| English  | German |  |
 | law pol. national {adj} [dimensioned for or valid in all Austria or Germany] | 29 bundeseinheitlich |  |
 | law ["Federal law overrides state law." - Article 31, Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany; similar to the rule "Federal law supersedes state law." in the U.S. Constitution] | Bundesrecht bricht Landesrecht. [Artikel 31, Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland] |  |
 | [acronym for Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH) and South Tyrol (S)] | DACHS [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Südtirol] |  |
 | [Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)] | DACH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz] |  |
 | [Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)] | D-A-CH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz] |  |
 | ling. [German as spoken in Germany, not including South Germany] {adj} | piefkinesisch [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | [German as spoken in Germany, not including South Germany] {adj} | piefkonisch [österr.] [ugs.] [bundesdeutsch] |  |
 | Münsteran {adj} [rare] [of or from the city of Münster, Germany] | Münsteraner |  |
 | geogr. Uckermark {adj} [attr.] [of a region of the same name in northeast Germany] | uckermärkisch |  |
Verbs |
 | [a hoax foreign word created in Germany in the first half of the 20th century] | repunsieren |  |
 | [to live in hiding or with a false identity] [esp. of Jews in Nazi-Germany] | als U-Boot leben [fig.] |  |
 | [to press one's thumbs / thumb (for sb.)] [literally] [hand gesture in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, etc., meaning to keep one's fingers crossed (for sb.)] | (jdm.) die / den Daumen halten [ugs.] [Redensart] |  |
 | [to survive by hiding or with a false identity] [esp. of Jews in Nazi-Germany] | als U-Boot überleben [fig.] |  |
Nouns |
 | gastr. [type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland] | 1850 Leberkäse {m} |  |
 | admin. state [in Germany or Austria] | 344 Bundesland {n} |  |
 | ethn. German [male person from Germany] | 237 Deutscher {m} |  |
 | ethn. German [female person from Germany] | 156 Deutsche {f} |  |
 | educ. Abitur [secondary school leaving examination] [in Germany] | 110 Abitur {n} |  |
 | sociol. [working poor receiving top-up benefit in Germany] | 91 Aufstocker {pl} [ugs.] |  |
 | mayor [of big cities in Germany] | 63 Oberbürgermeister {m} <OB> |  |
 | admin. state [in Germany or Austria] | 54 Land {n} [Bundesland] |  |
 | Oktoberfest [annual festival in Munich, Germany] | 24 Oktoberfest {n} |  |
 | gastarbeiter [an immigrant worker, especially one who came to the former West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s] | 23 Gastarbeiter {m} |  |
 | [ethnic German immigrant to Germany] | 20 Aussiedler {m} |  |
 | law situs [e.g. property that has a situs in Germany] | 20 Belegenheit {f} |  |
 | hist. coordination [cf. forcible-coordination] [Nazi Germany] | 19 Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie] |  |
 | admin. [federal child support for needy families in Germany] | 17 Kinderzuschlag {m} |  |
 | Germans [inhabitants of Germany] | 17 Bundesbürger {pl} [als Synonym für Deutsche] |  |
 | hist. [years of rapid industrial expansion in Germany at the end of the 19th century] | 12 Gründerzeit {f} |  |
 | law [provincial high court and court of appeal in Germany] | 11 Oberlandesgericht {n} <OLG> |  |
 | pol. acad. [federal research ministry in Germany] | 9 Bundesforschungsministerium {n} |  |
 | hist. [political, social and economic agreements made between West Germany and some Eastern bloc countries in the early 1970s] | 9 Ostverträge {pl} |  |
 | econ. hist. spec. Methodenstreit [methodological debate in economics in Germany and Austria, 1880-1900] | 9 Methodenstreit {m} [Carl Menger, Gustav von Schmoller] |  |
 | hist. [citizenship law in Nazi Germany] | 8 Reichsbürgergesetz {n} |  |
 | sports [competitive tennis matches in Germany] | 8 Medenspiele {pl} |  |
 | [person from Northern Germany, especially Hamburg] | 8 Fischkopp {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | educ. [senior school authority, Germany] | 8 Oberschulamt {n} |  |
 | film [first showing in Germany] | 7 Deutschlandstart {m} |  |
 | [in Germany, the amount of wealth a Hartz IV claimant is allowed to keep] | 7 Schonvermögen {n} |  |
 | hist. law [person legally considered a Jew in Nazi Germany] | 7 Geltungsjude {m} |  |
 | archi. hist. TrVocab. Drususstein [Drususstone in the Mainz Citadel, Germany] | 7 Drususstein {m} |  |
 | gastr. [bell-shaped culinary apple, grown in Germany and Switzerland] | 6 Glockenapfel {m} [Apfelsorte] |  |
 | cloth. sports [jeans jacket, worn by association football fans, esp. in Germany] | 6 Kutte {f} [ugs.] [eine von Fußballfans getragene Fan-Kutte] |  |
 | pol. [recruitment agreements between Germany and Turkey and other South European countries during the Wirtschaftswunder (in force from 1955 to 1973)] | 6 Anwerbeabkommen {n} |  |
 | hist. scrip [treated as sg.] [occupation money after WW II in Germany and Austria] | 6 Dollarscrips {pl} [Spezialgeld für die amerik. Besatzungstruppe nach 1945] |  |
 | jobs law [a special form of unemployment insurance in Germany for employees of bankrupted companies] | 5 Insolvenzgeld {n} |  |
 | law [immigration act for skilled personnel in Germany] | 5 Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz {n} [BRD] |  |
 | [often pejorative nickname for exceedingly eager and convinced National Socialist young men] [Germany, after 1933] | 5 Quex {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.] |  |
 | hist. [period (1871-1873) when many industrial firms were founded in Germany] | 5 Gründerzeit {f} |  |
 | geogr. Erlangen [city in Franconia, Germany] | 5 Erlangen {n} [Stadt in Franken] |  |
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