| English | German  |  |
 | relig. Plymouth Brethren | Brüderbewegung {f} [Plymouth-Brüder] |  |
 | relig. Plymouth Brethren | Brüderversammlung {f} [Plymouth-Brüder] |  |
 | relig. Order of the Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Karmeliten {pl} <OCarm> [Orden der Brüder der allerseligsten Jungfrau Maria vom Berge Karmel] |  |
 | relig. brothers in faith [professors of the same creed] | Konfessionsverwandte {pl} [veraltet] [Brüder im Glauben] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | lit. quote Oh, take me out, take me out, or I shall burn; I am baked enough already! [the bread in "Mother Hulda" (Grimm Brothers), trans. Lucy Crane] | Ach, zieh mich raus, zieh mich raus, sonst verbrenn ich: ich bin schon längst ausgebacken! [das Brot in "Frau Holle" (Brüder Grimm)] |  |
 | lit. quote I have eaten so much, not a leaf more I'll touch, meh! meh! [the goat in "The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack" (Grimm Brothers)] | Ich bin so satt, ich mag kein Blatt: Mäh! Mäh! [die Ziege in "Tischlein deck' dich, Esel streck' dich und Knüppel aus dem Sack" (Brüder Grimm)] |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | lit. F All-Kinds-of-Fur [Grimm Brothers] | Allerleirauh [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven [Grimm Brothers] | Armut und Demut führen zum Himmel [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | RadioTV F Brotherly Love | Brüder / Wilde Brüder mit Charme! |  |
 | lit. F Brother Lustig [Grimm Brothers] | Bruder Lustig [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F Little Brother and Little Sister [Grimm Brothers] | Brüderchen und Schwesterchen [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Aged Mother [Grimm Brothers] | Das alte Mütterchen [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Blue Light [Grimm Brothers] | Das blaue Licht [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Little Peasant [Grimm Brothers] | Das Bürle [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Peasant in Heaven [Grimm Brothers] | Das Bürle im Himmel [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Ditmars Tale of Wonders [Grimm Brothers] | Das Diethmarsische Lügenmärchen [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Wilful Child [Grimm Brothers] | Das eigensinnige Kind [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Willful Child [Am.] [Grimm Brothers] | Das eigensinnige Kind [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Donkey [Grimm Brothers] | Das Eselein [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F My Household [Grimm Brothers] | Das Hausgesinde [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Shepherd Boy [Grimm Brothers] | Das Hirtenbüblein [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Old Man Made Young Again [Grimm Brothers] | Das junggeglühte Männlein [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Lambkin and the Little Fish [Grimm Brothers] | Das Lämmchen und Fischchen [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Pack of Ragamuffins [Grimm Brothers] | Das Lumpengesindel [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Girl Without Hands [Grimm Brothers] | Das Mädchen ohne Hände [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Story of Schlauraffen Land [Grimm Brothers] | Das Märchen vom Schlauraffenland [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Sea-Hare [Grimm Brothers] | Das Meerhäschen [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Riddle [Grimm Brothers] | Das Rätsel [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Singing, Springing Lark [Grimm Brothers] | Das singende springende Löweneckerchen [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Valiant Little Tailor [Grimm Brothers] | Das tapfere Schneiderlein [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Shroud [Grimm Brothers] | Das Totenhemdchen [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Hut in the Forest / The House in the Forest [Grimm Brothers] | Das Waldhaus [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Water of Life [Grimm Brothers] | Das Wasser des Lebens [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Gnome [Grimm Brothers] | Dat Erdmänneken [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Maid of Brakel [Grimm Brothers] | Dat Mäken von Brakel / Das Mädchen von Brakel [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F Thumbling's Travels [Grimm Brothers] | Daumerlings Wanderschaft [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F Thumbling [Grimm Brothers] | Daumesdick [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Two Kings' Children [Grimm Brothers] | De beiden Künigeskinner [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Three Little Birds [Grimm Brothers] | De drei Vügelkens / Die drei Vögelchen [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Thief and His Master [Grimm Brothers] | De Gaudeif un sien Meester / Der Gaudieb und sein Meister [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F Gambling Hans [Grimm Brothers] | De Spielhansl / Der Spielhansel [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Old Man and his Grandson [Grimm Brothers] | Der alte Großvater und der Enkel [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F Old Hildebrand [Grimm Brothers] | Der alte Hildebrand [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F Old Sultan [Grimm Brothers] | Der alte Sultan [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Poor Boy in the Grave [Grimm Brothers] | Der arme Junge im Grab [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat [Grimm Brothers] | Der arme Müllersbursch und das Kätzchen [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Poor Man and the Rich Man [Grimm Brothers] | Der Arme und der Reiche [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F Bearskin [Grimm Brothers] | Der Bärenhäuter [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Peasant and the Devil [Grimm Brothers] | Der Bauer und der Teufel [Brüder Grimm] |  |
 | lit. F The Flail from Heaven [Grimm Brothers] | Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel [Brüder Grimm] |  |
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