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| livid {adj} [black-and-blue] | 39 bleifarben | |
| aqua {adj} [(of a greenish-blue) colour] | 20 türkis [eisblau, aquamarin] | |
| bleen {adj} [neol.] [rare] [portmanteau of blue and green] | blün [Neol.] [selten] [Kofferwort aus blau und grün] | |
| gastr. blue {adj} [short for: blue rare] | fast roh [sehr blutig; Steak] | |
| steelblue {adj} [spv.] [steel-blue] | stahlblau | |
Nouns |
| concept [blue print, rough copy] | 102 Entwurf {m} | |
| textil. dungaree [sturdy, often blue denim fabric] | 56 Kattun {m} [grobe Baumwolle, Jeansstoff] | |
| blues [shades of blue] | 21 Blaus {pl} | |
| cloth. dungarees [Can.] [Am.] [blue jeans] | 11 Jeans {pl} [ein Exemplar oder mehrere Exemplare] [Bluejeans] | |
| background [e.g. blue background] | 9 Grund {m} [z. B. blauer Grund] | |
| [Hessian earthenware jug, grey with blue decoration, for serving apple cider] | 7 Bembel {m} [bes. hessisch: Apfelweinkrug] | |
| jobs worker [blue-collar] | 6 Hackler {m} [österr.] [ugs.] | |
| FireResc traffic [blue flashing light or siren] | Sondersignal {n} [Lichtzeichen, Tonsignal] | |
| comp. deadscreen [coll.] [blue screen of death] | blauer Tod {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Bluescreen] | |
| zool. T | | |
| biochem. pyocyanin [C13H10N2O] [a toxic blue crystalline pigment] | Pyocyanin {n} [von Pseudomonas aeruginosa gebildeter blau-grüner Farbstoff] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| chem. acid blues [dye-stuffs of the patent blue group] | Patentblau-Farbstoffe {pl} | |
| mus. bent pitch | [Intonationsschwankung eines Tons, Blue Note] | |
| automot. blue book [Am.] [coll.] [Kelley Blue Book®, NADA] | [Verzeichnis von Gebrauchtwagen-Listenpreisen] | |
| EU QM Blue Guide [also: blue guide] | Blue Guide {m} [Binnenmarktrichtlinie] | |
| lit. travel TrVocab. Blue Guide [travel guide] | Blue Guide {m} [Reiseführer aus der Blue-Guide-Reihe] | |
| philat. Blue Mauritius [two pence blue] | blaue Mauritius {f} | |
| comp. film RadioTV blue screen [coll.] [color keying] | Bluescreen {m} [auch: Blue Screen] [Blue-Screen-Technik, Blue-Box-Technik] | |
| RadioTV blue screen [color keying; blue background] | Bluebox {f} [auch: Blue Box] | |
| clear skies {pl} [blue skies] | blauer Himmel {m} | |
| econ. geogr. European backbone [Blue Banana] | Blaue Banane {f} [Megalopolis] | |
| econ. geogr. European megalopolis [Blue Banana] | Blaue Banane {f} [Megalopolis] | |
| livid scar [dark blue or purple] | bläuliche Narbe {f} | |
| anat. med. locus ceruleus <LC> [Am.] [Locus coeruleus] [a blue area of the brain stem] | Locus caeruleus {m} <LC> [bläulicher Fleck seitlich im Boden des IV. Ventrikels] | |
| anat. med. locus coeruleus <LC> [Locus coeruleus] [a blue area of the brain stem] | Locus coeruleus {m} <LC> [veraltet] [Locus caeruleus] [bläulicher Fleck seitlich im Boden des IV. Ventrikels] | |
| lunch-pailer [dated] [sl.] [blue-collar worker] | Malocher {m} [ugs.] | |
| chem. Monastral® blue [phthalocyanine blue BN] | Phthalocyaninblau {n} [Kupferphthalocyanin] | |
| mud fever [bluecomb / blue comb disease] | Blaukammkrankheit {f} [Coronavirus-Enteritis der Puten] | |
| chem. Nile blue [also: Nile blue A] | Nilblau {n} [auch: Nilblau A] | |
| chem. phthalo blue [phthalocyanine blue BN] | Phthalocyaninblau {n} [Kupferphthalocyanin] | |
| ecol. refuse sack [Br.] [various colours: black, clear, white, red, green, blue, yellow, etc.] | Müllsack {m} | |
3 Words: Others |
| robin's-egg blue {adj} [Am.] [a greenish-blue color] | [eierschalenblau, blaugrünlich bis blaugrün] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| mil. blue on blue [NATO terminology: friendly fire] | Eigenbeschuss {m} [bezogen auf Truppen der NATO] | |
| blueish-green eyes [blue-green eyes] | blaugrüne Augen {pl} | |
| RGB color model [red-green-blue] [Am.] | RGB-Farbmodell {n} [Rot-Grün-Blau] | |
| gastr. Schinkenhäger® / Schinkenhaeger / Schinkenhager [German gin, a spirit flavoured with juniper berries; sold in earthenware (Steingut) bottles with blue cap] | Schinkenhäger® {m} [ursprünglich "Steinhäger Urquell"; in brauner Steinzeugflasche mit blauer Verschlusskappe] | |
4 Words: Others |
| true blue / True Blue {adj} [fig.] | treu | |
| true blue / True Blue {adj} [fig.] | waschecht [fig.] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| sports hopeful long-range shot [shot out of the blue] | Sonntagsschuss {m} [bes. Fußballjargon] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F Blue Is the Warmest Colour / Blue Is the Warmest Color / Adele: Chapters 1 & 2 [Abdellatif Kechiche] | Blau ist eine warme Farbe | |
| lit. F Chasing Vermeer [Blue Balliett] | Das Pentomino-Orakel | |
| film F Hoodwinked! [Blue Yonder Films] | Die Rotkäppchen-Verschwörung | |
| film F Ice Age: The Meltdown [Blue Sky Studios] | Ice Age 2: Jetzt taut's | |
| film F No Time for Nuts [Blue Sky Studios] | Keine Zeit für Nüsse | |
| film F Three Colors: Blue [US] / Three Colours: Blue [UK] [Krzysztof Kieślowski] | Drei Farben: Blau | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. T | | |
| orn. T | | |
| fish T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| orn. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| bot. gastr. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| orn. T | | |
| entom. T | | |
| orn. T | | |
| entom. T | | |
| entom. T | | |
| orn. T | | |
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More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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