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English-German translation for: [Europe]
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Dictionary English German: [Europe]

Translation 1 - 50 of 50

English German
geogr. Continental {adj} [from the mainland of Europe]aus Kontinentaleuropa [nachgestellt]
econ. geogr. EMEA {adj} [Europe, the Middle East and Africa]EMEA- [Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika]
econ. geogr. EMEA [Europe, the Middle East and Africa]
EMEA {f} [Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika]
travel [trip through Europe]
Europareise {f}
geogr. Georgia <.ge> [in Europe]
Georgien {n}
travel [trip to Europe]
Europareise {f}
acad. educ. commercium [traditional academic feast of student fraternities at universities in Central and Northern Europe]
Kommers {m}
hist. fee [in feudal Europe - the land granted by a lord to his vassal]
Lehen {n}
agr. hist. [German term for a historical system of agriculture used in various places in Europe]
Flurzwang {m}
corporation [feudal Europe]
Zunft {f}
drugs pharm. ephedrone [primarily in Europe for methcathinone]
Ephedron {n} [Methcathinon]
archaeo. archi. longhouse [N. America, Europe, Far East]
Langhaus {n} [Nordamerika, Europa, Ferner Osten]
educ. [general higher education entrance qualification in Europe]allgemeine Hochschulreife {f} [Abitur; österr., schweiz: Matura]
mil. pol. [supporter of close relations between Europe and the US]Atlantiker {m} [ugs.]
econ. hist. Gründerzeit [economic epoch in Central Europe ending in the 1873 stockmarket crash]Gründerzeit {f}
hist. relig. Landrabbiner [rabbi in Central Europe with regional jurisdiction]Landrabbiner {m}
2 Words: Others
after travelling ... {adv} [e.g. through Europe]nach Reisen ... [z. B. durch Europa]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Alpine towns [in Europe]Alpenstädte {pl}
hist. mil. pol. cabinet war [type of war in Europe during the period of absolute monarchies]Kabinettskrieg {m} [Typus des Krieges in Europa während der Epoche des Absolutismus]
hist. mil. pol. cabinet wars [type of war in Europe during the period of absolute monarchies]Kabinettskriege {pl} [Typus des Krieges in Europa während der Epoche des Absolutismus]
geogr. pol. CEE region [Central and Eastern Europe]MOEL-Region {f} [mittel- und osteuropäische Länder]
hist. pol. eastern policy [toward the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe]Ostpolitik {f}
med. English sweat [contagious disease in 15th-16th century Europe]Englisches Schweißfieber {n}
relig. God's corner [in a Christian house, esp. in Europe]Herrgottswinkel {m}
hist. Jewish emancipation [in 18th-19th century Europe]Judenemanzipation {f}
geogr. northeastern Europe [also: Northeastern Europe]Nordosteuropa {n}
geogr. Northwest Europe [Northwestern Europe]Nordwesteuropa {n}
acad. hist. spec. Old Europe [also: old Europe] [pre-industrial Europe, before the Age of Enlightenment]Alteuropa {n} [vor der Aufklärung, vorindustriell]
hist. Ottoman Wars [in Europe]Türkenkriege {pl}
econ. hist. price revolution [16th cent. Europe]Preisrevolution {f}
archi. rural Baroque [in central Europe]Bauernbarock {m} {n}
geogr. Southern Europe [also: southern Europe]Südeuropa {n}
econ. triad markets [the three developed markets of Japan, North America and Europe]Triademärkte {pl} [Europa, USA, Japan]
archaeo. hist. Urnfield period [protohistoric period in Central Europe]Urnenfelderzeit {f} [Periode der mitteleuropäischen Frühgeschichte, ca. 1300 bis 800 v. Chr.]
hist. mil. VE Day [also: V-E Day] [Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945]Tag {m} der Befreiung [Ende des 2. Weltkriegs in Europa, 8. Mai 1945]
3 Words: Others
geogr. in Central Europe {adv} [also: in central Europe]im mitteleuropäischen Raum
3 Words: Nouns
hist. med. (English) sweating sickness [contagious disease in 15th-16th century Europe]Englisches Schweißfieber {n}
hist. mil. American Expeditionary Forces <AEF> [U.S. armed forces in Europe during WW I]American Expeditionary Force <AEF> [US Expeditionskorps in Europa während des 1. WK]
econ. geogr. Blue / Hot Banana [discontinuous corridor of urbanisation in Western Europe]Blaue Banane {f} [Megalopolis]
educ. relig. candidate of theology <cand. theol.> [Russia and eastern Europe, equiv. to a PhD.]Kandidat {m} der Theologie <cand. theol.> [Russland und Osteuropa, entspr. einem PhD]
hist. Edict of Restitution [Europe, 1629]Restitutionsedikt {n}
hist. mil. pol. Great Nordic War [Europe, 1700 - 1721]Großer Nordischer Krieg {m} [Europa, 1700 - 1721]
fin. special-purpose vehicle <SPV> [esp. in Europe]Zweckgesellschaft {f}
law mil. pol. three-finger salute [a hand gesture that is used in central Europe when swearing an oath]Schwurhand {f}
4 Words: Others
on a Europe trip {adv} [travelling through Europe]auf (einer) Europareise
traffic road narrows on nearside [Br.] [road sign in continental Europe]rechts verengte Fahrbahn {f} [Verkehrszeichen auf dem europäischen Kontinent]
traffic road narrows on offside [Br.] [road sign in continental Europe]links verengte Fahrbahn [Verkehrszeichen auf dem europäischen Kontinent]
4 Words: Nouns
constr. external wall insulation system <EWIS> [Europe]Thermohaut {f} [ugs.] [Wärmedämmverbundsystem]
constr. external wall insulation system <EWIS> [Europe]Wärmedämmverbundsystem {n} <WDVS, WDV-System>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
games F Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call [Europe]Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms
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