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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [Continue]
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Dictionary English German: [Continue]

Translation 1 - 51 of 51

English German
to proceed [continue]
fortfahren [weitermachen]
to dwell [continue]
to last [continue]
to subsist [persist, continue]
to stand [last, continue]
to abandon sth. [cease trying to continue (e.g. the search)]
etw. einstellen [aufgeben, vorzeitig beenden (z. B. die Suche)]
to stay [continue]
to keep [to remain, or continue to be]
to abide [archaic] [continue]
to stand [remain, continue]
to abandon sth. [cease trying to continue, give up (e.g. one's plans, one's career)]etw.Akk. nicht weiterverfolgen [etw. aufgeben, abbrechen (z. B. seine Pläne, seine Karriere)]
to mount [continue to increase]weiter zunehmen
to shelve sth. [not continue for a while]etw. auf die lange Bank schieben [Redewendung]
to stick [continue to stick]haften bleiben
2 Words: Others
Go on. [Continue with what you were saying.]Red weiter.
Go on. [Continue with what you were saying.]Sprechen Sie weiter.
2 Words: Verbs
to adhere to sth. [fig.] [to continue to obey a rule, etc.]etw.Akk. befolgen
to carry on [continue]fortsetzen
to flow on [continue flowing]weiterfließen
to go ahead [continue, proceed]fortfahren
to go ahead [continue, proceed]weitergehen [bei Sachsubjekt: weiterhin geschehen]
to go on [continue doing]weitermachen
to go on [continue]andauern
to go on [continue]fortfahren [weitermachen]
to go on [continue]weitergehen
to go on [continue] [by vehicle]weiterfahren
to have legs [continue for a long time] [idiom]sich langfristig halten [andauern]
to keep doing sth. [continue]etw.Akk. weiter tun
to keep doing sth. [continue]etw.Akk. weiterhin tun
to keep up [continue, carry on]weitermachen
to keep up [continue, carry on]nicht aufhören mit
to keep up [continue, keep going]fortfahren
to live on [continue to exist]fortbestehen
to live on [continue to exist]fortleben
to live on [continue to exist]weiterleben
to pick up [continue]weitermachen
to slog on [coll.] [continue walking]weiterlatschen [ugs.]
to slog on [coll.] [continue working]weitermachen [mit der Arbeit]
to stand by sb. [idiom] [continue to support]jdm. die Stange halten [Redewendung]
to stick at sth. [coll.] [continue doing sth., esp. practising (a skill), even it is difficult]bei etw.Dat. bleiben [an etw. dranbleiben, etw. nicht aufgeben]
educ. to study further [to continue studies e.g. toward a degree]sichAkk. weiterbilden
to wait on [continue to wait]noch (weiter) warten
2 Words: Nouns
fin. Unverified equity release [selling a percentage of one's house value, while retaining the right to continue living in it, in order to bolster one's pension]Immobilienverzehr {m}
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to bite the bullet [fig.] [to accept a negative aspect of a situation in order to continue moving forward]die Kröte schlucken [fig.] [eine unangenehme Konsequenz akzeptieren]
to carry on (sth. / doing sth.) [continue](mit etw.Dat.) weitermachen
to stick to doing sth. [continue doing sth.]dabeibleiben, etw. zu tun
to take sth. over (from sb.) [assume responsibility for sth., continue sth.]etw.Akk. (von jdm.) übernehmen
4 Words: Verbs
pol. to be reappointed (in office) [continue in office]im Amt bestätigt werden
to carry on (with) (sth. / doing sth.) [continue](mit etw.Dat.) fortfahren [mit etw. weitermachen]
to stay on the ball [idiom] [continue to take care of sth.]dranbleiben [ugs.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to pick sth. up where one left off [continue sth., resume sth.]mit etw.Dat. fortfahren [etw. fortsetzen]
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