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| |
| pol. appeasing {adj} | 18 versöhnlerisch [bes. DDR] | |
| hist. law [fleeing or having fled from the GDR] {adj} | 5 republikflüchtig [DDR] | |
| hist. intra-German {adj} [esp. border] [related to BRD and DDR] | innerdeutsch [bes. Grenze] [BRD und DDR betreffend] | |
| hist. anti-working class {adj} | klassenfeindlich [DDR-Begriff] | |
| publicly owned {adj} | volkseigen [DDR] | |
Verbs |
| [to pay off government marriage loans by having a certain number of children] | etw. abkindern [ugs.] [Ehestandsdarlehen im Dritten Reich und der DDR] | |
| hist. to go from East- to West-Germany | rübermachen [regional] [aus der DDR in die BRD umsiedeln bzw. flüchten] | |
Nouns |
| mil. captain <Capt., CPT> | 82 Hauptmann {m} <Hptm, Hptm., H> [in D-A-CH ohne Punkt, in DDR und Deutschem Reich mit Punkt; in Listen auch „H“] | |
| geogr. Belarus <.by> | 47 Belorussland {n} [im DDR-Sprachgebrauch] | |
| RealEst. [four-storied apartment buildings, constructed in the period 1950-1965] | 18 Altneubau {m} [DDR] | |
| pol. Stasi | 15 Stasi {f} [seltener {m}] [ugs.] [kurz für: Staatssicherheitsdienst der DDR] | |
| law [flight from the GDR] | 12 Republikflucht {f} [DDR] | |
| hist. community policeman [in the GDR] | Abschnittsbevollmächtigter {m} <ABV> [in der DDR] | |
| admin. foreign intelligence (service) | Auslandsaufklärung {f} [veraltet] [Amt] [DDR-Begriff] | |
| admin. face-to-face criticism session [GDR-term] | Aussprache {f} [DDR-Begriff] | |
| mil. [conscript allowed to do non-military (esp. building) work] | Bausoldat {m} [DDR] | |
| geogr. pol. [territory of the former GDR as part of reunited Germany] | Beitrittsgebiet {n} [Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR seit der Wiedervereinigung] | |
| geogr. Belarus <.by> | Belorußland {n} [alt] [im DDR-Sprachgebrauch] | |
| hist. East Berlin | Berlin {n} [offizielle Bezeichnung der DDR-Führung] | |
| hist. med. company health care delivery system | Betriebsgesundheitswesen {f} [DDR] | |
| pol. workers' militia {sg} | Betriebskampfgruppen {pl} [DDR] | |
| med. county hospital [Am.] [in Austria and former GDR] | Bezirkskrankenhaus {n} [österr.] [auch frühere DDR] [veraltet Deutschland] | |
| hist. pol. regional office | Bezirksverwaltung {f} [DDR-Begriff] <BV> | |
| hist. pol. blueshirts [members of the Free German Youth organisation in former East Germany] | Blauhemden {pl} [Mitglieder der Freien Deutschen Jugend der DDR] | |
| jobs work team / group [smallest unit in a production collective] | Brigade {f} [DDR] | |
| cloth. hist. nylons | Dederonstrümpfe {pl} [Nylonstrümpfe der DDR] | |
| cone flow pump | Diagonalpumpe {f} [DDR] | |
| diagonal (flow) pump | Diagonalpumpe {f} [DDR] | |
| saboteur | Diversant {m} [DDR] [Saboteur] | |
| comm. econ. hist. (administered) retail price [GDR] | Einzelhandelsverkaufspreis {m} <EVP> [auch Endverbraucherpreis] [DDR] | |
| rail railroad crane | Eisenbahndrehkran {m} <EDK> [veraltet] [DDR-Begriff] | |
| law Family Code | Familiengesetzbuch {n} <FamGB> [DDR] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. frozen vegetables {pl} | Feinfrostgemüse {n} [DDR] | |
| comm. hist. [permitted production of goods for western countries in the former DDR] | Gestattungsproduktion {f} | |
| Christmas angel (figurine) | Jahresendflügelfigur {f} [DDR-Jargon für Weihnachtsengel] | |
| [tongue-in-cheek term for Christmas used in the former GDR] | Jahresendzeitfest {n} [DDR-Sprachgebrauch] [hum.] [Weihnachten] | |
| [tongue-in-cheek term for Santa Claus in the former GDR] | Jahresendzeitmann {m} [hum.] [DDR-Sprachgebrauch] | |
| Christmas tree angel toppers | Jahresendzeitpuppen {pl} [DDR-Ausdruck] | |
| hist. youth dedication (ceremony) [in the GDR, but also earlier and later] | Jugendweihe {f} [in der DDR, aber auch früher und später] | |
| youth initiation (ceremony) [in the GDR, but also earlier and later] | Jugendweihe {f} [in der DDR, aber auch früher und später] | |
| hist. mil. fighting reserve [GDR-term] | Kampfreserve {f} [DDR-Begriff] | |
| gastr. hot dog with ketchup | Ketwurst {f} [ostd.] [DDR] | |
| hist. law conflict commission [GDR judiciary] | Konfliktkommission {f} <KK> [DDR-Justiz] | |
| educ. sports physical education <Phys Ed., PE> | Körpererziehung {f} [bes. DDR] | |
| hist. pol. district office | Kreisdienststelle {f} <KD> [DDR-Begriff] | |
| gastr. hist. pizza | Krusta {f} [DDR-Ausdruck] | |
| condom | Mondo {n} [DDR] | |
| geogr. [new federal states of Germany, formerly "DDR"] | Neufünfland {n} [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltend] | |
| educ. upper secondary education [ISCED level 3] | Oberschulbildung {f} [ugs.] [nicht ugs. für DDR] | |
| hist. pol. district office [at factories and other important installations / facilities] | Objektdienststelle {f} <OD> [DDR-Begriff] | |
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