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| |
| hist. mil. Hilfswilliger [non-German volunteer in the Nazi forces at the Eastern front] | 24 Hilfswilliger {m} <Hiwi, HiWi, HIWI> | |
| gastr. blintzes [Eastern European variant] | 10 Bliny {pl} | |
| hist. [political, social and economic agreements made between West Germany and some Eastern bloc countries in the early 1970s] | 9 Ostverträge {pl} | |
| gastr. blintz [Eastern European variant] | 9 Blin {m} | |
| bibl. hist. Philistines [ancient Near Eastern people] | 6 Philister {pl} | |
| [a West German who has been living in Eastern Germany for at least three years] | Wossi {m} [ugs.] | |
| [an ethnic slur or hate word referring to a person of Middle Eastern, esp. Turkish, origin] | Kümmeltürke {m} [pej.] [Hasswort] | |
| [pejorative term for Eastern Germany] | Dunkeldeutschland {n} [pej.] | |
| gastr. [traditional Easter bread in Eastern and Southern Austria and Slovenia] | Osterpinze {f} [österr.] | |
| gastr. arrack [an alcoholic spirit made in Eastern countries from the sap of the coco palm or from rice] | Arrack {m} [Rsv.] [Arrak] [Reisbranntwein] | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| relig. El [ancient Near Eastern deity] | El {m} [altorientalische Gottheit] | |
| hist. relig. eparch [bishop in the Eastern churches] | Eparch {m} | |
| bot. T | | |
| relig. hieromonk [in the Eastern churches, a monk who is also a priest] | Priestermönch {m} | |
| relig. spec. Hypapante [Eastern Candlemas] | Hypapante {f} [Fest der Begegnung] | |
| bot. T | | |
| Oriental [from a Near or Middle Eastern country] | Orientale {m} | |
| hist. Ostarbeiters [eastern workers] | Ostarbeiter {pl} [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| zool. T | | |
| hist. relig. Resheph [Near Eastern deity] | Reschef {m} | |
| geogr. Shirvan [Şirvan] [also: Shirwan, Shervan, Sherwan, Šervān] [historical region in the eastern Caucasus] | Schirwan {n} [Schirwan-Gebiet] | |
| geogr. Slavonia [geographical and historical region in eastern Croatia] | Slawonien {n} [geografische und historische Region in Ostkroatien] | |
| hist. sports Spartakiad [also: Spartakiade] [counter-event of the Eastern Bloc countries to the Olympics during cold war] | Spartakiade {f} [Gegenveranstaltung der Ostblockstaaten zur Olympiade während des kalten Kriegs] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| geogr. pol. CEE region [Central and Eastern Europe] | MOEL-Region {f} [mittel- und osteuropäische Länder] | |
| geogr. eastern England [also: Eastern England] | Ostengland {n} | |
| sports eastern grip [also: Eastern grip] [tennis] | Easterngriff {m} [Tennis] | |
| geogr. eastern Holstein [also: Eastern Holstein (Kreis)] | Ostholstein {n} | |
| hist. pol. eastern policy [toward the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe] | Ostpolitik {f} | |
| geogr. Eastern Provinces [also: eastern provinces] | Ostprovinzen {pl} | |
| geogr. Eastern Serbia [also: eastern Serbia] | Ostserbien {n} | |
| relig. Great Lent [in Eastern Christianity] | große Fastenzeit {f} [Ostkirche; auch: Große Fastenzeit] | |
| hex sign [Am.] [graphic used esp. by settlers in Eastern Pennsylvania] | Hexenzeichen {n} [Symbolbild an Farmgebäuden in Pennsylvania] | |
| geogr. Middle Germany [Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia seen as a cultural region in today's south-eastern Germany] | Mitteldeutschland {n} [z. B. mitteldeutsche Wirtschaftsverbände] | |
| geol. hist. Molteno Formation [eastern South Africa] | Molteno-Formation {f} | |
| hist. mil. Ruga-Ruga {pl} [also: Rugaruga] [irregular troops in Eastern Africa] | Rugaruga {pl} [auch: Ruga-Ruga] | |
3 Words: Others |
| Eastern / eastern Slavic {adj} | ostslavisch [Rsv.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| educ. relig. candidate of theology <cand. theol.> [Russia and eastern Europe, equiv. to a PhD.] | Kandidat {m} der Theologie <cand. theol.> [Russland und Osteuropa, entspr. einem PhD] | |
| hist. mil. Day of Liberation [end of World War II on 8 May, or 9 May (the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries only)] | Tag {m} der Befreiung [8. Mai 1945] | |
| geogr. eastern Mediterranean region [also: Eastern Mediterranean region] | Ostmittelmeerraum {m} | |
| med. ECOG performance status [ECOG index] | ECOG-Leistungsstatus {m} [Index zur Lebensqualitätsermittlung der Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group] | |
| geogr. south-eastern Australia [also: South Eastern / south eastern Australia] | Südostaustralien {n} | |
4 Words: Others |
| of eastern / Eastern Germany {adj} [postpos.] | ostdeutsch | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| relig. St. Barbara (of Nicomedia) [in the Eastern Orthodox Church: the Great Martyr Barbara] | (hl.) Barbara {f} (von Nikomedien) | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| relig. spec. Great Blessing of the Waters [Eastern Orthodoxy] | Große Wasserweihe {f} | |
| educ. hist. history of Eastern and South Eastern Europe | Geschichte {f} Ost- und Südosteuropas | |
| UWH Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto [South-Eastern Sicily] | Spätbarocke Städte {pl} des Val di Noto [im südöstlichen Sizilien] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. F [West-Eastern Divan] | West-östlicher Diwan [Schreibweise einiger historischer Ausgaben für: West-östlicher Divan [J. W. v. Goethe]] | |
| lit. F [West-Eastern Divan] | Westöstlicher Divan [Schreibweise einiger historischer Ausgaben für: West-östlicher Divan [J. W. v. Goethe]] | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. T | | |
| orn. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| orn. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
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