiten {n} in Blöcken
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Ticket to the Boneyard [Lawrence Block]Ein Ticket für den Friedhof
lit. F When the Sacred Ginmill Closes [Lawrence Block]Nach der Sperrstunde
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