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English-German translation for: [Bundeswehr]
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Dictionary English German: [Bundeswehr]

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mil. joint {adj}
streitkräftegemeinsam [Bundeswehr]
mil. A 1 {adj} [Br.]
T1 [Bundeswehr]
mil. (Federal) Armed ForcesBund {m} [ugs.] [Bundeswehr, österr. ugs.: Bundesheer]
mil. Meal, Ready-to-Eat <MRE> [Am.]Einmannpackung {f} <EPa> [Bundeswehr]
mil. Parachutist Badge [commonly referred to as "Jump Wings"] [U.S. Army]Fallschirmspringerabzeichen {n} [Bundeswehr]
mil. member of the military policeFeldjäger {m} [Bundeswehr]
mil. military police <MP>Feldjäger {pl} [Bundeswehr]
mil. Special Surveillance and Reconnaissance Company [German armed forces]Fernspähkompanie {f} <FeSpähKp> [Bundeswehr]
mil. Special Surveillance and Reconnaissance Instruction Company [German armed forces]Fernspählehrkompanie {f} <FeSpähLehrKp> [Bundeswehr]
mil. mess dressGesellschaftsanzug {m} [des Heeres; Bundeswehr]
mil. mess uniformGesellschaftsanzug {m} [des Heeres; Bundeswehr]
mil. staff sergeant <SSgt, S/Sgt> [British Armed Forces]Hauptfeldwebel {m} [Bundeswehr]
mil. mus. army band [German Armed Forces]Heeresmusikkorps {n} <HMK> [Bundeswehr]
mil. German commando frogmenKampfschwimmer {pl} [Bundeswehr]
mil. naut. rear admiral [female]Konteradmiralin {f} [auch: Konteradmirälin] [keine Rangbezeichnung in der Bundeswehr, nicht fachspr.]
mus. Air Force band [German Armed Forces]Luftwaffenmusikkorps {n} <LMK> [Bundeswehr]
mil. [military rank roughly equivalent to a Chief Warrant Officer <CWO> in various Anglophone armies]Oberstabsfeldwebel {m} [Bundeswehr]
jobs mil. armored engineer [Am.] [lowest enlisted rank in German armored engineer forces designated as Panzerpionier]Panzerpionier {m} <PzPi> [Dienstgrad, Bundeswehr]
mil. disbursing officer <DISB OFF, DO> [U.S. Forces]Rechnungsführer {m} <ReFü> [Bundeswehr]
mil. Legal Status of Military Personnel Act [German Armed Forces]Soldatengesetz {n} <SG> [Bundeswehr]
mil. Commanding Officer <CO> [Bundeswehr medical and air defense missile troops]Staffelchef {m} [Bundeswehr Sanitäts- und Flugabwehrraketentruppe]
mil. garrison commanderStandortältester {m} [Bundeswehr seit 1972, vorher: Standortkommandant]
mil. garrison commanderStandortkommandant {m} [Bundeswehr bis 1972, seither: Standortältester]
cloth. mil. tropical camouflage pattern [German armed forces three-color camouflage pattern]Tropentarn {n} [ugs.] [Bundeswehr 3-Farb-Tarndruckmotiv]
law mil. military disciplinary court [court of administrative jurisdiction for disciplinary proceedings against members of the Bundeswehr]Truppendienstgericht {n}
law mil. Administrative Order on the Position of the Military Superior [German Armed Forces]Vorgesetztenverordnung {f} <VorgV> [Bundeswehr]
law mil. Military Complaints Regulation [German Armed Forces]Wehrbeschwerdeordnung {f} <WBO> [Bundeswehr]
law mil. Military Disciplinary Code [German Armed Forces]Wehrdisziplinarordnung {f} <WDO> [Bundeswehr]
law mil. Military Penal Law [German Armed Forces]Wehrstrafgesetz {n} <WStG> [Bundeswehr]
mil. directly employed labour [Br.] <DEL>Zivilbeschäftigte {pl} [Bundeswehr]
2 Words: Others
hist. mil. Semper Talis [motto of former Prussian-German guard formations and the guard battalion of the German Bundeswehr, "always the same"]Semper Talis [Motto ehemaliger preußisch-deutscher Gardeverbände und des Wachbataillons der Bundeswehr <WachBtl BMVg>, "stets gleich"]
mil. A 1 {adj} [Br.]T1 gemustert ["militärisch tauglich", Bundeswehr]
2 Words: Nouns
FireResc med. container-supported field hospital [e.g. army]containergestütztes Einsatzlazarett {n} [z. B. Bundeswehr]
mil. leadership development and civic educationInnere Führung {f} [Bundeswehr]
mil. psywar [short for: psychological warfare]operative Information {f} [Bundeswehr-fachspr. Ausdruck für psychologische Kriegsführung]
mil. Bundeswehr Technical Center [technical center of the German armed forces]Wehrtechnische Dienststelle {f} <WTD> [Bundeswehr]
mil. joint service regulation [U.S. Armed Forces]Zentrale Dienstvorschrift {f} <ZDv> [Bundeswehr]
med. mil. Joint Medical ServiceZentraler Sanitätsdienst {m} [Bundeswehr]
3 Words: Nouns
mil. officer of the guardOffizier {m} vom Wachdienst <OvWa> [Bundeswehr]
mil. citizen in uniform [political guiding principle of the Bundeswehr]Staatsbürger {m} in Uniform [politisches Leitbild der Bundeswehr]
law mil. soldiers' spokesperson [German Armed Forces]Vertrauensperson {f} der Mannschaften [Bundeswehr]
law mil. officers' spokesperson [German Armed Forces]Vertrauensperson {f} der Offiziere [Bundeswehr]
law mil. NCOs' spokesperson [German Armed Forces]Vertrauensperson {f} der Unteroffiziere [Bundeswehr]
mil. Leadership Development and Civic Education CenterZentrum Innere Führung {n} <ZInFü> [Bundeswehr]
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