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English-German translation for: [Fossillagerstätten-Typ]
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Dictionary English German: [Fossillagerstätten Typ]

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geol. obrution depositVerschüttungslagerstätte {f} [Fossillagerstätten-Typ]
Partial Matches
med. type 3 hypersensitivity [also: type III hypersensitivity]Allergie {f} vom Typ 3 [auch: Allergie vom Typ III] [Immunkomplex-Typ]
med. Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy <CMT neuropathy> [HMSN I, HMSN 1, HMSN Typ 1]hereditäre motorisch-sensible Neuropathie {f} Typ 1 <HMSN I, HMSN 1, HMSN Typ 1>
travel leisure house [A. public leisure center/centre, B. type of private house in one's garden, C. type of private house, e.g. in a holiday-home area]Freizeithaus {n} [A. öffentliches Haus mit Freizeitangeboten für alle, B. Typ von Gartenhaus, C. Typ von Ferienhaus]
mesomorphAthlet {m} [athletischer Typ]
cool {adj} [coll.]fetzig [ugs.] [Typ]
kidney [fig.]Art {f} [Schlag, Typ]
run [type]Art {f} [Sorte, Typ]
bike sports dirt bikeGeländefahrrad {n} [spezieller Typ]
comp. tag typeTagtyp {m} [Kennzeichnungs-Typ]
Mark <Mk, M> [+ Nr.][Typ, Modell]
dent. impression plasterAbdruckgips {m} [Typ 1 / Klasse I]
dent. alabaster gypsumAlabastergips {m} [Typ 2 / Klasse II]
med. senile osteoporosis <SO>Altersosteoporose {f} [Typ-II-Osteoporose]
pear (body) shapeBirnenform {f} [Figurtyp: A-Typ]
pear body typeBirnentyp {f} [Figurtyp: A-Typ]
dent. model plasterModellgips {m} [Typ 2 / Klasse II]
git [Br.] [coll.]Penner {m} [ugs.] [widerlicher Typ]
med. type 2 diabetesAltersdiabetes {m} [veraltet] [Typ-2-Diabetes]
med. type 2 diabetesErwachsenendiabetes {m} [veraltet] [Typ-2-Diabetes]
electr. latchKlinkenschalter {m} [Flipflop-Typ, taktpegelgesteuerter Baustein (nicht flankengesteuert)]
frood [sl.] [nonsense word, alien slang] [guy, dude][Typ, Kerl]
dent. dental stone [hard stone plaster]Hartgips {m} [Typ 3 / Klasse III]
med. linguofacial dysplasia [Dysplasia linguofacialis]linguofaziale Dysplasie {f} [OFD-Syndrom, Typ 1]
dent. dental stone high strengthverbesserter Hartgips {m} [Typ 4 / Klasse IV]
med. X-linked agammaglobulinaemia <XLA> [Br.]Bruton-Syndrom {n} [Agammaglobulinämie vom Bruton-Typ]
med. X-linked agammaglobulinemia <XLA> [Am.]Bruton-Syndrom {n} [Agammaglobulinämie vom Bruton-Typ]
med. cytotoxic hypersensitivity [type II hypersensitivity]Typ-II-Allergie {f} [auch: Typ-2-Allergie]
med. delayed-type hypersensitivity [type 4 hypersensitivity]Allergie {f} vom verzögerten Typ [Spät-Typ]
med. delayed-type hypersensitivity [type 4 hypersensitivity]Typ-4-Allergie {f} [auch: Typ-IV-Allergie]
med. type 3 allergy [type III allergy]Typ-III-Allergie {f} [auch: Typ-3-Allergie]
wallah [coll.] [from Hindi]Typ {m} [ugs.] [Person] [in Kombinationen, z.B.: Versicherungstyp, FDP-Typ]
apple (body) shape [V-type]Apfelform {f} [Figurtyp: V-Typ]
apple body type [V-type]Apfeltyp {m} [Figurtyp: V-Typ]
tech. typeType {f} [bes. österr. für: Typ, z. B. Gerätetype]
med. postmenopausal osteoporosis <PMO>postmenopausale Osteoporose {f} <PMO> [Typ-I-Osteoporose]
med. delayed-type allergy [type IV]Spättyp-Allergie {f} [Typ IV]
cute {adj} [guy, puppy, etc.]knuffig [ugs.] [Typ, Mann, Hundebaby etc.]
sociol. conjugal familykonjugale Familie {f} [Gattenfamilie, der moderne Typ der Kernfamilie]
stuck-up prig [coll.] [pej.]feiner Pinkel {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [hochnäsiger Typ]
med. immediate hypersensitivity reaction [type 1 hypersensitivity]allergische Sofortreaktion {f} [Allergie vom Typ 1]
med. immune complex type [type 3 hypersensitivity]Immunkomplex-Typ {m} [Allergie vom Typ 3]
anat. biol. red fibres [Br.] [type I fibres]langsame Muskelfasern {pl} [ST- / Typ-I-Fasern]
med. fetal akinesia deformation sequence <FADS>fetale Akinesie-Deformationssequenz {f} <FADS> [Pena-Shokeir-Syndrom, Typ I]
med. type 1 allergic reaction [immediate hypersensitivity reaction]allergische Reaktion {f} vom Typ 1 [Sofort-Typ]
med. type 2 allergic reaction [cytotoxic hypersensitivity reaction]allergische Reaktion {f} vom Typ 2 [zytotoxischer Typ]
bloke [Br.] [coll.] [only in combination with an adj.] [pej.]Knochen {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Typ, Kerl]
med. Thygeson's superficial punctate keratopathy <TSPK>Thygeson-Keratitis {f} [auch: Keratitis superficialis punctata Typ Fuchs-Thygeson]
med. latent autoimmune diabetes in / of adults <LADA>LADA {m} [eine Form des Typ-1-Diabetes im Erwachsenalter]
med. Kennedy's / Kennedy disease [spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy]Kennedy-Krankheit {f} [spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie Typ Kennedy]
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