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English-German translation for: [Canada]
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Dictionary English German: [Canada]

Translation 1 - 54 of 54


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geogr. Calgarian {adj} [from Calgary (Canada)]aus Calgary [nachgestellt]
geogr. Haligonian {adj} [from Halifax (Canada) or Halifax (England)]aus Halifax [nachgestellt]
geogr. Montreal {adj} [attr.] [from Montreal (Canada)]aus Montreal [nachgestellt]
geogr. Torontonian {adj} [from Toronto (Canada)]aus Toronto [nachgestellt]
geogr. vastnesses [of Northern Canada, Russia, etc.]
Weiten {pl} [eines Landes, etwa Russlands, Sibiriens etc.]
geogr. Labrador [region and peninsula in Canada]
Labrador {n} [Region und Halbinsel in Kanada]
jobs publ. editor [female] [in Canada]
Verlagskauffrau {f}
bot. T
geogr. Newmarket [Ontario, Canada]Newmarket {n}
Nisei [Am.] [second generation of immigrants from Japan in the U.S.A and Canada]Nisei {m} {f} [die zweite Generation von Einwanderern aus Japan]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Chocolate River [coll.] [hum.] [Petitcodiac River, Rivière Petitcodiac; Canada]Petitcodiac {m}
chuck wagon [Western U.S. and Canada] [as at a ranch]Küchenwagen {m}
geol. Deadwood Formation [North Dakota and adjacent Canada]Deadwood-Formation {f}
geogr. Emerald Isle [Canada]Emerald-Insel {f}
geogr. Georgian Bay [Ontario, Canada]Georgsbucht {f}
geogr. Georgian Bay [Ontario, Canada]Georgian Bay {f}
jobs house keeper [in Canada]Hausmeister {m}
geol. McMurray Formation [Western Canada: Alberta to Saskatchewan]McMurray-Formation {f}
hist. pol. October Crisis [of 1970] [Canada]Oktoberkrise {f} [Kanada]
geogr. Prairie Provinces [Canada]Prärieprovinzen {pl}
educ. residential school [boarding school] [Canada]Internat {n}
admin. pol. urban sanctuary city [USA, Canada]Zufluchtsstadt {f} [selten] [kanadische oder amerikanische Stadt, deren Behörden illegale Migranten nicht abschieben]
sports Team Canada {sg} [nickname for the Canadian national men's ice hockey team]Ahornblätter {pl} [ugs.] [Spitzname für die kanadische Eishockeynationalmannschaft der Herren] [Team Canada]
geogr. Victoria Island [Canada]Victoria-Insel {f}
hist. western Allies [US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand]Westalliierte {pl}
whisky barrel [spelling generally used in Canada, Japan, Scotland, England, Wales]Whiskyfass {n}
3 Words: Nouns
automot. (Volkswagen / VW) Rabbit® [USA/Canada](VW) Golf® {m}
traffic 20 mph zone [for Canada: 30 kph, e.g. in school zones]Tempo-30-Zone {f}
ethn. First Nations peoples [original inhabitants of the land that is now Canada]Ureinwohner {pl} Kanadas
pol. Five Eyes alliance [coll.] [agreement among UK, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand]Fünf-Augen-Allianz {f} [auch: Allianz der fünf Augen]
geol. Georgian Bay Formation [Michigan (U.S.), Ontario (Canada)]Georgian-Bay-Formation {f}
geogr. Great Slave Lake [Canada]Großer Sklavensee {m} [Kanada]
geol. Hay River Formation [Canada: Northwest Territories]Hay-River-Formation {f}
International Peace Garden [Peace Park, Canada-USA]International Peace Garden {m} [Internationaler Friedensgarten]
pol. Maple Leaf Flag [National Flag of Canada]Ahornblattflagge {f} [Nationalflagge Kanadas]
law Old Age Security [Canada]Grundsicherung {f} im Alter
4 Words: Nouns
geogr. Bruce Peninsula National Park [Canada]Bruce-Peninsula-Nationalpark {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Fantaghirò: Cave of the Golden Rose [Canada] [Lamberto Bava]Prinzessin Fantaghirò
film F Live Free or Die Hard [USA] [Canada] / Die Hard 4.0 / Die Hard 4 [Len Wiseman]Stirb langsam 4.0
RadioTV F Now What [USA] / The Sausage Factory [Canada]American HighHier steigt die Party!
film F Pot Luck [UK, Canada] / L'Auberge espagnole / The Spanish Apartment [USA] [Cédric Klapisch]L'auberge espagnole
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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