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English-German translation for: [Edgar]
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Dictionary English German: [Edgar]

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lit. quote Those blest ideals now are wanting // That swelled my heart with mad delight. [trans. Edgar Alfred Bowring]Die Ideale sind zerronnen, // Die einst das trunkne Herz geschwellt. [Friedrich Schiller, Die Ideale]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F At the Earth's Core [novel: Edgar Rice Burroughs; film: Kevin Connor]Der sechste Kontinent
film F Beyond the Time Barrier [Edgar G. Ulmer]Jenseits der Zeitschranke
film F Detour [Edgar G. Ulmer]Umleitung
film F Germany in AutumnDeutschland im Herbst [u. a. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Volker Schlöndorff, Alexander Kluge, Edgar Reitz]
film F Home from HomeDie andere Heimat - Chronik einer Sehnsucht [Edgar Reitz]
film F Hot Fuzz [Edgar Wright]Hot FuzzZwei abgewichste Profis
lit. F Sanders of the River [Edgar Wallace]Sanders vom Strom
film F Shaun of the Dead [Edgar Wright]Shaun of the Dead
lit. F Some Words with a Mummy [Edgar Allan Poe]Gespräch mit einer Mumie
lit. F Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque [Edgar Allan Poe]Phantastische Erzählungen
lit. F The Balloon-Hoax [Edgar Allan Poe]Der Ballon-Jux
lit. F The Black Cat [Edgar Allan Poe]Der schwarze Kater
film F The Black Cat [Edgar G. Ulmer]Die schwarze Katze
lit. F The Cask of Amontillado [Edgar Allan Poe]Das Fass Amontillado
lit. F The Fall of the House of Usher [Edgar Allan Poe]Der Untergang des Hauses Usher
lit. F The Gold Bug [Edgar Allan Poe]Der Goldkäfer
lit. F The Masque of the Red Death [Edgar Allan Poe]Die Maske des Roten Todes
lit. F The Murders in the Rue Morgue [Edgar Allan Poe]Der Doppelmord in der Rue Morgue
lit. F The Mystery of Marie Rogêt [Edgar Allan Poe]Das Geheimnis der Marie Rogêt
lit. F The Nazi and the Barber [earlier titles: The Nazi and the Barber, a Tale of Vengeance / The Nazi Who Lived As a Jew]Der Nazi & der Friseur [Edgar Hilsenrath]
lit. F The Oval Portrait [Edgar Allan Poe]Das ovale Portrait / Der Tod im Leben
lit. F The Pit and the Pendulum [Edgar Allan Poe]Die Grube und das Pendel
lit. F The Purloined Letter [Edgar Allan Poe]Der entwendete Brief
lit. F The Raven [Edgar Allan Poe]Der Rabe
film F The Sin of Madelon Claudet [Edgar Selwyn]Die Sünde der Madelon Claudet
lit. F The Tell-Tale Heart [Edgar Allan Poe]Das verräterische Herz
lit. F Apparent Death [trans. Edgar Alfred Bowring]Scheintod [J. W. v. Goethe]
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