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 | downtown {adv} [toward the center of town] | stadteinwärts |  |
Verbs |
 | tech. to center [Am.] [place in the center of sth.] | 9 einmitten [selten] |  |
 | tech. to center [Am.] [place in the center of sth.] | 7 ausmitten [selten] |  |
 | tech. to center sth. [Am.] [place in the center of sth.] | etw.Akk. mittig ausrichten |  |
 | tech. to center sth. [Am.] [place in the center of sth.] | etw. mittig anordnen |  |
Nouns |
 | law juvie [Am.] [sl.] [juvenile detention center] | 176 Jugendgefängnis {n} |  |
 | med. spec. sports clinic [Am.] [Can.] [group or center that offers advice] | 30 Beratungsstelle {f} |  |
 | heart [center] | 25 Mittelpunkt {m} [Kern] |  |
 | cynosure [center of attraction] | 22 Attraktion {f} |  |
 | comp. colo [coll.] [colocation center/centre] | 12 Rechenzentrum {n} <RZ> [für Server-Housing] |  |
 | [center of a wheel, from which the spokes radiate] | 7 Nabe {f} [z. B. Fahrrad] |  |
 | [center, centre] | 6 Centrum {n} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901, noch in Eigennamen] [Zentrum] |  |
 | admin. RadioTV [fee collection center of public-law broadcasting institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany] | Gebühreneinzugszentrale {f} der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland <GEZ> |  |
 | hist. urban [part of a city outside the historic center] | Vorstadt {f} |  |
 | print justification [adjustment of spacing within lines to align edges or center text] | Zeilenausschluss {m} [Auffüllen der Zeilen mit Leerräumen gemäß der Druck- bzw. Layoutvorgaben] |  |
 | med. orthocenter [Am.] [orthopedic center] | Orthozentrum {n} [orthopädisches Zentrum] |  |
 | astron. the Sun <☉> [the star at the center of our Solar System] | die Sonne {f} <☉> [der Stern im Zentrum unseres Sonnensystems] |  |
 | archi. spec. trumeau [column supporting a tympanum of a doorway at its center] | Trumeaupfeiler {m} [mittlerer Steinpfeiler eines Portals] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | self-learning {adj} [e.g. unit, center, course] | Selbstlern- [z. B. Einheit, Zentrum, Kurs] |  |
 | year-round {adj} [tourist center, vacation spot] | das ganze Jahr über besucht |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | spec. anchor center [Am.] [arrival center for asylum seekers in Germany] | Ankerzentrum {n} [Aufnahmestelle für Asylbewerber in Deutschland] |  |
 | admin. AnkER centre [Br.] [AnkER facility; arrival center for asylum seekers in Germany] | Ankerzentrum {n} [Zentrum für Ankunft, Entscheidung, Rückführung (AnkER); Aufnahmestelle für Asylbewerber in Deutschland] |  |
 | aviat. center stick [Am.] [in the center of the cockpit between the pilot's legs] | Steuerknüppel {m} [vor dem Pilotensitz] |  |
 | aviat. engin. CG hook [CG for center-of-gravity] | Schwerpunktkupplung {f} |  |
 | acc. econ. cost center [Am.] | Kostenbereich {m} [Cost Center] |  |
 | astron. galactic center [Am.] <GC> [also: Galactic Center] | Galaxienzentrum {n} |  |
 | astron. galactic center [Am.] <GC> [also: Galactic Center] | Milchstraßenzentrum {n} [Zentrum der Milchstraße] |  |
 | Ground Zero [collapse site of the World Trade Center, NYC] | Ground Zero {m} [Einsturzstelle des World Trade Center, NYC] |  |
 | group center [Am.] [center of a group] | Gruppenmitte {f} |  |
 | travel leisure house [A. public leisure center/centre, B. type of private house in one's garden, C. type of private house, e.g. in a holiday-home area] | Freizeithaus {n} [A. öffentliches Haus mit Freizeitangeboten für alle, B. Typ von Gartenhaus, C. Typ von Ferienhaus] |  |
 | Manger Square [city square in the center of Bethlehem, Palestine] | Krippenplatz {m} [Platz in der Altstadt von Bethlehem] |  |
 | astron. multiple system [multiple objects in space orbiting a common center of mass] | Mehrfachsystem {n} |  |
 | sports penalty kick [6 m, 6.6 yd from the center of the goal] [futsal] | Sechsmeter {m} [Strafstoß aus sechs Metern] [Futsal] |  |
 | anat. reflectory center [Am.] [rare] [reflex center] | Reflexzentrum {n} |  |
 | archi. aviat. rail The Squaire [formerly Airrail Center Frankfurt, Gemany] | The Squaire {m} [ehemals Airrail Center Frankfurt] |  |
 | archi. hist. Twin Towers [World Trade Center] | Zwillingstürme {pl} |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | mil. Bundeswehr Technical Center [technical center of the German armed forces] | Wehrtechnische Dienststelle {f} <WTD> [Bundeswehr] |  |
 | day care center [for children] <DCC> [Am.] [also: day-care center] | Kindertageseinrichtung {f} [Kindertagesstätte] |  |
 | med. psych. drying-out center [Am.] [coll.] [detoxification center for alcoholics] | Trinkerheilstätte {f} [veraltet] |  |
 | key settlement area [local or regional population center] | Siedlungsschwerpunkt {m} |  |
 | phys. nitrogen-vacancy center [Am.] <NV center, N-V center> | Stickstoff-Fehlstellen-Zentrum {n} <NV-Zentrum> |  |
 | med. outpatient surgery center <OSC> [Am.] [same-day surgery center] | [entspricht weitgehend dem Ambulanten Operationszentrum, AOZ] |  |
 | Pew Research Center [Am.] | Pew-Forschungszentrum {n} [Pew Research Center] |  |
 | secret service complex [center, facility] | Geheimdienstkomplex {m} |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | anat. audio Broca's area / field / center [Am.] [motor speech center] | Broca-Sprachzentrum {n} |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | MedTech. coincidence of radiation field center and film center [Am.] | Übereinstimmung {f} von Strahlenfeldmitte und Filmmitte |  |
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