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| |
| cockeyed {adj} [cross-eyed] | 288 schielend [einwärts] | |
| pectoral {adj} [e.g. muscles, fin, cross, tea] | 110 Brust- [z. B. Muskeln, Flosse, Kreuz, Tee] | |
| grave {adj} [attr.] [sepulchral] [e.g. candle, compost, cross, decoration, desecration, find, robber] | 43 Grab- [z. B. Licht, Erde, Kreuz, Schmuck, Schändung, Fund, Räuber] | |
| textbook {adj} [attr.] [fig.: perfect, e.g. landing, pregnancy, cross] | 9 Bilderbuch- [fig.: Landung, Schwangerschaft, Flanke etc.] | |
Verbs |
| sports to groom sth. [a cross country ski track] | 36 etw. loipen | |
| aviat. to hop sth. [coll.] [to cross in an airplane] | 34 etw. überqueren [in einem Flugzeug] | |
| to ford [cross a stream using a ford] | 13 furten | |
| to ford [cross a stream using a ford] | durchfurten | |
| to jaywalk [Am.] [to cross a street against a traffic light] | bei Rot über die Straße gehen | |
| to jaywalk [to cross a street in a heedless manner] | unachtsam eine Straße überqueren | |
| to swim sth. [to cross sth. by swimming] | etw. durchschwimmen | |
| to swim sth. [to cross sth. by swimming] | etw. schwimmend überqueren | |
Nouns |
| langlauf [cross-country ski run] | 22 Langlauf {m} | |
| comp. shim [API and cross-compatibility library] | 6 Shim {n} [Computerprogramm für z. B. API und plattformübergreifende Kompatibilität] | |
| hist. mil. [celebration of the award of a Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross] | Ritterkreuzfeier {f} [selten] | |
| [hair with flat cross-section, hard-to-wave hair texture] | Bandhaar {n} [flacher Querschnitt, schwer wellbar] | |
| hist. [wheeled stretcher, used by the (German) Red Cross] | Handmarie {f} [auch: Hand-Marie] [historische fahrbare Krankentrage] | |
| [wooden block or beam with square or rectangular cross section] | Kantel {f} | |
| herald. mil. Balkenkreuz [national identification cross on German military vehicles in different forms since 1918] | Balkenkreuz {n} [dt. Streitkräfte] | |
| Chakana [Inca Cross] | Andenkreuz {n} | |
| bike sports cross [coll.] [cyclo-cross] | Radcross {n} [Querfeldeinrennen] | |
| constr. crossfall [also: cross fall] | Querneigung {f} [Straßenbau] | |
| econ. crossmentoring [also: cross-mentoring] | Crossmentoring {n} <CM> | |
| rail crossover [also: cross-over] [pair of switches that connects two parallel rail tracks] | Überleitstelle {f} <Üst> [Weichenpaar, das von einem Gleis aufs andere leitet] | |
| relig. crucifer [cross-bearer] | Kreuzträger {m} | |
| astron. Crux [Southern Cross] | Kreuz {n} des Südens | |
| telecom. ped [short for pedestal] [cross-connect box] | Kabelverzweiger {m} <KVz> | |
| relig. sacramental [action like a sacrament but instituted by the church, e.g. the sign of the cross] | Sakramentale {n} | |
| sports skiathlon [cross country skiing event] | Skiathlon {m} [Langlaufwettbewerb] | |
| sports skicross | Skiercross {n} [veraltend] [Ski Cross] | |
| hist. relig. spec. staurophylax [custodian of the cross] | Staurophylax {m} | |
| transvestitism [cross-dressing] | Transvestitismus {m} | |
| zool. T | | |
2 Words: Others |
| cross-team {adj} [also: cross team] | teamübergreifend | |
| skelly-eyed {adj} [Scot. for: cross-eyed] | schieläugig | |
| tailor-fashion {adj} {adv} [cross-legged] | im Schneidersitz | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to check sth. (off) [by marking it with a cross, e.g. a box on a form] | etw.Akk. ankreuzeln [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ankreuzen] | |
| to cross over [cross the road] | die Straße überqueren | |
| to two-time sb. [coll.] [double-cross] | jdn. aufs Kreuz legen [ugs.] [betrügen, hintergehen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| relig. Amalfi cross [Maltese cross] | Amalfikreuz {n} [Malteserkreuz] | |
| geogr. Cape Cross [headland in Namibia] | Kreuzkap {n} [auch Kap Cross, Kap Croß] | |
| cross band [also: cross-band] | Kreuzband {n} | |
| econ. cross license [Am.] [also: cross-license] | Gegenlizenz {f} | |
| math. cross spectrum [cross-spectrum] | Kreuzspektrum {n} | |
| med. Cross syndrome [short for: Cross-McKusick-Breen syndrome] | Cross-Syndrom {n} [kurz für: Cross-McKusick-Breen-Syndrom] | |
| stat. cross tab [short for cross tabulation] | Kreuztabellierung {f} | |
| math. stat. cross tab [short for: cross tabulation] | Kreuztabelle {f} [Kontingenztafel] | |
| sports cross-country | Cross {m} [Cross-Country] | |
| biol. cross-fertilization [also: cross fertilization] | Allomixie {f} | |
| biol. cross-fertilization [also: cross fertilization] | Fremdbefruchtung {f} | |
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