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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [Doyle]
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Dictionary English German: [Doyle]

Translation 1 - 75 of 75

English German
lit. quote When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. [Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes]Wenn du das Unmögliche ausgeschlossen hast, dann ist das, was übrig bleibt, die Wahrheit, wie unwahrscheinlich sie auch ist.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Case of Identity [Arthur Conan Doyle]Eine Frage der Identität
lit. F A Scandal in Bohemia [Arthur Conan Doyle]Skandal in Böhmen
lit. F A Study in Scarlet [Arthur Conan Doyle]Eine Studie in Scharlachrot
lit. F His Last Bow [Arthur Conan Doyle]Seine Abschiedsvorstellung
lit. F The Adventure of Black Peter [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Schwarze Peter
lit. F The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton [Arthur Conan Doyle]Charles Augustus Milverton
lit. F The Adventure of Lady Frances Carfax [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das Verschwinden der Lady Frances Carfax
lit. F The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place [Arthur Conan Doyle]Shoscombe Old Place
lit. F The Adventure of Silver Blaze [Arthur Conan Doyle]Silberstern
lit. F The Adventure of the Abbey Grange [Arthur Conan Doyle]Abbey Grange
lit. F The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Beryll-Krone
lit. F The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der erbleichte Soldat
lit. F The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der blaue Karfunkel
lit. F The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Bruce Partington-Pläne
lit. F The Adventure of the Cardboard Box [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Pappkarton
lit. F The Adventure of the Copper Beeches [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das Haus bei den Blutbuchen
lit. F The Adventure of the Creeping Man [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Mann mit dem geduckten Gang
lit. F The Adventure of the Crooked Man [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Verwachsene
lit. F The Adventure of the Dancing Men [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die tanzenden Männchen
lit. F The Adventure of the Devil's Foot [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Teufelsfuß
lit. F The Adventure of the Dying Detective [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Detektiv auf dem Sterbebett
lit. F The Adventure of the Empty House [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das leere Haus
lit. F The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Daumen des Ingenieurs
lit. F The Adventure of the Final Problem [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das letzte Problem
lit. F The Adventure of the Gloria Scott [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Gloria Scott
lit. F The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der goldene Kneifer
lit. F The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der griechische Dolmetscher
lit. F The Adventure of the Illustrious Client [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der illustre Klient
lit. F The Adventure of the Lion's Mane [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Löwenmähne
lit. F The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Mazarin-Stein
lit. F The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der verschollene Three-Quarter
lit. F The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das Musgrave-Ritual
lit. F The Adventure of the Naval Treaty [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das Marineabkommen
lit. F The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der adlige Junggeselle
lit. F The Adventure of the Norwood Builder [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Baumeister aus Norwood
lit. F The Adventure of the Priory School [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Abtei-Schule
lit. F The Adventure of the Red Circle [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der rote Kreis
lit. F The Adventure of the Reigate Squire / Squires / Puzzle [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Junker von Reigate
lit. F The Adventure of the Resident Patient [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der niedergelassene Patient
lit. F The Adventure of the Retired Colourman [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Farbenhändler im Ruhestand
lit. F The Adventure of the Second Stain [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der zweite Fleck
lit. F The Adventure of the Six Napoleons [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die sechs Napoleons
lit. F The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die einsame Radfahrerin
lit. F The Adventure of the Speckled Band [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das gesprenkelte Band
lit. F The Adventure of the Stockbroker's Clerk [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Angestellte des Börsenmaklers
lit. F The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Vampir von Sussex
lit. F The Adventure of the Three Gables [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die drei Giebel
lit. F The Adventure of the Three Garridebs [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die drei Garridebs
lit. F The Adventure of the Three Students [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die drei Studenten
lit. F The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die verschleierte Mieterin
lit. F The Adventure of the Yellow Face [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das gelbe Gesicht
lit. F The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge [Arthur Conan Doyle]Wisteria Lodge
film lit. F The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes [novel: Arthur Conan Doyle, film: Alfred L. Werker]Die Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes
lit. F The Boscombe Valley Mystery [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das Geheimnis von Boscombe Valley
lit. F The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes [Arthur Conan Doyle]Sherlock Holmes' Buch der Fälle
lit. F The Disintegration Machine [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Disintegrationsmaschine
lit. F The Five Orange Pips [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die fünf Orangenkerne
lit. F The Hound of the Baskervilles [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Hund der Baskervilles [oft: Der Hund von Baskerville]
lit. F The Land of Mist [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das Nebelland
lit. F The Lost World [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die verlorene Welt / Die vergessene Welt
lit. F The Man with the Twisted Lip [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Mann mit der entstellten Lippe
lit. F The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Memoiren des Sherlock Holmes
lit. F The Poison Belt [Arthur Conan Doyle]Im Giftstrom / Das Ende der Welt
lit. F The Problem of Thor Bridge [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Thor-Brücke
lit. F The Red-Headed League [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Liga der Rothaarigen
lit. F The Return of Sherlock Holmes [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Rückkehr des Sherlock Holmes
lit. F The Sign of the Four [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das Zeichen der Vier
lit. F The Story of the Lost Special [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der verschollene Zug
lit. F The Story of the Man with the Watches [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Geschichte des Mannes mit den Uhren
lit. F The Valley of Fear [Arthur Conan Doyle]Das Tal der Angst
lit. F The Van [novel: Roddy Doyle; film: Stephen Frears]Fish & Chips
lit. F The Van [Roddy Doyle]Das Frittenmobil
lit. F The Woman Who Walked into Doors [Roddy Doyle]Die Frau, die gegen Türen rannte
lit. F When the World Screamed [Arthur Conan Doyle]Die Erde schreit / Als die Erde schrie
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