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English-German translation for: [Bob]
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Dictionary English German: [Bob]

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sports heat
Durchgang {m} [z. B.: Bob, Rennrodeln]
sports runner
Kufe {f} [an Rodel, Bob]
fish sports bobber [fishing bob]
Fischköder {m} [Schwimmer]
sports run [coasting, bobsleigh]
Bahn {f} [Schlitten, Bob]
2 Words: Nouns
sports (bobsled) pusherAnschieber {m} [Bob, Rennrodel]
sports (bobsleigh) pusherAnschieber {m} [Bob, Rennrodel]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F All That Jazz [Bob Fosse]Hinter dem Rampenlicht
lit. F All the President's Men [Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward]Die Watergate-Affäre
film F All the Pretty Horses [novel: Cormac McCarthy, film: Billy Bob Thornton]All die schönen Pferde
RadioTV F Benny [Bob the Builder]Benny [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Bird [Bob the Builder]Feder [Bob der Baumeister]
film F Black Widow [Bob Rafelson]Die schwarze Witwe
film F Cabaret [Bob Fosse]Cabaret
film F Dirty Work [Bob Saget, 1998]Dirty Work - Rache ist süß
RadioTV F Dizzy [Bob the Builder]Mixi [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Farmer Pickles [Bob the Builder]Bauer Gurke [Bob der Baumeister]
film F Five Easy Pieces [Bob Rafelson]Five Easy PiecesEin Mann sucht sich selbst
film F From the Hip [Bob Clark]Karriere mit links
RadioTV F Hamish [Bob the Builder]Hämisch [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Humpty [Bob the Builder]Muffel [Bob der Baumeister]
mus. RadioTV F If I Knew You Were Comin', I'd Have Baked a Cake [popular song by Al Hoffman, Bob Merrill, and Clem Watts]Hätt ich dich heut erwartet, hätt ich Kuchen da
film F Jayne Mansfield's Car [Billy Bob Thornton]Jayne Mansfield's Car
mus. F jingle-jangle morning [Bob Dylan][wunderschöner, wohlklingender, glückverheißender Morgen]
film F Lenny [Bob Fosse]Lenny
film F Let's Go to Prison [Bob Odenkirk]Ab in den Knast
RadioTV F Lofty [Bob the Builder]Heppo [Bob der Baumeister]
film F Man Trouble [Bob Rafelson]Man Trouble - Auf den Hund gekommen
film F Monster in the Closet [Bob Dahlin]Ein Krümelmonster [auch: Monster!; beides Alternativtitel]
film F Monster in the Closet [Bob Dahlin]Überfall im Wandschrank
RadioTV F Mr Bentley [Bob the Builder]Herr Brauer [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Mr Dixon [Bob the Builder]Herr Dirksen [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Mr Ellis [Bob the Builder]Herr Eller [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Mrs Percival [Bob the Builder]Frau Petermann [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Muck [Bob the Builder]Buddel [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Packer [Bob the Builder]Packer [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Pilchard [Bob the Builder]Kuschel [Bob der Baumeister]
film F Rhinestone [Bob Clark]Der Senkrechtstarter
RadioTV F Roley [Bob the Builder]Rollo [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Scoop [Bob the Builder]Baggi [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Scoot [Bob the Builder]Scooter [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Scrambler [Bob the Builder]Sprinti [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Scruffty [Bob the Builder]Bello [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Skip [Bob the Builder]Conti [Bob der Baumeister]
film F Sling Blade [Billy Bob Thornton]Sling Blade - Auf Messers Schneide
RadioTV F Spud [Bob the Builder]Knolle [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Squawk [Bob the Builder]Quaki [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Travis [Bob the Builder]Rumpel [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Trix [Bob the Builder]Kessi [Bob der Baumeister]
RadioTV F Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! [created by Bob Boyle][animierte US-amerikanische Kinderserie]
RadioTV F Zoomer [Bob the Builder]Flitzer [Bob der Baumeister]
film lit. F The Postman Always Rings Twice [film: Bob Rafaelson; novel: James M. Cain]Wenn der Postmann zweimal klingelt
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