| English | German | |
| comm. commercial {adj} [e.g. agency, attaché, city, court, empire] | 237 Handels- [z. B. Agentur, Attaché, Stadt, Gericht, Imperium] | |
Nouns |
| demise [of an institution, empire etc.] | 2584 Niedergang {m} | |
| hist. pol. electorate [territory of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire] | 47 Kurfürstentum {n} | |
| hist. fall [empire etc.] | 45 Untergang {m} | |
| breakup [of a country, empire] | 24 Zusammenbruch {m} | |
| collapse [of an empire, of a family, etc.] | 9 Auseinanderbrechen {n} [eines Weltreichs, einer Familie etc.] | |
| hist. Janissaries [Ottoman Empire] | 8 Janitscharen {pl} [Osmanisches Reich] | |
| hist. archchancellor [of the Holy Roman Empire] | 6 Erzkanzler {m} [des Heiligen Römischen Reiches] | |
| [a (super) state or empire formed by the amalgamation of smaller states] | Staatengebilde {n} | |
| hist. [Austria after the collapse of the Habsburg empire] | Restösterreich {n} | |
| admin. hist. [constitution of the (late) Holy Roman Empire] | Reichskonstitution {f} [Verfassungsordnung des (späten) Heiligen Römischen Reichs] | |
| hist. [organized colonisation of depopulated areas in the Hungarian part of the Habsburg empire in the 18th century] | Schwabenzug {m} | |
| hist. pol. [political representatives of the estates of the realm in the Roman-German Empire] | Landstände {pl} | |
| admin. hist. [prince with the authority to convene the states in his circle] [Holy Roman Empire] | kreisausschreibender Fürst {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich] | |
| hist. [principality within the Holy Roman Empire with an elected rather than hereditary prince] | Wahlstaat {m} | |
| hist. Akkad [the city, the region, and the empire] [also: Akkade, Agade] | Akkad {n} [auch: Akkade] | |
| hist. Alb [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire] | Alba {f} [Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches] | |
| hist. deportation [forced migrations within the Habsburg Empire in the 18th century] | Transmigration {f} [Zwangsumsiedlungen im Habsburgerreich im 18. Jahrhundert] | |
| hist. devshirmeh [Ottoman Empire] | Knabenlese {f} [Osmanisches Reich] | |
| hist. pol. election [in Holy Roman Empire] | Kur {f} [Wahl] [im Heiligen Römischen Reich] | |
| geogr. Georgia <GA> [Peach State, Empire State of the South] | Georgia {n} [US-Bundesstaat] | |
| imaret [public soup kitchen in the Ottoman Empire] | Imaret {f} [osmanisches Armenspeisehaus] | |
| hist. imperium [less common word for: empire] | Weltreich {n} | |
| ethn. inorodtsy {pl} [indigenous, non-Russian people in the Russian Empire] | Fremdstämmige {pl} [im Zarenreich] | |
| geogr. Kirgizia [dated] [part of the Russian Empire] | Kirgisien {n} [veraltet] | |
| hist. Latins [inhabitants of the former western half of the Roman Empire, as seen from Byzantium] | Lateiner {pl} [aus byzantinischer Sicht, Bewohner der ehemaligen westlichen Hälfte des Römischen Reichs] | |
| hist. Lychnapsia [Roman Empire; festival of lamps on August 12] | Lychnapsia {f} [Römisches Reich, ein Irisfest] | |
| hist. pol. Mecklenburg [historically a self-governing territory of the German Empire] | Mecklenburg {n} [vor 1918 ein reichsunmittelbarer Bestandteil des dt. Kaiserreichs] | |
| hist. millet [Ottoman empire] | Millet-System {n} | |
| hist. pasha [title used during the Ottoman Empire] | Pascha {m} [osmanischer Titel, nachgestellt] | |
| hist. Pelusia [Roman Empire; religious festival on March 20] | Pelusia {f} [Römisches Reich, ein Isisfest] | |
| admin. hist. prefecture [administrative authority for part of an empire] | Statthalterei {f} [österr.] | |
| hist. mil. Reichsarmee [the army of the Holy Roman Empire] | Reichsarmee {f} | |
| hist. mil. Reichsmarschall [Imperial Marshal of the armed forces of the Holy Roman Empire] | Reichsmarschall {m} | |
| hist. Reichsregiment [Holy Roman Empire] | Reichsregiment {n} | |
| hist. Rumelia [or Rumeli] [European part of the Ottoman Empire] | Rumelien {n} [Europäischer Teil des Osmanischen Reiches] | |
| hist. Theophanu [Empress of the Holy Roman Empire, wife of Otto II] | Theophanu {f} [Kaiserin des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, Frau Ottos II.] | |
| hist. mil. Timur [Mongolian military leader, founder of the Timurid Empire] | Timur {m} [mongolischer Militärführer, Begründer des Timuriden-Reichs] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| hist. hunting spec. animal hunts [venationes] [Roman Empire] | Tierhetzen {pl} | |
| hist. arch-office [also imperial arch-office, Holy Roman Empire] | Erzamt {n} [auch Reichserzamt, Heiliges Römisches Reich] | |
| hist. Armored Diet [Am.] [Holy Roman Empire 1547-1548] | geharnischter Reichstag {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich 1547-1548] | |
| hist. Armoured Diet [Br.] [Holy Roman Empire 1547-1548] | geharnischter Reichstag {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich 1547-1548] | |
| hist. Armoured Reichstag [Br.] [Holy Roman Empire 1547-1548] | geharnischter Reichstag {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich 1547-1548] | |
| hist. Arsacid Empire [also: Arsacid empire] | Arsakidenreich {n} | |
| hist. Austrian Circle [Holy Roman Empire] | Österreichischer Reichskreis {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich] | |
| hist. Bavarian Circle [Holy Roman Empire] | Bayerischer Reichskreis {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich] | |
| hist. blood tax [Ottoman Empire] | Knabenlese {f} [Osmanisches Reich] | |
| hist. blood tax [Ottoman Empire] | Türken-Blutzoll {m} [Osmanisches Reich] | |
| hist. Burgundian Circle [Holy Roman Empire] | Burgundischer Reichskreis {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich] | |
| hist. Carolingian Empire [also: Carolingian empire] | Karolingerreich {n} | |
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