| English | German | |
| hist. Unverified Wellerman [Supply ships owned by the Weller brothers] [NZ] | Wellerman | |
Nouns |
| bros [Am.] [coll.] [brothers] | 7 Brüder {pl} | |
| agr. gastr. orn. [eggs from laying hens whose "brothers" are raised instead of being killed] | Bruderhahneier {pl} | |
| relig. Alexians [Alexian Brothers] | Alexianer {pl} | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| relig. Marist Brothers [Marist Brothers of the Schools] | Maristenbrüder {pl} [Maristen-Schulbrüder] | |
| Schlauraffen Land [Brothers Grimm] | Schlaraffenland {n} | |
| Smith Maximus [Br.] [public school sl.] [the oldest of three or more brothers at the school] | der älteste Bruder {m} Smith [von mehreren Smiths an der Schule] | |
| Smith Minor [Br.] [public school sl.] [the younger of two brothers at the school] | der jüngere Bruder {m} Smith [von zwei Smiths an der Schule] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| mil. brothers in arms [also: brothers-in-arms] | Kriegskameraden {pl} | |
| mil. brothers-in-arms [also: brothers in arms] | Kampfgefährten {pl} | |
5+ Words: Others |
| lit. quote I have eaten so much, not a leaf more I'll touch, meh! meh! [the goat in "The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack" (Grimm Brothers)] | Ich bin so satt, ich mag kein Blatt: Mäh! Mäh! [die Ziege in "Tischlein deck' dich, Esel streck' dich und Knüppel aus dem Sack" (Brüder Grimm)] | |
| lit. quote Oh, take me out, take me out, or I shall burn; I am baked enough already! [the bread in "Mother Hulda" (Grimm Brothers), trans. Lucy Crane] | Ach, zieh mich raus, zieh mich raus, sonst verbrenn ich: ich bin schon längst ausgebacken! [das Brot in "Frau Holle" (Brüder Grimm)] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. F A Riddling Tale [Grimm Brothers] | Rätselmärchen [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F All-Kinds-of-Fur [Grimm Brothers] | Allerleirauh [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. RadioTV F Band of Brothers [Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg] [based on the book Band of Brothers by Stephen E. Ambrose] | Band of Brothers - Wir waren wie Brüder | |
| lit. F Bearskin [Grimm Brothers] | Der Bärenhäuter [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Brother Lustig [Grimm Brothers] | Bruder Lustig [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Cat and Mouse in Partnership [Grimm Brothers] | Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Children's and Household Tales [Grimm Brothers] | Kinder- und Hausmärchen [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Clever Elsie [Grimm Brothers] | Die kluge Else [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Clever Gretel [Grimm Brothers] | Die kluge Gretel [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Clever Hans [Grimm Brothers] | Der gescheite Hans [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Death's Messengers [Grimm Brothers] | Die Boten des Todes [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Doctor Know-all [Grimm Brothers] | Doktor Allwissend [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Donkey Cabbages / The Donkey Cabbage [Grimm Brothers] | Der Krautesel [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Eve's Various Children [Grimm Brothers] | Die ungleichen Kinder Evas [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie [Grimm Brothers] | Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful [Grimm Brothers] | Ferenand getrü un Ferenand ungetrü / Ferdinand getreu und Ferdinand ungetreu [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Fitcher's Bird [Grimm Brothers] | Fitchers Vogel [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Foundling-Bird [Grimm Brothers] | Fundevogel [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Frau Trude [Grimm Brothers] | Frau Trude [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Frederick and Catherine [Grimm Brothers] | Der Frieder und das Katherlieschen [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Gambling Hans [Grimm Brothers] | De Spielhansl / Der Spielhansel [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F God's Food [Grimm Brothers] | Gottes Speise [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Godfather Death [Grimm Brothers] | Der Gevatter Tod [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Going a Traveling [Grimm Brothers] | Up Reisen gohn / Auf Reisen gehen [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Gossip Wolf and the Fox [Grimm Brothers] | Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Hans in Luck [Grimm Brothers] | Hans im Glück [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Hans Married [Grimm Brothers] | Hans heiratet [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Hans My Hedgehog [Grimm Brothers] | Hans mein Igel [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Hansel and Gretel [Grimm Brothers] | Hänsel und Gretel [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Herr Korbes [Grimm Brothers] | Herr Korbes [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F How Six Men got on in the World [Grimm Brothers] | Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Iron John [Grimm Brothers] | Der Eisenhans [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Jorinde and Joringel [Grimm Brothers] | Jorinde und Joringel [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F King Thrushbeard [Grimm Brothers] | König Drosselbart [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Knoist and his Three Sons [Grimm Brothers] | Knoist un sine dre Sühne / Knoist und seine drei Söhne [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Lazy Henry [Grimm Brothers] | Der faule Heinz [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Lean Lisa [Grimm Brothers] | Die hagere Liese [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F Little Brother and Little Sister [Grimm Brothers] | Brüderchen und Schwesterchen [Brüder Grimm] | |
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