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English-German translation for: [GDR]
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Dictionary English German: [GDR]

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

English German
hist. law [fleeing or having fled from the GDR] {adj}
republikflüchtig [DDR]
hist. pol. [ceremony in which teenagers are given adult social status, esp. in the former GDR]
Jugendweihe {f}
[nostalgia for the supposed delights of the GDR]
Ostalgie {f} [ugs.]
law [flight from the GDR]
Republikflucht {f} [DDR]
hist. [children's section of youth organisation in GDR]Junge Pioniere {pl}
geogr. hist. pol. [coll. , often pej., West German term for Germany's Soviet Occupation Zone, and then the GDR]Zone {f} [ugs.] [bundesd.] [kurz für: Sowjetische Besatzungszone (SBZ), später auch pej. für: DDR]
geogr. hist. pol. [coll. , often pej.: West German term for Germany's Soviet Occupation Zone, and then the GDR]Ostzone {f} [ugs.] [bundesd.] [kurz für: Sowjetische Besatzungszone (SBZ), später auch pej. für: DDR]
hist. [furniture shop of the HO trading organisation in the GDR]HO-Möbelhaus {n} [Möbelhaus der Handelsorganisation in der DDR]
hist. [heavy labour bonus: supplementary food ration for manual workers during WWII Germany, in work and concentration camps as well as later in the early GDR]Schwerarbeiterzulage {f} [Zusätzliche Essensration]
hist. pol. [In the GDR: pej. for a form of Social Democracy with anti-communist, pro-capitalist leanings]Sozialdemokratismus {m}
weapons [NPA of the former GDR, man-portable soviet-built recoilless antitank rocket launcher]Panzerbüchse {f} <RPG>
hist. philat. [official mail in the GDR between government agencies and industries]Zentraler Kurierdienst {m} <ZKD> [in der DDR]
hist. [programme to develop a socialist culture in GDR]Bitterfelder Weg {m}
hist. [secluded area in which the Russian occupants lived and worked in the former GDR]Russenstädtchen {n} [ugs.] [in der ehemal. DDR]
admin. tech. [technical standards in the former GDR, 1955-1990]Technische Normen, Gütevorschriften und Lieferbedingungen <TGL> [DDR]
hist. journ. [television newscast program of the GDR]Aktuelle Kamera {f} [Nachrichtensendung des DDR-Fernsehens]
geogr. pol. [territory of the former GDR as part of reunited Germany]Beitrittsgebiet {n} [Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR seit der Wiedervereinigung]
[tongue-in-cheek term for Christmas used in the former GDR]Jahresendzeitfest {n} [DDR-Sprachgebrauch] [hum.] [Weihnachten]
[tongue-in-cheek term for Santa Claus in the former GDR]Jahresendzeitmann {m} [hum.] [DDR-Sprachgebrauch]
film hist. DEFA [publicly owned film studio in the GDR]Deutsche Film-Aktiengesellschaft {f} <Deutsche Film AG> <DEFA>
hist. Volkspolizist [GDR]Volkspolizist {m} [DDR]
hist. Vopo [a member of the Volkspolizei (People's Police)] [GDR]Vopo {m} [ugs.] [kurz für: Volkspolizist] [DDR]
hist. Vopo [short for: Volkspolizei (People's Police)] [GDR]Vopo {f} [ugs.] [kurz für: Volkspolizei] [DDR]
2 Words: Nouns
hist. agricultural cooperative [GDR]Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft {f} <LPG> [DDR]
jobs border guard [hist.: in GDR; now: in Bavaria]Grenzpolizist {m}
hist. community policeman [in the GDR]Abschnittsbevollmächtigter {m} <ABV> [in der DDR]
hist. law conflict commission [GDR judiciary]Konfliktkommission {f} <KK> [DDR-Justiz]
med. county hospital [Am.] [in Austria and former GDR]Bezirkskrankenhaus {n} [österr.] [auch frühere DDR] [veraltet Deutschland]
district capital [in the former GDR]Bezirksstadt {f}
district committee [in GDR]Kreisleitung {f}
hist. mil. fighting reserve [GDR-term]Kampfreserve {f} [DDR-Begriff]
curr. hist. Forum Cheque [Br.] [a form of hard currency in the GDR]Forumscheck {m}
pol. ground organisation [esp. Br.] [esp. in the GDR]Grundorganisation {f} <GO>
law penal institution [in the GDR]Strafvollzugseinrichtung {f} <StVE> [in der DDR]
hist. mil. naut. People's Navy [GDR]Volksmarine {f} <VM> [DDR]
hist. People's Police [GDR]Volkspolizei {f} <VP> [DDR]
hist. pol. Soviet Zone [also Russian Zone] [1945 - 1949; precursor of the GDR]Sowjetzone {f} [(Russische) Zone] [Vorläufer der DDR]
chem. cloth. synthetic polyamide [GDR trademark]Dederon {f}
3 Words: Nouns
comm. econ. hist. (administered) retail price [GDR]Einzelhandelsverkaufspreis {m} <EVP> [auch Endverbraucherpreis] [DDR]
hist. mil. Barracked People's Police [GDR, forerunner of the National People's Army]Kasernierte Volkspolizei {f} <KVP> [DDR, Vorläuferin der Nationalen Volksarmee]
hist. Free German Youth [official youth organisation in the GDR]Freie Deutsche Jugend {f} <FDJ>
agr. hist. machine lending station [GDR]Maschinen-Ausleih-Station {f} <MAS> [DDR]
hist. mil. National People's Army [GDR]Nationale Volksarmee {f} <NVA> [DDR]
hist. pol. nationally owned enterprise [GDR]volkseigener Betrieb {m} <VEB> [DDR]
hist. pol. people-owned enterprise [GDR]volkseigener Betrieb {m} <VEB> [DDR]
hist. people-owned property [GDR]volkseigenes Gut {n} <VEG> [DDR]
hist. mil. People's Police Air [GDR, part of the Barracked People's Police and forerunner of the air force of the NPA]Volkspolizei {f} Luft <VP-Luft> [DDR, Teil der KVP und Vorläufer der Luftstreitkräfte der NVA]
hist. mil. People's Police Sea [GDR, part of the Barracked People's Police and forerunner of the People's Navy of the NPA]Volkspolizei {f} See <VP-See> [DDR, Teil der KVP und Vorläufer der Volksmarine der NVA]
hist. pol. publicly owned operation [GDR] [or enterprise]volkseigener Betrieb {m} <VEB> [DDR]
pol. state security files [of the GDR]Stasi-Akten {pl} [auch: Stasiakten]
hist. youth dedication (ceremony) [in the GDR, but also earlier and later]Jugendweihe {f} [in der DDR, aber auch früher und später]
youth initiation (ceremony) [in the GDR, but also earlier and later]Jugendweihe {f} [in der DDR, aber auch früher und später]
4 Words: Others
hist. Be ready! - Always ready! [Pioneers' slogan in the GDR]Seid bereit! - Immer bereit! [Pioniergruß in der DDR]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. army air defence forces {pl} [Br.] [NPA of the former GDR]Truppenluftabwehr {f} <TLA> [NVA]
hist. mil. Barracked People's Police (-ground) [GDR, part of the Barracked People's Police and forerunner of the ground forces of the NPA]Kasernierte Volkspolizei {f} (-Land) <KVP(-Land)> [DDR, Teil der KVP und Vorläufer der Landstreitkräfte der NVA]
agr. hist. Machine and Tractor Station <MTS> [GDR]Maschinen-Traktoren-Station {f} <MTS> [DDR]
hist. pol. workers' and peasants' state [GDR]Arbeiter- und Bauernstaat {m} [DDR]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. pol. Unverified Chairman of the State Council [GDR]Staatsratsvorsitzender {m}
hist. pol. Unverified Chairman of the State Council [title of the GDR]Staatsratsvorsitzender {m} [Titel der DDR]
hist. mil. naut. Command of the People's Navy [National People's Army of the former GDR]Kommando {n} Volksmarine <KdoVM> [NVA]
agr. hist. district company for farm / agricultural machinery [GDR]Kreisbetrieb {m} für Landtechnik <KfL> [DDR]
admin. face-to-face criticism session [GDR-term]Aussprache {f} [DDR-Begriff]
the newly formed German states [formerly GDR]die neuen Bundesländer {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Risen from the Ruins [GDR anthem]Auferstanden aus Ruinen [DDR-Hymne]
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