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English-German translation for: [China]
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Dictionary English German: [China]

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chipped {adj} [slightly damaged at the rim, e.g. china, pottery]
bestoßen [abgestoßen, z. B. Porzellan, Keramik]
geogr. Macanese {adj} [from Macau (China)]aus Macau [nachgestellt]
geogr. Shanghainese {adj} [from Shanghai (China)]aus Shanghai [auch: aus Schanghai] [nachgestellt]
sinophile {adj} [Am.] [friendly to or having a strong liking for China or the Chinese]chinafreundlich [sinophil]
to crack [glass, china etc.]
springen [Glas, Porzellan etc.]
fragment [of glass, china etc.]
Scherbe {f}
admin. chop [as formerly used in India and China]
Stempel {m}
admin. chop
Siegel {n} [China]
law procuratorate [primarily in China]
Staatsanwaltschaft {f}
china [Br.] [S.Afr.] [coll.] [from cockney rhyming slang: china plate "mate"]
Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
geogr. hist. Canton [old] [Guangzhou]Kanton {n} [Stadt und Provinz in China]
geogr. hist. Cathay [obs.]Cathay {n} [veraltet] [China, bes. Nordchina]
coolie [dated]ostasiatischer Tagelöhner {m} [bes. aus Indien und China]
gastr. dumpling [China]gefüllte Teigtasche {f} [auch Jiaozi]
firecrackerChinakracher {m} [ugs.] [auch: China-Kracher] [Böller]
geogr. Guangxi [autonomous region of China]Guangxi {n} [autonomes Gebiet in China]
admin. hist. mandarinate[Gesamtheit der Zivilbeamten eines asiatischen Staates (bes. China)]
2 Words: Nouns
econ. QM 3C certification <CCC certification> [compulsory certification of China]3C-Zertifizierung {f} <CCC-Zertifizierung>
hist. med. barefoot doctor [China]Barfußarzt {m}
hist. med. barefoot doctor [China] [female]Barfußärztin {f}
econ. CCC mark [short for: China compulsory certificate mark]CCC-Zeichen {n}
CCEE mark [obs.] [replaced by the CCC mark; China]CCEE-Zeichen {n} [veraltet] [ersetzt durch das CCC-Zeichen; China]
CCIB mark [obs.] [replaced by the CCC mark; China]CCIB-Zeichen {n} [veraltet] [ersetzt durch das CCC-Zeichen; China]
hist. Celestial EmpireHimmlisches Reich {n} [China]
gastr. Chinese strainer [China cap]Spitzsieb {n}
mus. theatre clapper opera [China]Holzklapper-Oper {f}
hist. foot binding [China]Füßebinden {n}
hist. Han period [China]Han-Zeit {f}
pol. harmonious society [China]harmonische Gesellschaft {f}
geogr. Inner Mongolia [China]Innere Mongolei {f}
hist. pol. Jasmine Revolution [esp. in Tunisia, China]Jasminrevolution {f} [auch: Jasmin-Revolution]
labor camp [Am.] [re-education camp, esp. in China]Umerziehungslager {n} [Arbeitslager, bes. in China]
Laogai camp [Láodòng Gǎizào, China, PRC]Laogai {n} [Arbeitslager in China]
hist. lily feet [bound feet in ancient China]Lilienfüße {pl}
art dance lion dance [China]Löwentanz {m}
hist. Long March [China]Langer Marsch {m}
hist. lotus feet [bound feet in ancient China]Lotosfüße {pl}
hist. lotus foot [China: bound foot]Lotosfuß {m}
ethn. mainland Chinese [man from mainland China]Festlandschinese {m} [Mann aus Festlandchina]
hist. Middle Kingdom [China]Reich {n} der Mitte
myth. Monkey King [China]Affenkönig {m}
myth. Monkey King [China]König {m} der Affen
art mus. Monkey Orchestra [21 figurines, Dresden china]Affenkapelle {f} [Dresdner Porzellan]
law people's court [China]Volksgericht {n}
publ. People's Daily [China]Volkszeitung {f}
scattered flowers [on china, wallpaper, fabrics, etc.]Streublümchen {pl} [auf Porzellan, Tapeten, Stoffen usw.]
hist. struggle session [public humiliation and torture used by the Communist Party of China in the Mao Zedong era]Kampfsitzung {f}
geogr. hist. Tang China [China during the Tang dynasty]Tang-China {n} [China während der Tang-Dynastie]
archaeo. Terracotta Army [China]Terrakottaarmee {f}
underglaze mark [china, pottery]Unterglasur-Markenzeichen {n}
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