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English-German translation for: [Council]
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Dictionary English German: [Council]

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
med. medical {adj} [e.g. conference, council, centre]Ärzte- [z. B. Konferenz, Kammer, Haus]
presidency [of the council]
Ratsvorsitz {m}
pol. duma [representative council in Russia]
Duma {f}
pol. [dispute over composition or actions of the Swiss federal council]Konkordanzstreit {m} [Kompromisskultur zwischen Parteien bei der Bundesratswahl] [Schweiz]
[German loss prevention council]Verband {m} der Schadensverhütung GmbH <VdS>
pol. [member of a cantonal council in Switzerland] [female]Kantonsrätin {f} [Schweiz]
acts [of a congress, council, etc.]Akten {pl} [eines Kongresses, Konzils, usw.]
hist. pol. councilism [council communism]Rätekommunismus {m}
agr. hist. Mesta [Honorable Council of the Mesta] [Honrado Concejo de la Mesta]Mesta {f} [Ehrenwerter Rat der Mesta]
pol. panchayat [Indian village or town council]Gemeinderat {m} [eines indischen Dorfes]
shura [Islamic] [council, consultation]Schura-Rat {m} [Ratsversammlung, beratende Versammlung] [islamisch]
2 Words: Nouns
econ. pol. alternate member [of a council, etc.]Ersatzmitglied {n} [eines Rates, usw.]
ecol. EU orn. Birds Directive [Council Directive on the conservation of wild birds]Vogelschutzrichtlinie {f} [Richtlinie des Rates über die Erhaltung der wildlebenden Vogelarten]
bringing in [e.g. an expert to a council]Beizug {m} [schweiz.] [Hinzuziehung z. B. eines Experten zu einem Gremium]
pol. Cantonal Council [also: cantonal council] [Switzerland]Kantonsrat {m} [Kantonsparlament]
pol. elected member [UN Security Council]nichtständiges Mitglied {n} [UN-Sicherheitsrat]
econ. jobs pol. election committee [of a union, works council, etc.]Wahlvorstand {m} [einer Gewerkschaft, eines Betriebsrates usw.]
pol. federal councillor [Br.] [female member of the Swiss Federal Council]Bundesrätin {f} [weibliches Regierungsmitglied des schweizerischen Bundesrates]
pol. federal councillor [Br.] [male member of the Swiss Federal Council]Bundesrat {m} [männliches Regierungsmitglied des schweizerischen Bundesrates]
EU Floods Directive [Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks]Hochwasserrisikomanagementrichtlinie {f} [Richtlinie über die Bewertung und das Management von Hochwasserrisiken (2007/60/EG)]
hist. pol. Inner Council [also: inner council]Engerer Rat {m}
relig. Lima Declaration [World Council of Churches]Lima-Erklärung {f} [Lima-Konvergenzerklärung]
relig. Lima Declaration [World Council of Churches]Lima-Konvergenzerklärung {f}
Lohn Estate [official estate of the Swiss Federal Council]Landgut {n} Lohn
law pol. parish council [Am.] [Louisiana only] [town or city council]Stadtgemeinderat {m}
comm. econ. law producer / distributor [Council Directive 85/374/EEC]Hersteller / Inverkehrbringer {m}
law Red Notice [Interpol-United Nations Security Council Special Notice]Rote Notiz {f}
hist. relig. Robber Council [Council of Ephesus, 449]Räubersynode {f}
pol. veto powers [UNO Security Council]Vetomächte {pl} [UNO-Sicherheitsrat]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. relig. Council in Trullo [Quinisext Council]Trullanum {n}
hist. relig. Decree on Justification [Council of Trent]Rechtfertigungsdekret {n} [Trienter Konzil]
EU pol. EU Council Presidency [also: EU Council presidency]EU-Ratsvorsitz {m}
EU tech. Measuring Instruments Directive <MID> [Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on measuring instruments]Messgeräterichtlinie {f} [Kurztitel] [Richtlinie 2004/22/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 31. März 2004 über Messgeräte]
EU Medical Device Directive <MDD> [council directive concerning medical devices]Medizinprodukterichtlinie {f} <MPR> [Richtlinie 93/42/EWG des Rates vom 14. Juni 1993 über Medizinprodukte]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. relig. Union Council (of Lyon) [Second Council of Lyon, 1274]Unionskonzil {n} (von Lyon)
5+ Words: Others
relig. pre-conciliar / pre-Conciliar / preconciliar {adj} [before the Second Vatican Council]vorkonziliar [vor dem 2. Vatikanum]
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf [Gulf Cooperation Council] <CCASG>Kooperationsrat {m} der Arabischen Staaten des Golfes [Golf-Kooperationsrat]
hist. Court Council of the Empire [also known as Aulic Council, Holy Roman Empire]Reichshofrat {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich]
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