| English | German | |
| games Emperor <IV> [also: emperor] [Tarot card] | 8 Herrscher {m} <IV> [Tarotkarte] | |
| hist. law [outlawry in the name of the Emperor] | Reichsacht {f} | |
| hist. mil. [the German or Austrian emperor as supreme commander of their empire's forces, esp. in WW I] | oberster Kriegsherr {m} | |
| agr. bot. T | | |
| hist. Galba [roman emperor] | Galba {m} [römischer Kaiser] | |
| hist. Heraclius [Flavius Heraclius Augustus, Byzantine Emperor, 610-641] | Herakleios {m} | |
| hist. Majorian [Flavius Iulius Valerius Maiorianus] [Roman emperor] | Majorian {m} | |
| hist. Marcian [Flavius Marcianus, Byzantine Emperor, 450-457] | Markian {m} | |
| pol. relig. Tenno [Emperor of Japan] | Tenno {m} | |
| hist. Vespasian [Roman emperor] | Vespasian {m} | |
| hist. pol. weltpolitik [political concept of emperor William II of Germany] | Weltpolitik {f} [Wilhelm II.] | |
2 Words: Others |
| hist. imperial-royal {adj} [Emperor of Austria and King of Bohemia, 1867-1918] | kaiserlich-königlich <k.k.> [Kaiser von Österreich und König von Böhmen, 1867-1918] | |
| hist. imperial-royal {adj} [Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, prior to 1867] | kaiserlich-königlich <k.k.> [Kaiser von Österreich und König von Ungarn, vor 1867] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| Francis Joseph [Austro-Hungarian emperor, 1830-1916] | Franz Josef / Franz-Josef {m} [veraltet: Joseph] | |
| hist. name Frederick Barbarossa [Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor] | Friedrich {m} Barbarossa [Friedrich I., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches] | |
| hist. Frederick I [Holy Roman Emperor, called Barbarossa or Redbeard] | Friedrich I. {m} [Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, genannt Barbarossa oder Rotbart] | |
| hist. Frederick II [1220 - 1250 Holy Roman Emperor, called stupor mundi - the wonder of the world] | Friedrich II. {m} [1220 - 1250 Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, genannt stupor mundi - das Staunen der Welt] | |
| gossip chamber [coll.] [Emperor Wilhelm II. on the German parliament] | Schwatzbude {f} [ugs.] [Kaiser Wilhelm II. über den Reichstag] | |
| hist. Hohenstaufen emperor [also: Hohenstaufen Emperor] | Stauferkaiser {m} | |
| hist. Lothair I [Carolingian king and Emperor of the Romans (817/823 - 855)] | Lothar I. {m} [karolingischer König und römischer Kaiser (817/823 - 855)] | |
| hist. Tang emperor [before name: Tang Emperor] | Tang-Kaiser {m} | |
| hist. William II [Emperor of Germany] | Wilhelm II. {m} [Kaiser] | |
3 Words: Others |
| quote Full steam ahead! [German Emperor Wilhelm II] | Volldampf voraus! [Kaiser Wilhelm II.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. (the) flower emperor [coll.] [Francis I, the first Emperor of Austria] | (der) Blumenkaiser {m} [ugs.] [Franz I., Kaiser von Österreich] | |
| hist. Charles the Fat [Charles III, emperor of the Franks] | Karl {m} der Dicke [Karl III., Kaiser des Frankenreichs] | |
| coronation as emperor [also: Emperor] | Kaiserkrönung {f} | |
| hist. pol. Haile Selassie I [Emperor of Ethiopia] | Haile Selassie I. {m} [Kaiser von Äthiopien] | |
| hist. Leo the Isaurian [Byzantine emperor] | Leon {m} der Isaurier [byzantin. Kaiser] | |
| hist. Louis the Blind [Louis III, Holy Roman Emperor] | Ludwig {m} der Blinde [Ludwig III., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs] | |
| hist. Louis the Pious [Louis I, emperor of the Franks] | Ludwig {m} der Fromme [Ludwig I., Kaiser des Frankenreiches] | |
| hist. Philip the Arab [Roman emperor] | Philippus Arabs {m} | |
| hist. mil. the Imperial forces [forces of the Emperor, esp. in the Thirty Years War] | die Kaiserlichen {pl} [ugs.] [Truppen, Soldaten] | |
| hist. travel to Rome [of the German elected Kings for the crowning as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire] | Romzug {m} [der gewählten deutschen Könige zur Krönung zum Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| hist. quote (Hail, Caesar,) those who are about to die salute you. [combatants' salute to the Roman emperor] | (Heil dir, Cäsar,) die Todgeweihten grüßen dich. [Kämpfer zum römischen Kaiser] | |
| quote Every French soldier carries a marshal's baton in his knapsack. [Napoleon I, Emperor of the French] | Jeder französische Soldat trägt den Marschallstab im Tornister. | |
| quote Forty centuries look down upon you. [short version] [Napoleon I Emperor of the French] | Vierzig Jahrhunderte blicken auf euch herab. [Kurzversion] | |
| quote It's hard to be emperor under such a chancellor. [attributed to William I, German Emperor] | Es ist nicht leicht, unter einem solchen Kanzler Kaiser zu sein. [auch: Es ist schwer, ...] [Wilhelm I. zugeschrieben] | |
| hist. pol. loyal to the emperor / Emperor {adj} [postpos.] | kaisertreu | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| hist. Frederick III, German Emperor and King of Prussia 1888 [called the ninety-nine day emperor] | Friedrich {m} III. Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preußen 1888 [genannt der Neunundneunzig-Tage-Kaiser] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F Emperor of the North [also: Emperor of the North Pole] [Robert Aldrich] | Ein Zug für zwei Halunken | |
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