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|  |
 | nucl. tech. to bleed [fluid] | 130 ablassen [Fluid] |  |
 | med. to aspirate [fluid, liquid] | 106 absaugen |  |
 | to float [move slowly on fluid] | 10 dahinsegeln [schweben] |  |
 | med. to cannulate sth. [insert a cannula, as for draining off fluid] | eine Punktion des / der ... vornehmen [kanülieren] |  |
 | to dab sth. [fluid] | mit etw.Dat. einpinseln |  |
Nouns |
 | entrainment | 69 Aufnahme {f} [allg. von Partikeln in ein Fluid] |  |
 | squirter [coll.] [mostly vulg.] [woman who is gushing fluid during orgasm] | 58 Spritzerin {f} [ugs.] [selten, wenn nicht vulg.] [noch seltener auch Abspritzerin] |  |
 | issue [discharge of fluid] | 42 Austritt {m} [Austreten von Flüssigkeit] |  |
 | diffusion [light, heat, rays, fluid, etc.] | 40 Ausbreitung {f} |  |
 | tackiness [of a fluid, e.g. paint] | 18 Viskosität {f} [einer Flüssigkeit] |  |
 | unit gill [5 fluid ounces, ¼ pint] | 9 Gill {n} [0,142 Liter] |  |
 | med. waters {pl} [amniotic fluid, especially as discharged in a flow shortly before birth] | 7 Fruchtwasser {n} [das beim Blasensprung abfließt] |  |
 | anat. audio VetMed. utriculus [the larger of the two fluid-filled cavities forming part of the labyrinth of the inner ear] | Utriculus {m} [das große Vorhofsäckchen] [Teil des Vestibularorgans] |  |
 | whiteout [also: white-out] [esp. Br.] [white correction fluid] | Tipp-Ex® {n} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | sth. pops out [fluid, gas, etc.] | etw. saut raus [ugs.] [südd.] [bei Flüssigem oder Gasförmigem: quillt plötzlich hervor, schießt heraus] |  |
 | sth. shoots out [fluid, gas, etc.] | etw. saut raus [ugs.] [südd.] [bei Flüssigem oder Gasförmigem: quillt plötzlich hervor, schießt heraus] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | constr. hydro. phys. to attach (to sth.) [fluid mechanics] | sich (an etw.Akk.) anlegen [Strömungslehre] |  |
 | to draw sth. up [fluid] | etw.Akk. aufziehen [aufsaugen] |  |
 | to Tippex™ sth. (out) [delete sth. with correction fluid] | etw. austippexen [ugs.] [etw. mit Hilfe von Korrekturflüssigkeit korrigieren] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | med. ascitis fluid [rare] [ascitic fluid] | Aszitesflüssigkeit {f} |  |
 | phys. attached flow [fluid mechanics] | anliegende Strömung {f} [Strömungslehre] |  |
 | phys. Bernoulli's principle [fluid dynamics] | Strömung {f} nach Bernoulli und Venturi |  |
 | anat. biol. brain fluid [liquor cerebrospinalis] [cerebrospinal fluid] | Gehirnwasser {n} [ugs.] [Zerebrospinalflüssigkeit] |  |
 | anat. biol. cerebrospinal fluid <CSF> [Liquor cerebrospinalis] [cerebrospinal fluid] | Nervenwasser {n} [Zerebrospinalflüssigkeit] |  |
 | tech. closed circuit [of fluid systems] | geschlossener Kreislauf {m} |  |
 | unit fluid dram <fl dr, ƒ 3, fʒ> [also: fluid drachm, fluidram or fluidrachm] | flüssiges Dram {n} [auch: Flüssigdrachme] |  |
 | phys. fluid dynamics [usually treated as sg.] [fluid mechanics] | Strömungslehre {f} |  |
 | unit fluid ounce [Am.] [US fluid ounce] <fl oz, fl. oz.> | flüssige Unze {f} [29,57 ml] |  |
 | unit fluid ounce [Br.] [imperial fluid ounce] <fl oz, fl. oz.> | flüssige Unze {f} [ca. 28,41 ml] |  |
 | phys. pressure surge [fluid hammer] | Druckstoß {m} [Wasserhammer] |  |
 | primary flow [fluid dynamics] | Primärströmung {f} [Strömungslehre] |  |
 | secondary flow [fluid dynamics] | Querströmung {f} [Strömungslehre] |  |
 | secondary flow [fluid dynamics] | Sekundärströmung {f} [Strömungslehre] |  |
 | tech. stagnation pressure [fluid dynamics] | Ruhedruck {m} [Stagnationsdruck] |  |
 | white-out [correction fluid] [Am.] | weißes Korrekturmittel {n} |  |
 | window cleaner [cleaning fluid] | Fensterputzmittel {n} |  |
 | window cleaner [cleaning fluid] | Scheibenreiniger {m} |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | anat. zool. (cerebral) spinal fluid [Liquor cerebrospinalis] [cerebrospinal fluid] | Nervenwasser {n} [Zerebrospinalflüssigkeit] |  |
 | de-icing solution [fluid] | Enteisungsflüssigkeit {f} |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | chem. engin. water-mixed metalworking fluid [cutting fluid] | wassergemischter Kühlschmierstoff {m} [Bohrmilch] |  |
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