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| propitious {adj} [giving or indicating a good chance of success] | 608 verheißungsvoll | |
| squandered {adj} {past-p} | 394 verspielt [Chance etc.] | |
| casual {adj} [by chance] | 354 gelegentlich | |
| viable {adj} [chance] | 157 realistisch [Chance] | |
| opportune {adj} [moment, chance] | 87 passend [günstig, angebracht] | |
| reasonable {adj} [chance] | 23 reell | |
| sheer {adj} [chance etc.] | 16 blind [Zufall] | |
| accidental {adj} [happening by chance, unintentionally, or unexpectedly] | 8 Zufalls- | |
| aleatoric {adj} [depending on chance] | 7 aleatorisch [geh.] | |
| peradventure {adv} [archaic] [by chance] | von ungefähr [ganz zufällig] | |
Verbs |
| to miss sth. [a train, a chance, etc.] | 973 etw.Akk. verpassen [den Zug, eine Chance etc.] | |
| to meet sb. [by chance] | 700 jdm. begegnen | |
| to squander sth. [a chance, an opportunity, one's credibility, etc.] | 423 etw. verspielen [eine Chance, seine Glaubwürdigkeit etc.] | |
| to forfeit sth. [chance] | 408 etw. verpassen [Chance] | |
| to forego sth. [chance, opportunity] [do not use] | 101 etw. vergeben [Chance, Möglichkeit] [nicht nutzen] | |
| to blow sth. [a chance] | 83 etw. vertun [Möglichkeit, Chance] | |
| to draw sth. [take or receive by chance] | 32 etw. ziehen [Los, Losgewinn usw.] | |
| to miss sth. [a chance, an opportunity, etc.] | sichDat. etw.Akk. entgehen lassen | |
| to scupper sth. [esp. Br.] [plan, chance] | etw.Akk. zunichte machen | |
| to waste sth. [an opportunity] | etw.Akk. in den Sand setzen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [eine Chance] | |
Nouns |
| serendipity [chance discovery] | 725 Zufallsfund {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| got there {past-p} [Br.] [by chance] | hingeraten | |
| gotten there {past-p} [Am.] [by chance] | hingeraten | |
| one-off {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [chance, payment, etc.] | einmalig [Chance, Zahlung etc.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to come across sb. [meet by chance] | jdm. (zufällig) begegnen | |
| to come across sth. [find by chance] | etw.Dat. begegnen [etw. antreffen, auf etw. stoßen] | |
| to come along [opportunity, chance, etc.] | sich ergeben [Gelegenheit, Chance etc.] | |
| to get there [by chance] | hingeraten | |
| to pass sth. up [an opportunity, a chance] | sichDat. etw.Akk. entgehen lassen | |
| to pass up [a chance] | vorübergehen lassen | |
| to run across sb./sth. [meet/find by chance] | auf jdn./etw. stoßen [durch Zufall treffen/finden] | |
| to throw away [chance, opportunity, etc.] | vergeben [Chance, Möglichkeit etc.] | |
| to trifle sth. away | sichDat. etw. verscherzen [Chance etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| long shot [sth. with little chance of success] | ziemlich hoffnungsloser Fall {m} | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to fall in with sb. [by chance] | jdn. (zufällig) kennenlernen | |
| to get a chance | zum Zug kommen [Redewendung] [eine Chance erhalten] | |
| to lose out on sth. [opportunity, chance, etc.] | etw. versäumen [Möglichkeit, Chance, etc.] | |
| to rob sb. / oneself of sth. [option, chance etc.] | jdm. / sich etw. nehmen [wegnehmen, um etw. bringen] [Möglichkeit etc.] | |
| to squander a chance | eine Chance versieben [ugs.] [bes. Sportjargon für: eine Chance vergeben] | |
| to stand no chance [idiom] [not have a chance] | keine Chance haben | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| idiom a decent shot [coll.] [a fair chance] | eine faire Chance {f} | |
| a decent shot [fair chance] | ein anständiger Start {m} | |
| Second Chance vest | kugelsichere Weste {f} [des Herstellers Second Chance Inc.] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| idiom to be a long shot [have only a slight chance] | ziemlich aussichtslos sein | |
| to come into contact with sb. [to meet by chance] | jdm. begegnen | |
| to have had one's chips [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [to have had one's last chance] | seine letzte Chance gehabt haben | |
| to present itself / themselves (to sb.) | sich (jdm.) bieten [Gelegenheit, Chance etc.] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| You haven't (got) an earthly. [coll.] [idiom] [... earthly chance] | Sie haben nicht die geringste Aussicht. [formelle Anrede] [Sie haben keine Chance.] | |
| You haven't an earthly chance. [idiom] | Sie haben nicht die geringste Aussicht. [formelle Anrede] [Sie haben keine Chance.] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F Hide and Creep [Chuck Hartsell, Chance Shirley] | Hide and Creep | |
| film F Rocky [John G. Avildsen] | Rocky [Verweistitel: Rocky – Die Chance seines Lebens] | |
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