| English | German | |
| dead {adj} [empty (bottle, glass)] | 330 leer [Flasche, Glas] | |
| milk {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bottle, bar, chocolate, allergy, teeth] | 125 Milch- [z. B. Flasche, Bar, Schokolade, Allergie, Zähne] | |
| medicine {adj} [attr.] [e.g. ball, cabinet, bottle, man] | 25 Medizin- [z. B. Ball, Schrank, Flasche, Mann] | |
Verbs |
| to uncap [bottle] | 15 öffnen [Flasche] | |
| to uncap sth. [a bottle] | 11 etw.Akk. aufmachen [leicht ugs.] [eine Flasche] | |
| to break into sth. [to start to consume supplies, a bottle, a big banknote] | etw.Akk. anreißen [ugs.] [anbrechen] [Vorräte, eine Flasche, einen großen Geldschein zu verbrauchen beginnen] | |
| to have emptied sth. [e.g. plate, bottle] | etw.Akk. aushaben [ugs.] [regional] [leer gegessen / getrunken haben, z. B. Teller, Flasche] | |
| gastr. to finish sth. (off) [wine etc.] | etw. austrinken [(Flasche) Wein etc.] | |
| to open sth. [bottle, door, package] | etw. uffmachen [bes. berlinerisch: aufmachen] [Flasche, Tür, Paket] | |
| to screw the lid / top on sth. [jar, flask] | etw. zuschrauben [Glas, Flasche] | |
Nouns |
| brewski [sl.] | 31 [eine Flasche, Dose oder ein Glas Bier] | |
| unit fifth [Am.] | 8 [US-Ausdruck f. eine Flasche, die 1/5 Gallone Spirituosen enthält; entspricht ungefähr einer 0,75-l-Flasche] | |
| gastr. oenol. Rehoboam [4.5-litre bottle] | 7 Rehoboam {f} [4,5-Liter-Flasche] | |
| oenol. fiasco [straw-covered bottle for wine, esp. for Chianti] | 6 Fiasco {m} [mit Stroh umflochtene Flasche für Chianti] | |
| bocksbeutel | 5 Bocksbeutel {m} [besondere Flasche für Frankenwein] | |
| forty [Am.] [coll.] | [amerikanische 1,18-l-Flasche] | |
| forty-ounce [Am.] [coll.] | [amerikanische 1,18-Liter-Flasche] | |
| pharm. medicine bottle | Arzneimittelflasche {f} [auch: Arzneimittel-Flasche] | |
| gastr. tools (bottle) pourer | Ausgießer {m} [auf einer Flasche] | |
| gastr. optic™ [Br.] | Ausguss {m} [bei Flasche, um Menge zu messen] | |
| gastr. oenol. balthazar [12-litre bottle] | Balthasar {f} [12-Liter-Flasche] | |
| swing top | Bügelverschluss {m} [einer Flasche] | |
| neck of the bottle | Flaschenhals {m} [Hals der Flasche] | |
| neck of a bottle | Flaschenhals {m} [Hals einer Flasche] | |
| contents {pl} of the bottle | Flascheninhalt {m} [Inhalt der Flasche] | |
| contents {pl} of a bottle | Flascheninhalt {m} [Inhalt einer Flasche] | |
| gastr. oenol. goliath [18-litre bottle] | Goliath {f} [18-Liter-Flasche] | |
| gastr. earthenware bottle [e.g. the original German Steinhäger / Schinkenhäger gin bottles] | Kruke {f} [längliche Flasche aus braunem Steinzeug; z. B. Steinhäger Kruke] | |
| long-necked bottle | Langhalsflasche {f} [auch: Langhals-Flasche] | |
| gastr. oenol. melchior [18-litre bottle] | Melchior {f} [18-Liter-Flasche] | |
| gastr. oenol. methuselah [6-litre bottle] | Methusalem {f} [6-Liter-Flasche] | |
| brew bottle of beer | Molle {f} [berlinerisch: Flasche Bier] [ugs.] | |
| gastr. oenol. nebuchadnezzar [15-litre bottle] | Nebukadnezar {f} [15-Liter-Flasche] | |
| oenol. [quarter-size bottle of champagne] | Piccolo {m} [ugs.] [kleine Flasche Sekt] | |
| oenol. [quarter-size bottle of champagne] | Pikkolo {f} [Rsv.] [kurz für: Pikkoloflasche, kleine Flasche Sekt] | |
| oenol. remuage [shaking of champaign bottles] | Remuage {f} [Rüttelung des Sekts etc. in der Flasche] | |
| screw plug | Schraubverschluss {m} [Flasche] | |
| screw top | Schraubverschluss {m} [Flasche] | |
| brew stubby [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [short-necked beer bottle] | Stubbi {f} [Steinie-Flasche] | |
| bottle top | Verschluss {m} [von Flasche] | |
| oenol. wine bottle | Weinflasche {f} [(leere) Flasche für Wein] | |
2 Words: Others |
| sb. unstops sth. | jd. macht etw. auf [Flasche etc.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to let sth. go round [cup, bottle, etc.] [poet.] | etw. kreisen lassen [Pokal, Flasche etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| pull [at / from a bottle] | (kräftiger) Schluck {m} [aus einer Flasche] | |
| swig [coll.] [at / from a bottle] | (kräftiger) Schluck {m} [aus einer Flasche] | |
| math. Klein bottle [also: bottle of Klein] | kleinscher Schlauch {m} [kleinsche Flasche] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to take a swig [coll.] [from the bottle] | einen Zug nehmen [aus der Flasche] | |
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