| English | German | |
| relig. observant {adj} [practising, obedient] [Jew, Roman Catholic etc.] | 117 praktizierend [Jude, Katholik etc.] | |
Verbs |
| relig. to confirm [catholic] | 36 firmen | |
Nouns |
| relig. confirmation [Catholic] | 140 Firmung {f} | |
| relig. Father [Catholic priest] | 61 Pfarrer {m} | |
| relig. seminary [Catholic] | 22 Priesterseminar {n} | |
| relig. Mick [esp. Aus.] [pej.] [Roman Catholic] | 17 Katholik {m} | |
| relig. dean [Catholic Church] | 16 Dekan {m} | |
| harp [Irish Catholic] [coll.] [pej.] | 9 [abwertender Name für einen römisch-katholischen Iren] | |
| relig. dignitary [of the Roman Catholic Church] | 7 Dignitar {m} | |
| relig. ratchet [used on Good Friday in Catholic areas] | 7 Karfreitagsratsche {f} | |
| relig. spec. reconciliation [Catholic Church] | 7 Rekonziliation {f} | |
| mus. relig. glory [in the Catholic Mass] | 6 Gloria {n} [in der katholischen Messe] | |
| relig. exequies [Catholic funeral rites] | 5 Exequien {pl} [katholische Begräbnisfeierlichkeiten] | |
| [catholic church wedding embodied into Holy Mass] | Brautmesse {f} | |
| [fraternity type catholic student association in Austria] | Österreichischer Cartellverband {m} <ÖCV> [ugs. in Ö: <CV>] [österr.] | |
| relig. [hymn and prayer book for the German-speaking Catholic dioceses (exc. Switzerland) since 1975] | Gotteslob {n} <GL> | |
| relig. [Title of honour in the Roman Catholic Church and other churches] | Geistlicher Rat {m} | |
| [youth organization of the Catholic Church in Switzerland] | Jungwacht {f} [katholischer Jugendverband, Schweiz] | |
| relig. confirmand [Catholic] | Firmling {m} | |
| relig. confirmee [Catholic] | Firmling {m} | |
| hist. Habaner [Catholic descendant of the Hutterites] | Habaner {m} [zwangskatholisierter Nachkomme der Hutterer] | |
| geogr. relig. travel Lourdes [Catholic pilgrimage site in France] | Lourdes {n} [kath. Wallfahrtsort in Frankreich] | |
| relig. magisterium [Roman Catholic Church] | kirchliches Lehramt {n} | |
| relig. matins [Roman Catholic church] | Matutin {f} | |
| hist. relig. spec. Sacramentarians [Christians who rejected both Catholic and Lutheran sacramental theology] | Sacramentirer {pl} [veraltet] | |
| hist. relig. spec. Sacramentarians [Christians who rejected both Catholic and Lutheran sacramental theology] | Sakramentierer {pl} [pej.] | |
| taig [Br.] [pej. term used in reference to a catholic in Northern Ireland] | [abwertende Bezeichnung für Katholiken in Nordirland] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| relig. auxiliary bishop [Roman Catholic] | Weihbischof {m} [römisch-katholisch] | |
| hist. Catholic relief [Catholic emancipation] | Katholikenemanzipation {f} | |
| educ. relig. confirmation classes {pl} [Catholic] | Firmunterricht {m} | |
| cloth. relig. confirmation suit [catholic] | Firmanzug {m} | |
| relig. ecclesial communities [Catholic term for protestant churches and other denominations] | kirchliche Gemeinschaften {pl} [katholische Bezeichnung für protestantische Kirchen und andere Denominationen] | |
| bibl. General Epistles [also: Catholic Epistels] | Katholische Briefe {pl} | |
| hist. relig. German Catholicism [schismatic Catholic movement] | Deutschkatholizismus {m} [schismatische religiös-politische Bewegung] | |
| jobs relig. lay pastor [Catholic] | Pastoralreferent {m} | |
| relig. left-footer [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [esp. in Ireland and Scotland] [a Roman Catholic] | Katholik {m} | |
| relig. major archbishop [Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church] | Großerzbischof {m} | |
| relig. Most Reverend [Br.] [courtesy title of an Anglican or Roman Catholic archbishop] | [Anrede für anglikanische und römisch-katholische Erzbischöfe in England] | |
| relig. spec. occult compensation [in Catholic tradition the act of secretly taking from a debtor what belongs to oneself] | geheime Schadloshaltung {f} | |
| relig. parish house [esp. a Catholic priest's residence] | Pfarrhaus {n} | |
| educ. religious education [Catholic] | katholische Religionslehre {f} [Religionsunterricht] | |
| relig. solidaristic school [school of Catholic social ethics] | solidaristische Schule {f} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| bibl. Book of Tobit [Book of Tobias in older Catholic Bibles] | Buch {n} Tobit | |
| relig. candidate (for confirmation) [Catholic] | Firmling {m} | |
| relig. daily mass readings {pl} [Roman Catholic] | Tageslesungen {pl} | |
| relig. group of confirmands [Catholic] | Firmgruppe {f} | |
| relig. Sunday mass readings {pl} [Roman Catholic] | Sonntagslesungen {pl} | |
| relig. We Are Church [Modern day reform movement of the Catholic Church] | Wir sind Kirche [Gegenwärtige Reformbewegung der katholischen Kirche] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| hist. relig. to bell, book, and candle [archaic] [Catholic excommunication ritual] | exkommunizieren [mit einem Kirchenbann unter Verwendung von Glocke, Buch und Kerze(n)] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| relig. O Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof, but speak the word only and my soul shall be healed. [e.g. in Old Catholic Church Communion] | Herr, ich bin nicht würdig, dass Du eingehest unter mein Dach, aber sprich nur ein Wort, so wird meine Seele gesund. [z. B. in katholischer Liturgie] | |
| relig. Our Father who art in heaven, ... [Catholic and 1928 Anglican Book of Common Prayer <BCP>] | Vater unser im Himmel, ... [Gegenwärtige ökumenische Fassung, erarbeitet durch die Arbeitsgemeinschaft für liturgische Texte <ALT>, 1970] | |
| relig. Our Father who art in heaven, ... [Catholic and 1928 Anglican Book of Common Prayer <BCP>] | Vater unser, der Du bist im Himmel, ... [Frühere evangelische Fassung (Kleiner Katechismus), frühere römisch-katholische Fassung (Schott-Messbuch,1930), frühere alt-katholische Fassung] | |
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